
Zlica 2024


Elphaba, izopćena, ali prkosna djevojka rođena sa zelenom kožom, i Galinda, privilegirana aristokratkinja rođena popularna, postaju vrlo nevjerojatne prijateljice u čarobnoj zemlji Oz. Dok se dvije djevojke bore sa svojim suprotnim osobnostima, njihovo je prijateljstvo na kušnji jer obje počinju ispunjavati svoje sudbine kao Glinda Dobra i Zla vještica od Zapada.


La La Land

La La Land 2016


Priča o ljubavi između glumice u usponu i jazz glazbenika, dvoje sanjara koji pokušavaju uspjeti u Los Angelesu...


Crni Labud

Crni Labud 2010


Mlada i ambiciozna balerina Nina, dobiva priliku života: glavnu ulogu u novoj produkciji "Labuđeg jezera". Perfekcionistica opsjednuta kontrolom, Nina se bori s pritiskom i vlastitim unutarnjim demonima dok pokušava utjeloviti dualnost Bijelog i Crnog labuda. Njezina krhka psiha počinje pucati pod teretom savršenstva, konkurencije i vlastite seksualne probuđenosti, a granica između stvarnosti i iluzije postaje sve tanja. Nina se gubi u svijetu baleta, opsjednuta željom za savršenstvom, te sve više tone u paranoju i halucinacije, dok se njezina transformacija u Crnog labuda pretvara u mračnu i zastrašujuću stvarnost.


Ex Machina

Ex Machina 2015


Mladi programer Caleb veseli se što je upravo on, od svih zaposlenika, dobio priliku provesti nekoliko danas s glavnim direktorom svoje tvrtke. No, ono što se čini kao poziv na neobavezno druženje, u stvari je početak eksperimentq u kojem će Caleb iskušati granice svoje ljudskosti nakon što upozna umjetno stvoreno biće u prelijepom ženskom tijelu.


Prljavi ples

Prljavi ples 1987


Sedamnaestogodišnja Frances zvana Baby stiže s ocem dr. Jakeom Housemanom, majkom Marjorie i starijom sestrom Lisom u elitno ljetovalište u Catskillsu. Znajući da će sljedeće godine maturirati, samosvjesna Frances već sada planira budućnost, dok odmor u uspavanom kampu koji vodi očev prijatelj Max smatra nužnim zlom. Ipak, pozornost joj privuče naočiti učitelj plesa Johnny Castle koji izvan radnog vremena prakticira erotizirane plesove nimalo nalik onom što podučava. Nakon što mu partnerica ostane trudna s mjesnim konobarom, Baby ponudi Johnnyju da ju zamijeni upravo ona...


Trolovi: Svjetska turneja

Trolovi: Svjetska turneja 2020


Trolovi će u svojim pustolovinama otkriti da nisu sami i da uz njih postoji još pet različitih Trolovskih plemena, svatko sa svojim glazbenim žanrom: Funkom, Countryiem, Technom, Klasikom, Popom i Rockom. Članica hard-rock plemena Kraljica Barb uz pomoć svog oca Kralja Thrasha želi uništiti sve ostale glazbene žanrove kako bi mogao rock zavladati. Kako bi se spriječio taj crni scenarij sva ostala plemena se moraju ujediniti u obrani svijeta i glazbe.


Vrijednosti obitelji Addams

Vrijednosti obitelji Addams 1993


Gomez (Raul Julia) i Morticija (Anjelica Huston) zaljubljuju se na prvi pogled kada u dom Adamsovih stigne pridošlica - Pubert (Kaitlyn Hooper), njihov nježni, mazni, brkati dječačić. Fester (Christopher Lloyd) izgubi glavu za putenom dadiljom Debbie (Joan Cusack) Jilinsky, a Wednesday (Christina Ricci) i Pugsley (Jimmy Workman) otkriju da je ona crna udovica, ubojica koja planira uvrstiti Festera u svoju zbirku mrtvih muževa. Budućnost obitelji još je crnja kad se zla dadilja uda za Festera i pošalje djecu u ljetni kamp. Ali Wednesday će uz pomoć Stvari dovesti stvari u red.


Od sumraka do zore

Od sumraka do zore 1996


Seth Gecko i njegov mlađi brat Richard u bijegu su nakon krvave pljačke banke u Teksasu. Pobjegnu preko granice u Meksiko i bit će slobodni sljedećeg jutra, kada isplate dug lokalnom kralju. Samo moraju preživjeti 'od sumraka do zore' na mjestu susreta, koje se ispostavilo kao pakleni striptiz.


