Zeleni Soylent

Zeleni Soylent 1973


Zemlja je u 2022. godini u potpunosti drugačija od današnje, prije svega zbog prenapućenosti. Populacija New Yorka iznosi vrtoglavih 40 milijuna. Efekt staklenika podigao je temperaturu do same granice izdržljivosti. Kako bi se spriječile goleme migracije, one su onemogućene zakonom. Bogati žive odvojeni od ostalog svijeta u luksuzno uređenim stanovima, u kojima su žene gotovo dio namještaja. No ni oni nisu pošteđeni opće nestašice prirodnih resursa, prije svega hrane. Meso, voće i povrće je vrlo rijetki luksuz pa većina stanovnika jede proizvode korporacije Soylent. Njih najnoviji proizvod je Zeleni Soylent, mala hranjiva pločica koja se navodno proizvodi od rijetke vrste planktona. Detektiv Robert Thorn radi na neobičnom slučaju ubojstva člana Soylent korporacije. Uskoro, detektiv doznaje pravo porijeklo njihovih proizvoda, a to nisu niti planktoni, niti soja kako se do tada mislilo.


Mary Kills People

Mary Kills People 2017


Dr. Mary Harris, a single mother and emergency doctor by day, also moonlights as an underground angel of death - helping terminally ill patients who want to die and slip away on their own terms. So far Mary has managed to stay under the radar; but business is booming, and her double life is getting complicated. When her world starts to unravel, Mary realizes she's going to have to fight dirty if she's going to stay in the killing game.


Best Interests

Best Interests 2023


Marnie has a life-threatening condition. The doctors believe it is in her best interests to be allowed to die, but her loving family disagree. And so begins a fight that will take them through every stage of a legal process, as they struggle to contemplate this huge decision. Who decides? And in whose best interests will it be?



Mayflies 2022


A friendship forged between James and Tully in a small Scottish town in 1986. One weekend, they make a vow to each other to go at life differently. But then, 30 years on, half a life away, the phone rings. Tully has the worst kind of news.


Way to Go

Way to Go 2013


A black comedy about three ordinary guys who find themselves, forced by an extraordinary set of circumstances, into setting up an assisted-suicide business.