Tu sam pred tobom

Tu sam pred tobom 2016


Lou Clark je tek obična, jednostavna djevojka koja je nedavno izgubila posao u lokalnom kafiću, kojim je bila izrazito zadovoljna. Will Traymor imućan je muškarac bogatog životnog iskustva u čijem ga je prikupljanju omela teška prometna nesreća, prikovavši ga za krevet i učinivši ga ovisnim o tuđoj njezi. Njihovi će se putevi ispreplesti u trenutku kada Lou postane Willova osobna asistentica što će imati jak utjecaj na oboje i naposljetku im donijeti avanturu života.


Sedam minuta nakon ponoći

Sedam minuta nakon ponoći 2016


Adaptacija romana Patricka Nessa, nastala prema ideji preminule Siobhan Dowd, aktivistice za ljudska prava i britanske spisateljice. Priča je smještena u suvremenu Englesku, gdje se 13-godišnji dječak Conor (Lewis MacDougall) suočava sa školskim nasilnicima i skorašnjom smrti majke (Felicity Jones) koja boluje od karcinoma. Za usamljeno dijete sve se mijenja kada ga noću počinje posjećivati čudovišno stvorenje (Liam Neeson). Ono mu priča niz bajki tražeći u zamjenu od dječaka detalje o njegovoj noćnoj mori.


Djevojka iz močvare

Djevojka iz močvare 2022


Kya je napuštena djevojka koja je odrasla u opasnim močvarama Sjeverne Karoline. Godinama su glasine o djevojci iz močvare proganjale Barkley Cove, izolirajući pametnu i snalažljivu Kyu iz njezine zajednice. Privučena dvojicom mladića iz grada, Kya se otvara novom i zapanjujućem svijetu. Ali kada je jedan od njih pronađen mrtav, zajednica je smjesta označi kao glavnu osumnjičenu. Kako se slučaj razvija, presuda o tome što se zapravo dogodilo postaje sve nejasnija, prijeteći da će razotkriti mnoge tajne koje su ležale skrivene u močvari.


Ponovno ljubav

Ponovno ljubav 2023


Redatelj i scenarist filma je Jim Strouse dok je glavna ideja filma preuzeta iz novele Text For You njemačke autorice Sofie Cramer. Glavni lik, Mira, teško podnosi gubitak svog preminulog zaručnika te počinje slati emotivne SMS poruke na njegov broj mobitela. U međuvremenu, njegov broj je službeno dodijeljen novinaru Robu koji je nedavno prekinuo sa zaručnicom te je potpuno izgubio nadu za pronalazak ljubavi svog života. Ipak, njezine poruke počinju ga opčinjavati te se upušta u avanturu i pronalazak neočekivane ljubavne prilike. A pri svemu tome, u tom naumu pomoći će mu jedna, jedina i neponovljiva - Celin Dion, koja glumi samu sebe.


Francuska depeša

Francuska depeša 2021


Priča počinje smrću glavnog urednika, kada se redakcija okuplja kako bi odabrala tri priče koje će objaviti u komemorativnom izdanju časopisa. A one pripovijedaju o umjetniku osuđenom na doživotnu kaznu zatvora zbog dvostrukog ubojstva, o studentskim neredima i o otmici koju je razriješio šef kuhinje.


Odbjegla nevjesta

Odbjegla nevjesta 1999


Glas o Maggie Carpenter, nevjesti koja je uspjela pobjeći s tri vjenčanja, dospio je i do omiljenoga kafića poznatoga newyorškoga kolumnista i umjerenoga ženomrsca Ikea Grahama. Nakon što novinar intrigantnu temu zajedljivo obradi u svojoj kolumni, povrijeđena djevojka prosvjeduje kod glavne urednice. Suočen s mogućnošću tužbe, popularni dnevnik otkazuje daljnju suradnju svojoj dojučerašnjoj zvijezdi. Ike odlazi u djevojčin gradić i pokušava otkriti nove pojedinosti koje bi mu dale za pravo i spasile unosno radno mjesto. Ubrzo se sprijateljuje s Maggienom obitelji i prijateljima, odnosno s cijelim mjestom koje potresa uzbuđenje zbog priprema za još jedno vjenčanje. Hoće li nevjesta ponovno pobjeći? Jasno da hoće, ali u sljedećemu pokušaju na red dolazi stanoviti revni pripadnik sedme sile. Lovac se uhvatio u stupicu koju je sam pripremao. Svadbeni marš zasvirat će i njemu...



