Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Čovjek s niskim kvocijentom inteligencije postigao je velike stvari u svom životu i bio prisutan tijekom značajnih povijesnih događaja - u svakom slučaju, daleko nadmašujući ono što je itko zamišljao da može učiniti. No, unatoč svemu što je postigao, njegova jedina prava ljubav mu izmiče.


Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 2013


U filmu Iron Man 3 koji nam dolazi direktno iz studija Marvel briljantni industrijalist Tony Stark/Iron Man suočava se s neprijateljem koji ne poznaje granice. Nakon što neprijatelj u potpunosti uništi Starkov osobni život, on kreće u sudbonosnu potragu za odgovornima. Na svakom koraku avanture njegova hrabrost biti će testirana, a kada se nađe prislonjen uza zid, Stark će morati preživjeti koristeći svoje vlastite inovacije, osloniti se na svoju ingenioznost i instinkte kako bi zaštitio one koji su mu najbliži. Dok se bori za vlastiti povratak, Stark otkriva odgovor na pitanje koje ga je potajno proganjalo: čini li čovjek odijelo ili odijelo čini čovjeka?



Reagan 2024


Ispričan glasom bivšeg agenta KGB-a Viktora Petroviča, čiji život postaje neraskidivo povezan s Ronaldom Reaganom kada je Reagan prvi put privukao pažnju Sovjeta kao glumac u Hollywoodu, Reagan svladava izglede da postane 40. predsjednik Sjedinjenih Država.


Horizont: Američka saga - 1. poglavlje

Horizont: Američka saga - 1. poglavlje 2024


Pratite priču o tome kako je Stari Zapad osvojen – i izgubljen – kroz krv, znoj i suze mnogih. Obuhvaćajući 15 godina prije, tijekom i nakon građanskog rata od 1859. do 1874., krenite na emotivno putovanje kroz zemlju u ratu sa samom sobom, iskusite ga kroz objektiv obitelji, prijatelja i neprijatelja koji pokušavaju otkriti što doista znači biti Sjedinjene Američke Države.


Prvi čovjek

Prvi čovjek 2018


Prvi čovjek najvećih filmskih romansi današnjice, Ryan Gosling u glavnoj ulozi i za njega nekarakterističnom tematskom izletu, sada postaje prvi čovjek na Mjesecu. Kao svojevrsna kronika Armstrongova života i karijere, film nas uvodi u zbivanja između 1961. i 1969., razdoblje pripreme i egzekucije jedne od najopasnijih misija u povijesti putovanja u svemir. U nizu NASA-inih projekata, jedan je u svjetskoj povijesti ostavio dubok trag. Uspješnim slijetanjem na mjesec 20. srpnja 1969. godine, astronaut Neil Armstrong postao je prvi čovjek čija je noga kročila na površinu mjeseca. U toj povijesnoj šetnji pridružio mu se Buzz Aldrin, dok je njihov kolega Michael Collins za to vrijeme orbitirao oko mjeseca u komandom brodu.



JFK 1991




W. 2008



John Adams

John Adams 2008


Adapted from David McCullough's Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, this lavish seven-part miniseries chronicles the life of Founding Father John Adams, starting with the Boston Massacre of 1770 through his years as an ambassador in Europe, then his terms as vice president and president of the United States, up to his death on July 4, 1826.



Appare-Ranman! 2020


During the back-end of the 19th century, the genius but socially awkward engineer Sorano Appare and the wise yet cowardly samurai Isshiki Kosame find themselves drifting in the sea between Japan and America. With no money, the duo decide to enter the Trans-America Wild Race to win the prize money so they can get home. The two encounter rivals, bandits, and challenges in the wilderness as they race through America, from the starting line in Los Angeles to the finish line in New York, in the steam-powered car they built.


By Whatever Means Necessary: The Times of Godfather of Harlem

By Whatever Means Necessary: The Times of Godfather of Harlem 2020


Inspired by the music and subjects featured in the series “Godfather of Harlem,” this documentary series brings alive the dramatic true story of Harlem and its music during the 1960s, and connects that history to our present moment.


The Men Who Built America

The Men Who Built America 2012


Influential builders, dreamers and believers whose feats transformed the United States, a nation decaying from the inside after the Civil War, into the greatest economic and technological superpower the world had ever seen. The Men Who Built America is the story of a nation at the crossroads and of the people who catapulted it to prosperity.


The Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen

The Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen 2018


A look at the lives of iconic pioneers such as Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, Tecumseh, Davy Crocket and Andrew Jackson as they traveled across America.


Art of the Surge

Art of the Surge 2024


This summer, prepare to see Donald Trump as you’ve never seen him before. Enter the world of Trump’s 2024 campaign and witness firsthand moments the American media will never show you.


Back Pack Series

Back Pack Series 2016


"Back Pack Series" (English: Back Pack Series) is a travel program series filmed and produced by TVB. There are currently four series in the program series, namely "Backpack America", "Backpack Utopia", "Backpacking Morocco" and "The North Of South America", hosted by Chris Leung Yin Chung from the perspective of backpackers to travel around the world .


UXA: Thomas Seltzer's America

UXA: Thomas Seltzer's America 2020


With the 2020 election on the horizon, Thomas Seltzer embarks on a journey in a divided country to find out: What happened to the American dream?


The Godfather of Fentanyl

The Godfather of Fentanyl 2024


Account of the clandestine chemist behind America's first widespread fentanyl overdose crisis, featuring exclusive interviews with George Erik Marquardt.


Nature Boom Time

Nature Boom Time 2016


Follow Charlie, Kirby, and Patrick as they travel around the United States to learn about different kinds of trees—and what makes nature incredibly awesome. Science and history are explained with paper cutouts and goofy girl Casey back at headquarters.


Empires of Industry

Empires of Industry 2001


Chronicling the trades and commodities that made America an industrial power: coal, shipbuilding, brewing, textiles and steel. Also: profiles of magnates such as Andrew Carnegie and Henry Kaiser.