Braća Blues

Braća Blues 1980


Jake Blues (John Belushi) pušten je iz zatvora. Pred zatvorom ga dočeka brat Elwood (Dan Aykroyd). Najprije odu u sirotište u kojem su odrasli, koje su vodile časne sestre. Jedna od njih im priopći kako crkva više nema novca za financiranje sirotišta.Ako u roku od 11 dana ne bude plaćen porez od pet tisuća dolara, sirotište će biti prodano. Kako bi se smirili od šoka, braća Blues odu u protestantsku crkvu u kojoj je propovjednik Cleophus James (James Brown). Nakon što svi skupa u ludom ritmu otpjevaju jednu pjesmu, Jakea obasja božanska svjetlost.On i Elwood ponovo će sastaviti svoj band koji je izvodio blues i na velikom dobrotvornom koncertu zaradit će za sirotište. No, skupiti članove sastava koji se raspao nakon što je Jake završio u zatvoru nije lako.


Obitelj Addams

Obitelj Addams 1991


Kad se davno izgubljeni ujak Fester pojavi nakon dvadeset i pet godina što je proveo u Bermudskome trokutu, Gomez i Morticia planiraju proslavu da probude mrtve. Wednesday jedva stigne zagrijati svoju električnu stolicu prije nego što Stvar ukaže na neobično "normalno" ponašanje ujaka Festera. Je li moguće da je taj Fester varalica, dio opakog plana da se opljačka bogatstvo Adamsovih?


Priča sa zapadne strane

Priča sa zapadne strane 2021


Najpoznatiji mjuzikl svih vremena ponovno oživljava pod redateljskom palicom jednog od najpoznatijih, najnagrađivanijih i najcjenjenijih filmaša, trostrukog oskarovca Stevena Spielberga. Adaptacija kultnog mjuzikla je zapravo adaptirana moderna Shakespeareova tragedija Romeo i Julija na ulicama New Yorka, a donosi priču o ljubavi i rivalstvu dvije tinejdžerske bande različitog etničkog podrijetla.


Ulovi Smarta

Ulovi Smarta 2008


Sjedište američke špijunske organizacije, CONTROL, napadnuto je i počinitelji su se domogli identiteta svih tajnih agenata. Šefu agencije ostaje samo jedna opcija, unaprijediti mladog i smotanog analitičara, Maxwella Smarta, u agenta. Njegov novi identitet je Agent 86 i on će učiniti sve kako bi se zaustavio zlu organizaciju KAOS i njihove planove osvajanja svijeta.



Flashdance 1983


Mlada, ambiciozna djevojka Alex (Jennifer Beals) žarko želi postati plesačka zvijezda. Financijski problemi prisiljavaju je da danju radi u čeličani u Pittsburgu, dok je noću egzotična plesačica. Njezin dečko, istovremeno i šef, Nick (Michael Nouri) pomaže joj u ostvarenju sna. Alex želi biti primljena na prestižnu baletnu akadamiju. Pobijesni kada sazna da njezin dragi povlači veze iza njenih leđa. Alex muče i unutarnji problemi. U potrazi je za vlastitim identitetom i prihvaćanjem ljubavi i u borbi s vlastitom tvrdoglavošću.



Bunheads 2012


Michelle, a Las Vegas showgirl, impulsively marries a man, moves to his sleepy coastal town, and takes an uneasy role at her new mother-in-law's dance school.


Dancing with the Stars

Dancing with the Stars 2005


The New Zealand version of the British “Strictly Come Dancing” show sees celebrities perform choreographed dance routines which are judged by a panel of renowned ballroom experts and voted on by viewers.



Tweenies 1999


Tweenies Bella, Milo, Fizz and Jake get into many adventures such as visiting a farm, watching puppet shows, learning new songs and listening to stories.


Double Trouble

Double Trouble 1984


Double Trouble is an American sitcom that aired from 1984 to 1985 on NBC. The series stars identical twins Jean and Liz Sagal as Kate and Allison Foster, two teenagers living under the watchful eye of their widowed father. The show was considered an updating of the "twins in mischief" concept seen in films like The Parent Trap or the Patty Duke Show of the 1960s.


Shake It Up

Shake It Up 2010


Best pals CeCe and Rocky dream of dancing stardom. And they seem on the verge of realizing that goal when they win places as backup dancers on the local TV show "Shake It Up, Chicago." While they get to show off their moves, they find out they need to keep putting their best feet forward to keep up with the rest of the crew on the show.


