Ples s vukovima

Ples s vukovima 1990


Kao vojnik odlikovan u građanskom ratu, poručnik John Dunbar (Kevin Costner) zaželio je osjetiti život u američkoj preriji prije no što ona potpuno nestane. Dunbar dobija položaj u napuštenoj tvrđavi, a jedini su mu susjedi indijansko pleme Siouxa. S vremenom oni prevladavaju jezične zapreke, međusobno nepovjerenje, te Dunbar i ponosni Indijanci postaju prijatelji. Dunbar se zaljubljuje u lijepu bijelu ženu koju je odgojilo pleme Sioxa...


The Burrowers

The Burrowers 2008


Nakon što cijela obitelj naseljenika tajanstveno nestane iz njihova doma, njihovi najbliži susjedi odluče otkriti što se zaista dogodilo. Irski imigrant u potrazi za svojom voljenom, naivni tinejdžer koji će učiniti sve kako bi se dokazao, bivši rob koji sanja o boljoj budućnosti i par iskusnih boraca upute se u divljinu očekivajući rutinski sukob s odmetnutim indijanskim ratnicima. No, uskoro otkrivaju da njihovi suparnici nisu ljudska bića.



Elkhorn 2024


Theodore Roosevelt is bound for greatness—he's a Harvard graduate from a prominent family, a rising politician, and his wife, Alice, is pregnant. Then his promising future turns tragic. His mother succumbs to typhoid, and Alice dies in childbirth on the same day. Devastated, Teddy leaves his urban world of high rises and high society for the desolate Dakota Territory, where, by facing the harsh reality of surviving life on America’s frontier, he intends to remake himself into something greater.


The Plane that Led D-Day

The Plane that Led D-Day 2019


On the night of 5th June, 1944, a C-47 paratrooper aircraft, nicknamed "That’s All, Brother" took off from England, heading in the early hours of June 6th, to drop Allied fighting men into Normandy. A chance discovery in 2015 led a scramble to save the aircraft, after standing for decades forgotten in a scrapyard. This UK premiere traces the story of an American icon, it’s reconstruction and hazardous Transatlantic mission to honour America’s fallen in Europe.