Obiteljski kaos

Obiteljski kaos 2014


Poslije katastrofalnog prvog spoja samohrani roditelji Lauren (Barrymore) i Jim (Sandler) složit će se samo oko jedne stvari: nikad se više ne žele vidjeti. No, kad se oboje slučajno prijave za zabavni obiteljski odmor s djecom, naći će se prisiljeni na tjedan dana dijeliti apartman u luksuznom afričkom safari odmaralištu...



Plavuša 2022


Ovaj fikcijski portret Marilyn Monroe odvažno daje novi pogled na burni život ove holivudske legende... i cijene koju je platila za slavu.


Banat Akrekoz

Banat Akrekoz 2003


The story of the work revolves around four girls and their mothers waiting for their traveling father throughout the episodes of the series and they have a uncle, a former ministerial candidate with a good financial income. In each episode, the family is exposed to funny situations and exciting adventures within a funny family template.


withou a sin

withou a sin 1980


The events revolve around a girl named (Kawther), where her uncle (Awadin) and her mother (Nawal) took care of her after her father left them in the past, because they are from a modest family, and then the events follow.