Ključna riječ Slow Burn
Zimska kost 2010
Sedamnaestogodišnja Ree Dolly (J. Lawrence) daje se u potragu za svojim ocem nakon što je ovaj upotrijebio njihovu kuću kao jamčevinu za izlazak iz zatvora i nestao bez traga. Suočena s mogućnošću da izgubi kuću, Ree kreće u šume planina Ozark. Pritom krši zakon šutnje svoje rodbine koja se bavi nezakonitim aktivnostima. Riskirajući život kako bi spasila svoju obitelj, ona krči put kroz laži, izlike i prijetnje rodbine i polako dolazi do istine.
연애담 2016
নির্বাসন 2024
The Cry of the Owl 2009
True Love Waits 2023
Metamorphosis 2022
Moments: Castle 2022
Help 2021
Masking Threshold 2022
Last Call 2020
inert 2022
Watch 1970
Call It Love 2023
When her family becomes suddenly homeless, Woojoo decides on revenge for all the injustices she has been put through. However, her supposed foe, Dongjin, is a heart-wrenchingly lonely and gentle soul.
The Long Season 2023
The 12-episode series follows Wang Xiang, an ex-train driver who had worked his whole life at the steel plant in a fictional small town in North China, as he attempts to solve the mystery behind a brutal murder during the autumn of 1998. For more than 20 years, the murder has haunted him and other people who worked at the steel plant as they struggled to come to terms with the loss they’ve experienced.
Time and Him are Just Right 2022
The stubborn, adorable Lin Xi approaches the crafty top student Ji Jun Xing on purpose. Throughout their "opportunistic" friendship, feelings bloom between the two as they are always there for each other. Not only do they make friends, but they also make their own dreams and goals come true in the end.
The Promise 2023
Phupha and Nanfa have been friends since childhood. Phupha's father runs an old coffee shop opposite Nanfa's father's pharmacy. So, the two grew up together closely and experienced quite a lot. But after leaving college, Phupha suddenly disappears from Nanfa's world and hasn't been heard of in the past ten years. Sad and lonely, how will Nanfa start his new life? And how will he meet Phupha again?
Closer to You 2020
A surgeon suddenly returns to eighteen years ago and meets his classmate Han Fei, and helps her put down her guard and untie the knot in her heart.
Why Try to Change Me Now 2023
In the 1990s, a series of murders rocks a run-down industrial city in north-eastern China. Dalei Zhang, winner of a Silver Bear in 2021, adapts the award-winning novel “Moses on the Plain” by Xuetao Shuang with precision and poetry.