Terrifier 3

Terrifier 3 2024


Dječak se budi usred snježne noći, ustaje iz kreveta sa svojim medvjedićem u ruci, razmišljajući tko bi mogao ispuštati čudne zvukove koji dopiru iz dnevne sobe. Kada konačno stigne dolje, očekuje Djeda Božićnjaka, ali ga tamo čeka Klaun Art, odjeven kao Djed Božićnjak, samo sa sjekirom u ruci.



Constantine 2005


John Constantine je bio u paklu i natrag. Rođen neželjenim darom, sposobnošću da jasno prepozna anđele i demone koji hodaju zemljom u ljudskom obličju, Konstantin je bio pokrenut samoubojstvu kako bi izbjegao mučnu jasnoću svog vida. Ali nije uspio. Sada, obilježen pokušajem samoubojstva, on patrolira zemaljskom granicom između neba i pakla, uzalud se nadajući da će zaraditi put ka spasenju šaljući Lucifferove minione natrag u podzemlje. Kad očajni, ali skeptični policijski detektiv uputi pomoć u rješavanju tajanstvene smrti njezine voljene sestre blizanke, njihova istraga vodi ih kroz svijet demona i anđela koji se nalazi odmah ispod krajolika današnjeg grada Los Angelesa. Uhvaćeni u katastrofalnom nizu nadnaravnih događaja, njih dvoje su neraskidivo povezani i pokušavaju pronaći svoj mir po svaku cijenu.


Divan život

Divan život 1946


Dok na Badnju večer u slikovitom provincijskom gradiću Bedford Fallsu pada snijeg, očajni George Bailey (J. Stewart) pritisnut velikim novčanim dugovima i pod utjecajem alkohola odluči skokom u rijeku počiniti samoubojstvo. Želeći ga spasiti, sveti Josip u pomoć Georgeu odluči poslati blagog Clarencea (H. Travers), anđela drugog razreda kojem bi upravo ovaj "slučaj" mogao pomoći u napredovanju i dobivanju krila. Izvor: www.mojtv.hr


Ghost Rider 2: Duh osvete

Ghost Rider 2: Duh osvete 2011


U novoj filmu, redatelja Marka Neveldine i Briana Taylora, Johnny se još uvijek bori sa svojim prokletstvom đavoljeg lovca na glave- ali riskira izgubiti sve kad se udruži s vođom skupine pobunjenih opata kako bi spasili dječaka od samoga đavla... a možda bi se i on mogao zauvijek osloboditi svoje kletve.


Pali anđeo

Pali anđeo 1998


Detektiv John Hobbes svjedoči pogubljenju serijskog ubojice Edgara Reesea. Ubrzo nakon pogubljenja, počinju se događati ubojstva koja podsjećaju na Reeseov stil. Hobbes, zbunjen i uznemiren, počinje sumnjati da je ubojica možda opsjednut demonskom silom koja može prelaziti iz jednog tijela u drugo. Dok istražuje, Hobbes otkriva drevnu tajnu o palom anđelu Azazelu, koji se vraća na Zemlju kako bi sijao kaos. Hobbes se mora suočiti s nadnaravnim zlom koje ne poznaje granice, dok istovremeno pokušava zaštititi sebe i svoje voljene od Azazelove smrtonosne moći.


Grad anđela

Grad anđela 1998


Susret s predanom kirurginjom Maggie (Meg Ryan) budi u njemu vatru znatiželje i vječnog pitanja: kakav je to osjećaj biti ljudsko biće? Jedan od anđela upozorava Setha na brojne opasnosti zbližavanja s ljudima, no njegova radoznalost i snažni osjećaji prema liječnici navode ga na neizvjestan postupak.No susret s neobičnim pacijentom, Nathanielom (Dennis Franz), otkrit će Sethu pravu istinu o povezanosti anđela s ljudima...


The Kid

The Kid 1921


Beskućnik poznat kao Tramp brine o napuštenom djetetu, no događaji dovode njihov odnos u opasnost.



