Priča završava s nama

Priča završava s nama 2024


Traumatizirana, ali odlučna Lily Bloom seli se u Boston nakon smrti svoga oca kako bi ostvarila svoj životni san i započela vlastiti posao. Uskoro upoznaje šarmantnog neurokirurga Rylea Kincaida s kojim dijeli neodoljivu kemiju. Tek nakon što se ludo zaljubi, Lily počinje otkrivati stranu Ryleove osobnosti koja je podsjeća na traumu iz djetinjstva. Da bi stvari bile još teže, u život joj se iznenadno vraća njena prva ljubav, Atlas Corrigan, a Lily će se morati uzdati u samu sebe kako bi donijela prave odluke za svoju budućnost…


Grad lopova

Grad lopova 2010


Doug MacRay vođa je nemilosrdne bande pljačkaša banaka. Bez stvarnih veza, Doug ne strahuje da će izgubiti nekog bliskog sebi. Međutim, sve se mijenja pri posljednjoj pljački kad za taoca uzmu direktoricu banke, Claire.


Pčelin Film

Pčelin Film 2007


Barry B. Benson sasvim je jedna obična pčela. S diplomom u džepu, Barryju je budućnost u biznisu meda gotovo osigurana, no on smatra da ima sposobnosti koje nadilaze proizvodnju slatkog nektara. Nakon što napusti svoju košnicu, Barry se zaputi u New York gdje upozna cvjećaricu Vanessu Bloome te otkrije da ljudski rod konzumira med u velikim količinama. Šokiran otkrićem, Barry je bijesan što ljudi kradu med od njegovih kolega, koji se toliko trude da ga proizvedu.


Mala trgovina užasa

Mala trgovina užasa 1986


Seymour Krelborn je povučeni, neugledni i neuspješni mladić koji radi u jednoj propaloj cvjećarni kod g. Mushnika. Seymour je potajno zaljubljen u kolegicu Audrey koja radi s njim, no ona već ima vezu sa sadističkim zubarom Orinom Scrivellom. Jednog dana Seymour pronalazi neobičnu biljku mesožderku koju nazove Audrey II te ju postavi na izlog cvjećarne što izazove neviđenu pozornost kod kupaca.


Love Is in the Air

Love Is in the Air 2020


Eda, who ties all her hopes to her education, confronts Serkan Bolat, who cuts off her international education scholarship and leaves her with high school diploma. Serkan Bolat offers Eda to give her scholarship back if she pretends to be his fiance for two months. Although Eda rejects the offer of this man as she hates him, she has to accept it when the conditions change. While pretending to be engaged, Serkan and Eda begin to experience a passionate, challenging relationship that will make them forget all they know right. Because love is difficult. And that's why it's amazing.


Two Fathers

Two Fathers 2013


Seven years ago, two men were notified that the women they both dated had disappeared after giving birth to a baby girl. Not knowing who the father was, the two bachelors decided to raise the baby together. Tang Xiang Xi, the smooth-talking lawyer, and Wen Zhen Hua, the sensitive florist, and the young Tang Wen Di make up a non-traditional family. Their unique living arrangement attracts the attention of the girl's pigheaded teacher and their reclusive next door neighbor.


The Big Flower Fight

The Big Flower Fight 2020


Ten pairs of florists, sculptors and garden designers face off in a friendly floral fight to see who can build the biggest, boldest garden sculptures.


Sunshine In The Wind

Sunshine In The Wind 1970


The life of Phraphye, a kind-hearted woman who owns a flower shop. What makes her unique is her incredible ability to smell emotions through the fragrance of flowers. One day, she is entrusted with the task of delivering a bouquet to the movie gala where Vadthiwa, the lead actress, is being honoured. Upon meeting Vadthiwa, Phraphye immediately senses a deep sadness emanating from her. As their friendship blossoms, Vadthiwa and Phraphye begin to realize that they have feelings for each other. Throughout the series, we see the relationship between Vadthiwa and Phraphye grow. Parallel to this, we also witness the budding romance between Phanmile and Khian-Tawan.


The Florists

The Florists 2020


Struggling to succeed in show business, the aspiring comedian Walid Bensalem agrees to work for his uncle Akmar, a renowned florist with unconventional sales techniques. Determined to become a successful comedian, Walid will do everything to sign with Sarah Schwartz, the best manager in Quebec.


Destination jardin avec Guillaume

Destination jardin avec Guillaume 2017


Guillaume Thibert gives us a glimpse into the world of flowers and plants alongside his mother and his team, while they interact with plants, customers, and suppliers.