Hotel Transilvanija 2

Hotel Transilvanija 2 2015


Za hotel Transilvaniju čini se da su stvari konačno krenule na bolje... Drakulin hotel, koji je od početka kao svoje goste prihvaćao isključivo čudovišta, sada je otvoren i za ljude. Ali ono što sada najviše muči našeg omiljenog Drakulu je njegova ozbiljna zabrinutost da njegov preslatki unuk (koji je zapravo pola čovjek, a pola vampir) ne pokazuje znakove pravog vampira. Dok se Mavis nalazi u posjeti kod Johnnyjevih roditelja gdje je očekuje pravi kulturalni šok, Drakula moli za pomoć svoje prijatelje Franka, Murrayja, Waynea i Griffina kako bi sa svojim unukom Dennisom prošao kroz "vampirski trening". Međutim nitko od njih nije svjestan činjenice da Drakulin stari i vrlo, vrlo, vrlo, vrlo, vrlo staromodni otac Vlad dolazi u obiteljski posjet hotelu. A kada Vlad sazna da njegov praunuk nije čistokrvne vampirske krvi - i da je sada u hotelu Transilvanija čak i ljudima dozvoljen boravak - stvari će postati vrlo... šišmiškolike!


The X-Dormitory

The X-Dormitory 2014


Xiong Ge starts a new life following the disappearance of her sons and ex-husband. She opens a hostel called The X-Dormitory, in which she treats her tenants like her family. When Room 206 mysteriously appears out of no where and out walks her ex-husband, she gets a terrible feeling in her gut that something bad is about to happen.


A Bit of a Do

A Bit of a Do 1989


A Bit of a Do is a British comedy drama series based on the books by David Nobbs. The show starred David Jason and was aired on ITV in 1989. It was made for the ITV network by Yorkshire Television. The show was set in a fictional Yorkshire town. Each episode took place at a different social function and followed the changing lives of two families, the working-class Simcocks and the middle-class Rodenhursts, together with their respective friends, Rodney and Betty Sillitoe, and Neville Badger. The series begins with the wedding of Ted and Rita Simcock's son Paul to Laurence and Liz Rodenhurst's daughter Jenny; an event at which Ted and Liz begin an affair. The subsequent fallout from this affair forms the basis for most of the first series.