Encanto: Naš čarobni svijet

Encanto: Naš čarobni svijet 2021


Animirana priča o neobičnoj obitelji Madrigal, koja živi skrivena u magičnoj kući u planinama Kolumbije, u divnom i šarmantnom mjestu zvanom Encanto. Magija Encanta blagoslovila je svako dijete u obitelji jedinstvenim darom, od super snage do moći iscjeljenja, osim Mirabel. Ali kada otkrije da je magija koja okružuje Encanto u opasnosti, Mirabel shvati da bi ona, jedina „normalna“ Madrigal, mogla biti posljednja nada svoje izuzetne obitelji.


Naslijeđeno zlo

Naslijeđeno zlo 2018


Nakon smrti Ellen Graham, njezina obitelj počinje razotkrivati zastrašujuće tajne o svome podrijetlu. Što više otkrivaju, to više nastoje izbjeći zlokobnu sudbinu koju su naslijedili.


Mala kuća od kostiju

Mala kuća od kostiju 2023


Film govori o teškom životu odbjegle braće kriminalaca koji se nađu u vrlo neugodnoj, pa čak i zlokobnoj situaciji. Kako bi pobjegli od pravde, provaljuju u napuštenu seosku kuću i nadaju se da će im to pomoći. Braća odlučuju zarobiti obitelj koja tu živi, ali ubrzo otkrivaju da kuća zapravo krije svoje zastrašujuće i mračne tajne.


Mrs Brown's Boys

Mrs Brown's Boys 2011


Mrs. Brown's Boys is a British-Irish award winning sitcom created by and starring writer and performer Brendan O'Carroll. The show is based on O'Carroll's stage plays about the character Agnes Browne, which were developed from books and straight-to-DVD films. The sitcom continues the stories of Agnes, now with the shortened surname "Brown", and her family who are played by real life close friends and family of O'Carroll's. After being slated by critics, the show has become a ratings success in both Ireland, where it is set, and the United Kingdom, where it is recorded. On 29 December 2012 the show began its third series. Mrs Brown's Boys is a co-production among BBC Scotland, BocPix and RTÉ.


A Place to Call Home

A Place to Call Home 2013


A mysterious woman is perched between the harsh legacy of World War II and the hope of a new life in Australia. A sweeping romantic drama set in 1950s rural Australia following the lives of the Blighs, a wealthy and complicated pastoralist family, who lives in Inverness, NSW.


Outrageous Fortune

Outrageous Fortune 2005


After her husband is incarcerated, matriarch Cheryl decides that her career criminal family should go straight and abide by the law.



Rovers 2016


Established in 1884, Redbridge Rovers F.C. are one of the oldest club's in England - and one of the worst. A sitcom that introduces us to the characters who gather within the social club of a non-league football club.


The Madison

The Madison 1970


A heartfelt study of grief and human connection following a New York City family in the Madison River valley of central Montana.