Ključna riječ Pub
The World's End 2013
Posljednja noć u Sohou 2021
Psihološki triler Edgara Wrighta o mladoj djevojci opsjednutoj modom, koja se misteriozno može vratiti u šezdesete godine prošlog stoljeća gdje susreće svog idola, pjevačicu u usponu. No London 1960. godine nije onakav kakvim se čini i vremenski niz se raspada sa opasnim posljedicama.
Duhovi otoka 2022
Radnja filma odvija se u 20-im godinama 20. stoljeća, tijekom građanskog rata u Irskoj. Dva dugogodišnja prijatelja nađu se u ćorsokaku kada jedan od njih naglo prekine njihovo prijateljstvo, s neočekivanim posljedicama za obojicu.
Muškarci 2022
Nakon što je njezin bivši muž počinio samoubojstvo, Harper odlazi sama u prekrasno englesko selo kako bi se oporavila. Iako na prvi pogled izgleda idilično, to mjesto joj je čudno od samog početka. Ubrzo, netko ili nešto ju počne uhoditi. Ono što počinje kao tinjajući strah postaje prava noćna mora, puna njezinih najmračnijih sjećanja i strahova.
Avengement 2019
Hotel Royal 2023
Nakon što dvije prijateljice ostanu bez novca dok putuju s ruksakom u gradiću u australskoj divljini, u kojoj dominiraju muškarci, pribjegavaju radnom odmoru u hotelu Royal. Kad ponašanje mještana počne prelaziti granicu, djevojke se nađu zarobljene u uznemirujućoj situaciji koja brzo izmiče kontroli.
Nepozvani 2023
Mladi bračni par, seli se iz urbanog Londona u mir ruralne Irske, koja im se čini kao rajsko mjesto. Susjed ih upozorava da svake večeri goblinima s crvenim kapama treba ostaviti poslasticu, ali jednog dana djevojka zaboravi nahraniti ova bajkovita bića.
The Old Oak 2023
Moloch 2022
Meantime 1983
Hangover Square 1945
The Estrogen Gospel 2024
The Nan Movie 2022
Hotel Coolgardie 2016
The Local Stigmatic 1990
Poet's Pub 1949
Kristen 2015
Dick Turpin 1974
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 2005
Four egocentric friends run a neighborhood Irish pub in Philadelphia and try to find their way through the adult world of work and relationships. Unfortunately, their warped views and precarious judgments often lead them to trouble, creating a myriad of uncomfortable situations that usually only get worse before they get better.
Starstruck 2021
A drunken New Year's Eve hook-up becomes far more complicated for Jessie when she discovers her one night stand is actually a film star.
Teachers 2001
The chaotic lives, loves and drinking sessions of a group of hapless teachers. They might be qualified to teach, but they've still got a lot to learn...
State of the Union 2019
Tom and Louise meet in a pub immediately before their weekly marital therapy session. With each successive episode we piece together how their lives were, what drew them together and what has started to pull them apart.
吉田類 北海道ぶらり街めぐり 2014
The Prince of Denmark 1974
Ronnie and Laura Corbett have embarked on a new future - this time in the company of the Prince of Denmark, a public house that she has inherited. Ronnie's initially rather put out by Laura's being technically in charge; something which the brewery's delivery men are swift to pick up on! Her prior experience working behind a bar soon begins to rub off, but it's a slow learning curve for the diminutive busybody as he attempts to keep his pride in tact, his eye over everything, and his hand firmly on the tiller.