
Mumija 1999


Godine 1923. naočiti legionar Rick O'Connell i njegov dvolični pratilac Beni usred bitke naiđu na skrivene ruševine Hamunaptre. 3000 godina nakon što je Imhotep doživio sudbinu goru od smrti mumificiran je te je njegovo tijelo ostalo nemrtvo cijelu vječnost za kaznu zbog zabranjene ljubavi. Nekoliko godina poslije, dok O'Connell čami u zatvoru očekujući gotovo sigurno smaknuće, otkrije da se zahvaljujući svom znanju o točnoj lokaciji Hamunaptre može nagoditi za svoj život. Mitsko blago zakopano pod pijeskom Hamunaptre postalo je opsesija lovaca na blago i arheologa, a O'Connell se nađe u neobičnom savezu s prekrasnom, no nespretnom, egiptologinjom Evelyn i njezinim beskorisnim bratom Jonathanom. Trojac krene iz Kaira na putovanje koje će ih odvesti niz Nil, preko varljiva prostranstva Sahare, do susreta sa zlokobnom silom koja posjeduje moć kakvu nisu mogli ni zamisliti.


Povratak mumije

Povratak mumije 2001


Godina je 1933. Prošlo je osam godina otkad su se hrabri legionar Rick O'Connell i neustrašiva egiptologinja Evelyn borili za život protiv 3000 godina starog neprijatelja zvanog Imhotep. Rick i Evelyn sada su u braku te žive u Londonu sa svojim sinom Alexom. Niz događaja prouzročit će uskrsnuće Imhotepove mumije u Britanskome muzeju te će on još jedanput kročiti zemljom u potrazi za besmrtnošću. Međutim, jedna druga sila također je puštena na svijet, sila stvorena u najmračnijim obredima drevnoga egipatskog misticizma, i čak moćnija od Imhotepa. Kada se ove dvije sile sukobe, sudbina svijeta visjet će o niti, a O'Connellovi će krenuti u očajničku utrku za spas svijeta od neopisivog zla te spas svoga sina prije nego što bude kasno.


Hotel Transilvanija 2

Hotel Transilvanija 2 2015


Za hotel Transilvaniju čini se da su stvari konačno krenule na bolje... Drakulin hotel, koji je od početka kao svoje goste prihvaćao isključivo čudovišta, sada je otvoren i za ljude. Ali ono što sada najviše muči našeg omiljenog Drakulu je njegova ozbiljna zabrinutost da njegov preslatki unuk (koji je zapravo pola čovjek, a pola vampir) ne pokazuje znakove pravog vampira. Dok se Mavis nalazi u posjeti kod Johnnyjevih roditelja gdje je očekuje pravi kulturalni šok, Drakula moli za pomoć svoje prijatelje Franka, Murrayja, Waynea i Griffina kako bi sa svojim unukom Dennisom prošao kroz "vampirski trening". Međutim nitko od njih nije svjestan činjenice da Drakulin stari i vrlo, vrlo, vrlo, vrlo, vrlo staromodni otac Vlad dolazi u obiteljski posjet hotelu. A kada Vlad sazna da njegov praunuk nije čistokrvne vampirske krvi - i da je sada u hotelu Transilvanija čak i ljudima dozvoljen boravak - stvari će postati vrlo... šišmiškolike!


Mumija: Grobnica zmajskog cara

Mumija: Grobnica zmajskog cara 2008


Prošlo je 2000 godina od kada je čarobnica Zi Yuan zarobila u grobnicu nemilosrdnog kineskog cara Hana i njegovu vojsku. Na inicijativu britanske vlade, Rick O'Connell i njegova supruga Evelyn odnose relikviju, tj. dijamant “Oko Shangri-La” u Kinu. Relikvija može uskrsnuti cara Hana i pokazati gdje se nalazi izvor vječnog života. Kada par stigne u Kinu, nađe se sa svojim sinom Alexom, koji je otkrio Hanov grob, te s Evelyninim bratom Jonathanom Cranahanom. Ubrzo, Connellove izda profesor Roger Wilsnon, koji se udruži s generalom Yangom.



Mumija 2017


Iako je sahranjena u grobnicu duboko ispod nemilosrdne pustinje, drevna princeza (Sofia Boutella) kojoj je nepravedno uskraćena njena sudbina probudila se u današnjem vremenu i puna je zlobe koja joj se nakupljala tisućama godina, i užasa teško pojmljivog ljudima, kojeg će širiti od pijesaka Bliskog istoka do podzemnih labirinata modernog Londona.



Mumije 2023


Zabavne avanture tri egipatske mumije koje žive u podzemnom tajnom gradu, skrivenom u drevnom Egiptu. Kroz niz nesretnih događaja, mumije završavaju u današnjem Londonu i kreću na otkačeno i urnebesno putovanje.