Dogma 1999


Bethany Sloane (Linda Fiorentino) je jako razočarana a njena vjera dovedena je u pitanje kada je muž ostavi poslije saznanja kako ne može imati djecu. Ona će biti potpuno zbunjena kada joj priđe Metatron (Alan Rickman), čangrizavi anđeo. On želi da mu Bethany pomogne zaustaviti Bartlebya (Ben Affleck) i Lokija (Matt Damon), pale anđele izbačene iz Raja, koji su na putu za New Jersey. Ako njih dvojica uspiju proći ispod svoda određene crkve, dokazaće da je Bog grešan i izazvati brzi kraj svijeta. Bethany ne shvaća zašto joj je dodijeljen ovakav zadatak, ali ipak kreće na put sa pomoćnicima - Jayem, izuzetno nezgodnim bivšim dilerom droge i ženskarošem, i Tihim Bobom. Usput će im se pridružiti još nekoliko pomoćnika, uključujući i božansku muzu Serendipity (Salma Hayek) i Rufusa (Chris Rock), koji tvrdi da je trinaesti apostol i da mu Isus duguje 12 dolara.



Exposed 2016


Detektiv Galban pronađe svog partnera i bliskog prijatelja ubijenog u podzemnoj željeznici. Kako je na tragu ubojicama počinje opasno sumnjati da je partner bio umiješan u narko podzemlje te da je bio korumpiran. Svi koji su bili na tragu razotkriti tajnu odreda su ubijeni. Detektiva Galbana svi bližnji uvjeravaju da se okane istrage jer će samo razotkriti širu korupciju unutar policijskih redova no on ne želi odustati. Njegov pouzdani trag je prekrasna Isobel koju će morati zaštiti od sila zla.


Božić vragolastog Dennisa

Božić vragolastog Dennisa 2007


Božić vragolastog Denisa akcijska je blagdanska priča o popularnome stripovskom liku i njegovom zlovoljnom susjedu, g. Wilsonu. Kako se približavaju blagdani, svaki će od njih naučiti vrijednu lekciju o pravome značenju Božića. Dennis ima samo dva tjedna da se pomiri sa svojim susjedom, gospodinom Wilsonom (Robert Wagner) koji ga već dugo trpi, i koji završi u bolnici kada Dennis naleti na njega biciklom. Na nesreću, Dennisovi pokušaji da ublaži situaciju gospodinu Wilsonu i Denisovoj obitelji uzrokuju samo još veće muke.


Touched by an Angel

Touched by an Angel 1994


Monica, an angel, is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.



Supernatural 2005


When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America ... and he taught them how to kill it. Now, the Winchester brothers crisscross the country in their '67 Chevy Impala, battling every kind of supernatural threat they encounter along the way.


In the Nick of Time

In the Nick of Time 2005


Five people, strangers to each other, are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They witness a murder and from then on an endless tangle of adventures begins for them. Dalia, Zoumboulia, Spyros, Fotis, Angela... unite in a group, draw strength from each other and aim to deliver justice in an old and dark case... Through dangers and upheavals they will manage to reach in the truth of the case but also their own, personal truth.


Haibane Renmei

Haibane Renmei 2002


A dream of falling from the sky...and then birth. Rakka is born from a large cocoon into the Old Home, greeted by a group of females with small wings on their backs and shining halos above their heads. Soon Rakka’s own wings grow, a halo is placed on her head and she is told that she must work in the nearby town of Grie. She soon realizes that the town and the entire world they live in are confined behind the Wall, a tall, impenetrable wall that none except the mysterious Toga are allowed to exit.


Highway to Heaven

Highway to Heaven 1984


A probationary angel is sent back to Earth to team up with an ex-cop and help people.


High School D×D

High School D×D 2012


High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club. Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!



Air 2005


Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey in search of the Winged Maiden who was bound to the sky centuries ago after hearing the old childhood tale from his mother. As Yukito shows his puppet show to people in an attempt to make some money, he finds himself in a small town in which he did not expect to stay very long. However, when he meets an unusual girl named Misuzu, things take a drastic turn as he is invited to stay with her.


