Smiješak 2

Smiješak 2 2024


Pred početak nove svjetske turneje, globalna pop senzacija Skye Riley počinje doživljavati sve strašnije i neobjašnjive događaje. Preplavljena rastućim užasima i pritiscima slave, Skye je prisiljena suočiti se sa svojom mračnom prošlošću kako bi ponovno preuzela kontrolu nad svojim životom prije nego što potpuno izmakne kontroli.



Smiješak 2022


Nakon što je bila svjedok bizarnog, traumatičnog događaja u koji je bio umiješan i jedan pacijent, doktorica Rose Cotter počinje osjećati zastrašujuće pojave koje ne može objasniti. Dok nezamislivi užas počinje obuzimati njezin život, Rose se mora suočiti sa svojom problematičnom prošlošću, kako bi preživjela i pobjegla od zastrašujuće, nove stvarnosti.



Megalopolis 2024


Grad Novi Rim mora se promijeniti što uzrokuje sukob između Cezara Katiline, genijalnog umjetnika koji traži put do utopijske, idealističke budućnosti te njegovog suparnika, gradonačelnika Franklina Cicerona koji, pak, želi ostati vjeran regresivnom statusu quo, vječnoj pohlepi, osobnim interesima te partizanskom načinu ratovanja. Između njih dvojice nalazi se Julija Ciceron, gradonačelnikova kćerka čija ljubav prema Cezaru razdire njezinu odanost prema obojici te ju na taj način tjera da sama otkrije što čovječanstvo uistinu zaslužuje…


Susjedna soba

Susjedna soba 2024


Ingrid (Julianne Moore) i Martha (Tilda Swinton) u mladosti su bile bliske prijateljice no s vremenom su se njihovi putevi i karijere razišli. Martha je postala ratna reporterka, a Ingrid književnica, poznata po velikom strahu od smrti. Nakon niza godina, njih dvije ponovno stupaju u kontakt i zbližavaju se kroz zajednička sjećanja, anegdote i razgovore o umjetnosti i filmovima. No obnovljenu bliskost testirat će neočekivana Marthina molba.



Prestiž 2006


Godine 1878, dva mlada mađioničara sukobe se u mračnom salonu tokom izvedbe točke. Od tog trenutka nadalje, njihovi životi postanu mreža laži, prevara i razotkrivanja, tajni i otkrića, dok se međusobno bore kako bi nadmašili i uništili jedan drugoga. Njihovo suparništvo obojicu dovodi do vrha karijere, no pod veliku cijenu.


Pričaj mi

Pričaj mi 2023


Kada grupa prijatelja otkrije kako prizivati duhove pomoću balzamirane ruke, oni se zaljube u novo otkriće, sve dok jedno od njih ne ode predaleko i oslobodi zastrašujuće nadnaravne sile.


Pancirni metak

Pancirni metak 1987


Pragmatični američki marinac prati dehumanizirajuće učinke američko-vijetnamskog rata na njegove kolege regrute, od brutalne obuke u kampu do krvavih uličnih borbi u Hueu.


Planet majmuna: Rat

Planet majmuna: Rat 2017


Cezar i njegovi majmuni prisiljeni su na smrtonosni sukob s vojskom ljudi koju vodi okrutni Pukovnik. Nakon što majmuni dožive teške gubitke, Cezar se hrva sa svojim mračnijim instinktima i kreće u vlastitu mitsku potragu za osvetom.



Igra 1997


Život hladnog investicijskog bankara postane opasan i paranoičan kada mu brat pokloni neobičan rođendanski dar: priliku da zaigra tajanstvenu igru.


Pozivnica za pakao

Pozivnica za pakao 2022


Nakon majčine smrti i bez druge poznate rodbine, Evie radi DNK test… i otkriva davno izgubljenog rođaka za kojeg nikad nije ni znala da ga ima. Pozvana od strane novopronađene obitelji na raskošno vjenčanje na seoskom području u Engleskoj, odmah ju je zaveo privlačni aristokratski domaćin. No, ubrzo je gurnuta u noćnu moru preživljavanja jer otkriva izopačene tajne u povijesti svoje obitelji i uznemirujuće namjere iza njezine grešne velikodušnosti.


Battle Royale

Battle Royale 2000


Kontroverzni japanski film koji prikazuje distopijsku budućnost u kojoj japanska vlada, kao odgovor na porast nasilja među mladima, organizira godišnji događaj u kojem je klasa srednjoškolaca prisiljena međusobno se boriti na napuštenom otoku dok ne ostane samo jedan preživjeli. Opremljeni raznim oružjem i eksplozivnim ogrlicama, učenici se suočavaju s moralnim dilemama i borbom za preživljavanje u brutalnom okruženju.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


En thérapie

En thérapie 2021


Paris, autumn 2015. In Philippe Dayan's analysis office, a surgeon in disarray in love, a couple in crisis, a suicidal teenager follow one another day after day. On a November evening, killers enter Paris.


13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why 2017


After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice.


The Bear

The Bear 2022


Carmy, a young fine-dining chef, comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop. As he fights to transform the shop and himself, he works alongside a rough-around-the-edges crew that ultimately reveal themselves as his chosen family.