ThunderCats 1985


The inhabitants of the planet Thundera evacuate just before it is destroyed. They were pursued by a band of mutants. All but one of their escape ships was destroyed. Only a small group of Thunderans (Thundercats) remained. With only half engine power, the group, which was led by Jaga, had to set a course for the nearest planet. Jaga commanded their ship while the other seven were in their stasis tubes. Jaga died on their journey to Third Earth and their ship crashed there. Soon they made friends with various groups in the area and they designed a fortress. Mumm-Ra the centuries-old embodiment of evil, along with the mutants that destroyed the rest of the Thunderans are a constant threat. But Lion-O, the new leader of the Thundercats, with his weapon the "Sword of Omens" will help the Thundercats to have a standing chance.


Hotel Transylvania: The Series

Hotel Transylvania: The Series 2017


Mavis navigates life without her dad, Dracula, around and discovers one of the few common human and monster truths: being a teenager bites.


Mummies Alive!

Mummies Alive! 1997


Mummies Alive! is an American animated series from DIC Entertainment. It originally aired for one season in 1997. In ancient Egypt, an evil sorcerer named Scarab, kills the pharaoh's son, Prince Rapses, so he can become immortal. Entombed alive for his crime, Scarab revives in the modern world and begins his search for Rapses' reincarnation, a San Francisco-dwelling boy named Presley Carnovan to retrieve the spirit of Rapses' so he can become immortal. Rapses' bodyguards, Ja-Kal, Rath, Armon, and Nefer-Tina, along with Rapses' cat, Kahti, awake from the dead to protect him from Scarab. They use the power of Ra to transform into powerful guardians. Each of the mummies is aligned with the power of an Egyptian god. Ja-Kal uses the spirit of falcon, Rath uses the spirit of snake, Armon uses the spirit of ram, and Nefer-Tina uses the spirit of cat. They are able to call upon it for magical armor and powers to fight superhuman evildoers. Although, once their strength is exhausted, they must rest in their sarcophagi to regain the ability. In order to access these powers, the mummies call out the phrase "With the Strength of Ra!", which triggers their transformation. The mummies also have the power to make a horrifying face, usually used to scare away nosy bystanders.


The Mummy: The Animated Series

The Mummy: The Animated Series 2001


The Mummy: The Animated Series is an animated television series produced by Universal Animation Studios to capitalize on the success of The Mummy. It premiered on Kids' WB! On the The WB network on September 29, 2001. It is set sometime between 1920 and 1934. The characters and plot were derived from the film, but the series could not replicate its success, efforts to make it consistent with real-world features were almost non-existent as, for example, Lake Titicaca is described as both puma-head shaped and as being found below the ruins of Macchu Picchu. The poor quality of the animation disappointed fans of the special effects-laden movie. It was retooled and rechristened The Mummy: Secrets of the Medjai for its second season, which began on February 15, 2003. Although the quality is considered to have improved between the first and second seasons, the show failed to find an audience and was cancelled on June 7, 2003. Reruns of the show aired on Toon Disney. The entire series was released on DVD in America R1 in three volumes on July 22, 2008.


Pinches Momias

Pinches Momias 2023


With roots in Mexican history and folklore, it is based on the mummies of Guanajuato, one of the most fascinating collections in the world. The series follows a group of teenagers from Guanajuato, who represent the only hope for their people to survive when the renowned mummies are resurrected during the Cervantino Festival, the busiest week of the year.


Monster Force

Monster Force 1994


Monster Force was a 13-episode animated television series created in 1994 by Universal Cartoon Studios and Canadian studio Lacewood Productions. The story is set in approx. 2020 and centers on a group of teenagers who, with help of high tech weaponry, fight off against classic Universal Monsters and spiritual beings threatening humanity. Some of the crew have personal vendettas, while others fight for Mankind out of a sense of altruism. Universal Studios Home Entertainment will release the first seven episodes to DVD on September 15, 2009.


Mummy Mysteries

Mummy Mysteries 2020


An international team of archaeological experts reveal the true stories behind ancient Egypt's most infamous mummies, using modern forensic science, they uncover tales of life and death in one of history's most mysterious civilizations.


Tutankhamun with Dan Snow

Tutankhamun with Dan Snow 2019


An investigative look into the life of the boy-king, his environment and his death.


Chasing Mummies

Chasing Mummies 2010


Chasing Mummies: The Amazing Adventures of Zahi Hawass is a reality television series which is airing on The History Channel in the United States. Produced by Boutique TV, this series depicts the adventures of archaeologist and Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass and his discoveries in Egypt as he is followed by young archeological fellows and a camera crew. The series began on Wednesday, 14 July 2010 and aired Wednesdays at 10pm on the History Channel. The shows illustrates the complexities in the almost never-ending quest to preserve and discover artifacts from ancient Egypt.