I Need a Fairy

I Need a Fairy 2012


Fairy mother Wang-Mo and her daughter Chae-Hwa go down to the ground to have a bath at a hot spring, before Chae-Hwa is to get married. They see a bunch of extras for some kind of filming session and they are wearing fairy outfits. After taking their bath, they put on their fairy outfit. The try to go back up, but find themselves stil grounded. Se-Joo is the president of 2H Entertainment. He lives with his 2 children and his twin. His son Kook-Min, wants to become an actor, even though his acting skills are poor. His daughter Na-Ra is a model student. Se-Joo becomes upset after discovering his son is taking part in the filming. Along the way, Se-Joo happens to steal a glance at fairy mother Wang-Mo and her daughter Chae-Hwa taking a bath. He finds Chae-Hwa attractive, but leaves. Fairy mother Wang-Mo and her daughter Chae-Hwa go to the film shooting site to find their fairy outfits. They are handed the business for 2H Entertainment and told to go there to find their fairy costumes.


Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion 1995


At the turn of the century, the Angels returned to Earth, seeking to wipe out humanity in an apocalyptic fury. Devastated, mankind's last remnants moved underground to wait for the day when the Angels would come back to finish the job. Fifteen years later, that day has come... but this time, humanity is ready to fight back with terrifying bio-mechanical weapons known as the Evangelions. Watch as Shinji, Rei, Asuka and the rest of the mysterious shadow agency Nerv battle to save earth from total annihilation.


Seven Mortal Sins

Seven Mortal Sins 2017


The prideful archangel Lucifer disobeys God and is cast into the lowest level of hell as a fallen angel. On her way to hell, Lucifer happens to meet a high school girl on Earth named Maria, who helps her. In hell, Lucifer meets Leviathan, and Leviathan explains to Lucifer about The Seven Deadly Sins, the seven demon king rulers of hell. After The Seven Deadly Sins seal Lucifer's powers, Lucifer goes on a journey with Maria and Leviathan to defeat them.


Teen Angel

Teen Angel 1997


When Marty DePolo dies after eating a six-month-old hamburger, he is chosen to be his best friend's guardian angel.



Constantine 2014


A man struggling with his faith is haunted by the sins of his past but is suddenly thrust into the role of defending humanity from the gathering forces of darkness.


Warrior Nun

Warrior Nun 2020


After waking up in a morgue, an orphaned teen discovers she now possesses superpowers as the chosen Halo-Bearer for a secret sect of demon-hunting nuns.


Rage of Bahamut

Rage of Bahamut 2014


Two thousand years ago, the black-and-silver-winged dragon, Bahamut, terrorized the magical land of Mistarcia. The humans, god, and demons that inhabited the land united forces against the fiend and sealed its power into a key which was split in two, one half protected by gods and the other protected by demons. Now, Mistarcia is a peaceful realm – until a human woman steals the god’s half of the key. Based on the immensely popular digital card game, Rage of Bahamut: Genesis is an exciting blend of action and fantasy.


Good Omens

Good Omens 2019


Aziraphale, an angel, and Crowley, a demon, join forces in order to prevent Armageddon. They attempt to raise the Antichrist in a balanced and human way, but are they focusing their efforts in the right direction?


Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! 2010


Angel Beats takes place in the afterlife and focuses on Otonashi, a boy who lost his memories of his life after dying. He is enrolled into the afterlife school and meets a girl named Yuri who invites him to join the Afterlife Battlefront — an organization she leads which fights against God. The Battlefront fight against the student council president Angel, a girl with supernatural powers.


Devilman Crybaby

Devilman Crybaby 2018


Akira Fudo learns from his best friend Ryo Asuka that demons will revive and reclaim the world from humans. With humans hopeless against this threat, Ryo suggests combining with a demon. With this, Akira becomes Devilman, a being with the power of demon but with a human heart.