If I Can Love You So

If I Can Love You So 2019


Betrayed by love, world-renowned pianist, Geng Mochi, and popular radio host, Bai Kao’er, meet under the worst of circumstances. Crossing paths at the funerals of their departed spouses, these wounded souls find a rare sort of comfort in each other’s company. Following their hearts to places most unexpected, the once jilted lovers find healing is possible even when it seems impossible. But what fate has brought together, fate can also tear apart. Caught up in a chaotic world of broken hearts, forbidden love, and tragic fates, Geng Mochi and Bai Kaoer must decide if their new-found love is worth fighting for.



Time 2018


For a man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, the suffering and hardships others go through every day are not something he can relate to. One day, he unexpectedly becomes involved in a murder incident. He meets a woman who is trapped in time by what happened. He is drawn to her, feeling responsible and guilt for what he had done. Before he can even realize, his feelings towards her grow. He struggles to find the truth so that he can allow himself to love her.


Death's Game

Death's Game 2023


At the brink of going to hell, Yee-jae must cycle through twelve separate lives and twelve separate deaths in this reincarnation drama.



Given 2019


Tightly clutching his Gibson guitar, Mafuyu Satou steps out of his dark apartment to begin another day of his high school life. While taking a nap in a quiet spot on the gymnasium staircase, he has a chance encounter with fellow student Ritsuka Uenoyama, who berates him for letting his guitar's strings rust and break. Noticing Uenoyama's knowledge of the instrument, Satou pleads for him to fix it and to teach him how to play. Uenoyama eventually agrees and invites him to sit in on a jam session with his two band mates: bassist Haruki Nakayama and drummer Akihiko Kaji.


My Way

My Way 2022


The suicide of her best friend, Cheng Ru Ying, ripples through the lives of four mothers – Fang Yuan, Jin Lu, You Xiao Zhu and Ding Mu Mu – as they search for the truth about her suicide. This accident shatters the perfect life of full-time housewife Fang Yuan. When Jin Lu, a non-maritalist curator, is about to realize her career dream, she accidentally gets pregnant and the father of her baby is her temporary boyfriend. The four mothers bravely face up to the twists and turns and search for their initial dreams, and at the same time, they work together to reveal the truth about Cheng Ru Ying's death and to do justice to the dead.


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.


The Mist

The Mist 2017


A small town family is torn apart by a brutal crime. As they deal with the fallout an eerie mist rolls in, suddenly cutting them off from the rest of the world, and in some cases, each other.


A Million Little Things

A Million Little Things 2018


A group of friends from Boston who feel stuck in life experience an unexpected wake-up call after one of their friends dies unexpectedly.


Ordinary Miracles

Ordinary Miracles 2009


One day, a middle-aged man, Fujimoto Makoto, is standing on a train platform, about to jump in front of a train. Nakashiro Kana and Tasaki Shota both happen to be on the same platform, and sensing what is about to happen, they quickly pull him back to safety. There's a reason why Kana and Shota realized Makoto's intentions, they both have the kind of emotional scars that can't be put into words. Even after so much pain, through a series of e-mails, they've become attracted to one another and slowly learn to open up their hearts once again.



Tomorrow 2022


Once guiding the 'dead', now saving those who want to die! The Afterlife Office Human Fantasy.


Plerng See Roong

Plerng See Roong 2009


Tinrat and Katleya have been in love for 3 years, but because of her ambition, Katleya decided to marry Tinrat's father. Many years have passed, Tinrat's father is now gone, and Katleya wants to get Tinrat back. On the other hand, Tinrat has a new girlfriend for a long time but he still can't forget Katleya. Kuat is Katleya's son, Tinrat's brother. He is gay but only his uncle Mai, Katleya's brother, knows about this. When Katleya learns about his being gay, she couldn't accept it, she wanted him to be as perfect as his brother. While being down, Kuat meets with Jomkwan, a rich lady who ran away from home because of family matters. They become very friendly and Jomkwan is pretending to be Kuat's girlfriend. They live together in Kuat's condo.


Death Parade

Death Parade 2015


There is a place after death that’s neither heaven nor hell. A bar that serves you one chance to win. You cannot leave until the game is over, and when it is, your life may be too.


Last Friends

Last Friends 2008


The series follow the life of Michiru Aida, a beauty parlor assistant who returns to Tokyo after 4 years. Bullied by her seniors at work and abused by her boyfriend, she is reunited with her best friend during high school, Ruka Kishimoto, a skilled motocross racer. Takeru, a make-up artist, is introduced to Ruka by her housemate, Eri and thus begin a journey of friendship.


A Touch of Green

A Touch of Green 2015


The drama tells the story of air force pilots and their families from 1945 to 1971. As the husbands embarked on patriotic missions to fight against the enemies, their families must content with horror of wars, mass emigration to distant land, and death of love ones. Their shared experience brought the military families together to support one another.



Gravity 2010


Gravity is an American comedy-drama television series created by Jill Franklyn and Eric Schaeffer. The series "follows the sometimes comic, sometimes tragic exploits of a group from an eccentric out-patient program of suicide survivors". It premiered on April 23, 2010 on Starz in the United States. On June 30, 2010, Starz reported that Gravity had been canceled.