Ključna riječ Diva
Sunset Boulevard 1950
Burnt 2015
The Country Girl 1954
Fantom u operi 1925
Groteskno unakaženi skladatelj poznat kao "Fantom" progoni parišku opernu kuću, gdje potajno dotjeruje Christine Daae za opernu divu. Namamivši je u svoju podzemnu jazbinu, Fantom izjavljuje svoju ljubav. No, Christine voli Raoula de Chagnyja i planira pobjeći s njim. Kad Fantom to sazna, otima Christine.
La Luna 1979
Diva 1981
Morning Glory 1933
A Breath of Scandal 1960
The Goddess 1958
Heat 1972
Torch Song 1953
Désaccord Parfait 2006
Applause 1973
The Edge and Christian Show That Totally Reeks of Awesomeness 2016
WWE presents a half-hour variety show starring the talented duo Edge and Christian, in a series that will take a look back at all the highs and lows of sports-entertainment, while offering a unique and humor filled perspective to the WWE Universe.
Castaway Diva 2023
Fifteen years after being stranded on a remote island, an aspiring singer reenters society — stopping at nothing to pursue her dream of becoming a diva.
Any Malu Show 2020
Any Malu is a funky, charismatic and fun girl with a big heart and a even bigger mouth. She always dreamt to become a true diva and now she has finally been given the chance to prove that she has what it takes.