Dankinja 2015


Ljubavna priča temeljena na životu umjetnica Lili Elbe i Gerde Wegener. Brak i rad Lili i Gerde razvijaju se dok Lili prolazi put transrodne pionirke.


Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Vicky Cristina Barcelona 2008


Dvije mlade Amerikanke, Vicky i Cristina, provode ljeto u Barceloni. Vicky je zaručena i racionalna, dok je Cristina spontana i umjetnička duša. Tijekom njihovog boravka, upoznaju karizmatičnog slikara Juana Antonia, koji ih oboje zavodi. Njihov komplicirani ljubavni trokut dodatno se zakomplicira kada se pojavi Juan Antoniova temperamentna bivša supruga Maria Elena. Film istražuje teme ljubavi, strasti, umjetnosti i različitih pogleda na život kroz prizmu triju snažnih ženskih likova.


tick, tick... BOOM!

tick, tick... BOOM! 2021


Mlada kazališna kompozitorska nada na pragu tridesete balansira ljubav, prijateljstvo i pritisak stvaranja velikog umjetničkog djela dok još ima vremena.


Så mycket bättre

Så mycket bättre 2010


"Så mycket bättre" is the Swedish version of the format "Beste Zangers". This is asinging reality show where each artist attempts to do their own version of another artists well-known songs, with each person getting an episode featuring all of their songs being performed by the other musicians. The artists spend eight days together at a hotel in Gotland, where they attempt to put their own stamps on the songs.


Landscape Artist of the Year

Landscape Artist of the Year 2015


It is a nationwide search to find the best landscape artist. Filmed at picturesque locations around the UK, contestants paint National Trust properties for a chance to win a £10,000 commission for a British institution's permanent collection. Through several rounds, winners are selected to advance to the semifinal, and then to the final. Judging the competition are British art historian Kate Bryan, independent curator Kathleen Soriano, and award-winning artist Tai-Shan Schierenberg.


Sound Candy

Sound Candy 2023


A group of young individuals with different backgrounds come together at a pension located in Jeju. They rediscover their love and friendship through the mystery of "Sound Candy."


Life In Squares

Life In Squares 2015


The three-part series centres on the close and often fraught relationship between sisters Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf, and Vanessa’s sexually complicated alliance with gay artist Duncan Grant as they, and their group of like-minded friends, navigate their way through love, sex and artistic life through the first half of the 20th century.


Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci 2024


This two-part, four-hour documentary delves into the world of a 15th-century art titan and unravels his journey while shedding light on his lasting impact on future generations.


Karl Lagerfeld : Révélation

Karl Lagerfeld : Révélation 2024


Karl Lagerfeld was an enigmatic figure who spent his life reinventing himself. He ruled the fashion world for decades, making history with his achievements at Chanel, Fendi and his own brand. An extraordinary personality, a fashion Stakhanovite, a tireless worker who created day and night until his last breath. A flamboyant man too, in his appearance and in his words, known for his outbursts mixing perfidy, provocation and self-deprecation. He was also an illusionist, a provocateur, a controversial icon, who used the truth - particularly about his past - to embellish his legend. But where does this determination come from? What were his inspirations and motivations? And behind his enigmatic façade - with his tight suit, ponytail and dark glasses - who really was Karl Lagerfeld?