Mira Quién Baila

Mira Quién Baila 2010


¡Mira Quien Baila!, also known as MQB, is a Spanish-language reality show airing on Univision in the United States. The show is part of the Dancing with the Stars franchise. The show involves celebrities being paired up with professional dancers. Each couple performs ballroom or Latin dances and competes for judges' critiques and audience votes. Whichever couple receives the lowest total amount of judges' critique and audience votes is eliminated until a champion is named at the end. Each celebrity is competing for a grand total of $50,000 for a charity of their choice.


The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers

The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers 2010


Join seemingly ordinary people who discover they have extraordinary powers in a groundbreaking mythology about hope, greed, love and the force that moves us all.


Tanssii tähtien kanssa

Tanssii tähtien kanssa 2006


Tanssii tähtien kanssa is a Finnish version of the British BBC television series Strictly Come Dancing. The show has run on MTV3 since March 3, 2006, on Sunday evenings. The sixteenth season will be aired in the fall of 2023. The show was originally hosted by Marco Bjurström and Ella Kanninen. Ella Kanninen left the show after the second season and was replaced by model and Season 2 contestant Vanessa Kurri. In 2009, Kurri was replaced by Vappu Pimiä after only one season. Marco Bjurstöm left the series after Season 4 and Mikko Leppilampi took over as host. Ella Kanninen returned to host the seventh season due to Pimiä's maternity leave; Pimiä will return to host the eight season with Leppilampi. From 2022 Pimiä was joined by Ernest Lawson. The series' title is a pun on the title of the film Dances with Wolves, Tanssii susien kanssa.


Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics

Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics 1987


Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics is a Japanese animated anthology series by Nippon Animation. The episodes are adaptations of a variety of folk and fairy tales, and not limited to Grimm's Fairy Tales.



HaNaYaMaTa 2014


Naru is a high school girl who is average in every way. She loves fairy tale heroines, though she’s never had the courage to escape her ordinary life. One day, she sees Hannah, a transfer student, dancing in the moonlit and becomes inspired to learn Yosakoi dancing.


Dancing with the Stars

Dancing with the Stars 2017


The Irish incarnation of the original UK series Strictly Come Dancing.


Happiness Charge Precure!

Happiness Charge Precure! 2014


The ruler of the evil Phantom Empire, Queen Mirage, begins her invasion on Earth using an army of Choiarks and powerful monsters called Saiarks. All across the world, Pretty Cures are dispatched to fight against the Phantom Empire threat. Hime Shirayuki, a princess from the Blue Sky Kingdom, which was taken over by the Phantom Empire, joins the fight as a Pretty Cure named Cure Princess, but always finds herself running away scared. Given a Crystal of Love by the Spirit of Earth, Blue, and told to seek out a partner to fight alongside her, Hime goes to the city of Pikarigaoka and randomly throw the crystal in the air, deciding to partner up with whoever it lands upon. This person turns out to be Megumi Aino, a kind-hearted girl always looking to help others, who is recruited by Hime to fight by her side as Cure Lovely.


Wake Up, Girls!

Wake Up, Girls! 2014


The gateway to Idol stardom might have opened for the newly formed singing group Wake Up, Girls, but the path to fame is full of perils and pitfalls. And for Mayu, Airi, Minami, Yoshino, Nanami, Kaya and Miyu, it's going to be especially difficult knowing who to trust, as their manager Matsuda's lack of experience could give other, less scrupulous, individuals a chance to take advantage.


The Greatest Dancer

The Greatest Dancer 2019


Dance talent show which sees dancers of any age and dance style compete to win £50,000 and a chance to perform on Strictly Come Dancing.


Fresh Precure!

Fresh Precure! 2009


Love Momozono is a 14-year-old student at Yotsuba Junior Highschool that tends to care more for others than for herself. One day she visits a show of the famous dance unit "Trinity" and decides to become a dancer, too. On the same event, subordinates of the Labyrinth Kingdom show up who want to collect the unhappiness of the audience. Love gets the power to change into Cure Peach and fights them. Soon after, she is joined by her good friends Miki, who is Cure Berry, and Inori, who becomes Cure Pine.


Revue Starlight

Revue Starlight 2018


Starlight is a play loved throughout the world. Karen and Hikari make a promise with each other when they're young that one day they'll stand on that stage together. Time passes, and now the girls are 16 years old. Karen is very enthusiastic about the lessons she takes every day, holding her promise close to her heart. Hikari has transferred schools and is now away from Karen. But the cogs of fate turn, and the two are destined to meet again. The girls and other Stage Girls will compete in a mysterious audition process to gain acceptance into the revue.