
Sumrak 2008


Kada majka Belle Swan (Kristen Stewart) ode na put s njezinim novim suprugom, ona napušta svoj dom u Phoenixu i vraća se živjeti s ocem u gradic Forks, u državi Washington. Nakon beskrajnih sunčanih dana u Arizoni, maglovita klima gradića Forks Belli je prilično egzotična - kao i nove kolege iz razreda, iz obitelji Cullen. Nevjerojatno privlačni i iznimno tajnoviti, oni nisu kao ljudi koje je dosada poznavala - i to na načine koje ona ne može ni zamisliti. Cullenovi su obitelj besmrtnih krvopija. Desetljećima – a neki i stoljećima - discipliniraju sami sebe kako bi konzumirali samo životinjsku krv, vodeći vampirsku inačicu „vegetarijanskog“ stila života. Skrivaju se ispod oblačnog neba Olimpijskog poluotoka, živeći što je moguće normalniji život i štiteći svoju tajnu. Bella postaje posebno očarana Edwardom Cullenom ( Robert Pattinson ), ali njezin je novi kolega drži na distanci.


Opasne djevojke

Opasne djevojke 2024


Nova učenica Cady Heron došla je na vrh društvenog hranidbenog lanca njezine škole priključujući se elitnoj grupi popularnih djevojaka koje svi nazivaju Plastike. Predvodnica grupe je kraljica škole Regina George, a s njom se druže njene sljedbenice Gretchen i Karen. Međutim, kada Cady napravi veliki korak zaljubivši se u Regininog bivšeg dečka, Aarona Samuelsa, nađe se na meti Regine. Dok Cady ostvaruje svoj dijaboličan plan koji će uništiti Reginu uz pomoć svojih izopćenih prijatelja Janis i Damiana, mora naučiti kako ostati vjerna sebi dok se kreće najokrutnijom okolinom ikad: srednjom školom.



Cocoon 2008


de'Rainbow gang consists of five neighbors who are friends because their respective mothers are best friends, so they grew up and played together. Indra is the only guy who goes to a different school and can cook, Chacha is a beautiful and sporty girl who is the leader of the gang, Beby is a sassy girl who likes fashion, Tasya is a feminine girl who lives simply, while Helen is a smart girl who loves to read books and often make all the decisions.



ABG 2002


The lives of Ardi, Desi, and their friends in their high school lives.



Strula 2021


Follow Ella and Nadia who are in high school. They get to know different circles of friends, are faced with different dilemmas of love and the pressure to be able to stand up to peer pressure.


Our Secret

Our Secret 2021


From high school to university, Ding Xian and Zhou Si Yue's youthful love lasts for a lifetime. The superior and unruly campus god Zhou Si Yue is a genius. He is seatmates with the headstrong and adorable "Cinderella girl" Ding Xian. Although they couldn't stand one another at first, they come to appreciate each other's strengths in their day-to-day interactions, thus becoming lifelong companions in their journey through youth.


Big Girls Don't Cry

Big Girls Don't Cry 2024


In this coming-of-age drama series, five schoolgirls staying away from home find solace and friendship in each other. But their bonds are tested when they realize people change as they grow up. Welcome to Vandana Valley.


Cinta Cenat Cenut

Cinta Cenat Cenut 2011


Putri, a student from an ordinary background, enters an elite school called Harapan High School, in which the rising boy group SM*SH enrolled. The members are also the sons of wealthy families who are members of the TORO Group. Because of an incident one day, Putri crossed path with Rafael, the leader of SM*SH.


Time and Him are Just Right

Time and Him are Just Right 2022


The stubborn, adorable Lin Xi approaches the crafty top student Ji Jun Xing on purpose. Throughout their "opportunistic" friendship, feelings bloom between the two as they are always there for each other. Not only do they make friends, but they also make their own dreams and goals come true in the end.


I liceali

I liceali 2008


A teen comedy-drama set in an Italian public high school following an ensemble cast of students and teachers.


Vice Versa

Vice Versa 2004


During an illegal visit in a sci-lab, Thomas is zapped on the arm by a blue ray. He now can transform himself into a girl (Emmanuelle) when the scar on his elbow is rubbed. As a young man, his life was as hard as it could be for a normal adolescent. As both a young man and a young woman, he has double trouble. Some animated scenes help us discover his state of mind.