The Joy of Painting

The Joy of Painting 1983


The Joy of Painting was an American television show hosted by painter Bob Ross that taught its viewers techniques for landscape oil painting. Although Ross could complete a painting in half an hour, the intent of the show was not to teach viewers "speed painting". Rather, he intended for viewers to learn certain techniques within the time that the show was allotted. The show began on January 11, 1983, and lasted until May 17, 1994, a year before Ross' death.


Mistral's Daughter

Mistral's Daughter 1984


Beautiful and naïve Maggy Lunel arrives in Paris completely broke. She becomes an artist's model and the toast of Paris, attracting the attention of Picasso-like painter Julien Mistral, an arrogant and selfish man who places his work above everything. Their paths diverge as Mistral's art catches the eye of a rich American woman who becomes his patroness and eventually his wife. During the war years in France, Mistral collaborates with the Nazis in order to continue with his work, a decision that will come back to haunt him years later. In the meantime, Maggy has a daughter named Teddy who grows up and falls in love with Mistral with whom she has a child named Fauve. As Mistral ages, he comes to terms with his selfish past and wartime betrayal through his art, leaving a beautiful legacy for his daughter, Fauve.


Boys Planet

Boys Planet 2023


BOYS PLANET presents the potential of the boys from all around the world. Korean and global K-Pop fans, who discover the charm and potential of the boys from all around the globe and give them cheer and support to let them shine.


Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited 1981


Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of aristocrats, over the course of several years between the two world wars.


Blown Away

Blown Away 2019


Ten master artists turn up the heat in glassblowing sculpture challenges for the chance to win $60,000 in prizes and the title of champion.


Living Art

Living Art 2020


Our citizen space accommodates a large number of artistic manifestations that account for the way in which their authors interpret the context in which they are immersed. Living Art is a series of 10 chapters that seeks to be the reflection of the views of those who through art pay new ways of interpreting the world but above all to share their interests, their passions as well as their likes and dislikes which are a fundamental part of his inspiration, thus focusing on his human side.



Arte 2020


In the 16th century, Arte, a delightful young lady from an aristocratic family, dreams of being an artist and contributing to the renewal of civilization. However, with her father's death, she ends up losing the only person who believed in her passion for art. Now she is expected to marry a nobleman and live as a refined housewife without disgracing her family name. Reluctant to accept her fate, the headstrong Arte steps into the streets in search of a master artisan to take her on as an apprentice. But no one believes that women are capable of fine craftsmanship, so none are willing to accept her. Luckily, a renowned artisan by the name of Leo is persuaded to take her as his disciple since he has none anyway. And thus, Arte's new life begins, far from the comfort of her noble upbringing. As an apprentice, she must earn her keep while tackling various challenges along the difficult path to becoming a full-fledged, master artisan.



MARS 2016


The story revolves around Kira and Rei, two high school students. Kira is an extremely introverted artist, and Rei is an outgoing playboy with a frightening violent side. The two start a friendship and eventually a romance after Rei sees a drawing that Kira drew on the back of a map she gave him. However, both Kira and Rei are hiding troubled pasts, and through their relationship they confront their past demons. Masao, a student at Kira and Rei's school, has a connection to Rei's violent past. He enters Kira and Rei's lives to try to force Rei to return to the person he used to be.


Only Boo!

Only Boo! 2024


Khao Kang sells curry-over-rice (khao kaeng) at a boys' school. Moo is a grade twelve student who dreams of becoming an idol. He splits his time between hitting on Kang and training. He simultaneously wants love and to realise his dream, but it seems he cannot have it when debuting comes with the caveat that relationships are forbidden.


Nail Shop Paris

Nail Shop Paris 2013


A romantic comedy revolving around flower boy nail artists and the happenings around them. It will center the story of Hong Yeo Joo, the writer of an internet novel who dresses up like a boy and gets hired to work at a famous nail shop Paris filled with flower boy nail artists.



Soundtrack 2019


Love, loss and transformative luck intersect in this musical drama about two struggling artists experiencing life at full volume in Los Angeles.