
Supstanca 2024


Elisabeth Sparkle nekadašnja je filmska zvijezda, koja je produkcije namijenjene velikom ekranu zamijenila proizvodnjom videa za tjelovježbu. No iako izgleda izvrsno, s 50 godina sve joj se više vrata zatvara. Igrom slučaja do nje dolazi neobičan prijedlog: tajanstveni laboratorij nudi joj uzorak Supstance, čudotvorne tvari koja će joj pomoći da ponovno probudi mlađu, ljepšu i savršeniju verziju sebe. No sve dolazi sa cijenom, a ova će biti prilično visoka.


Encanto: Naš čarobni svijet

Encanto: Naš čarobni svijet 2021


Animirana priča o neobičnoj obitelji Madrigal, koja živi skrivena u magičnoj kući u planinama Kolumbije, u divnom i šarmantnom mjestu zvanom Encanto. Magija Encanta blagoslovila je svako dijete u obitelji jedinstvenim darom, od super snage do moći iscjeljenja, osim Mirabel. Ali kada otkrije da je magija koja okružuje Encanto u opasnosti, Mirabel shvati da bi ona, jedina „normalna“ Madrigal, mogla biti posljednja nada svoje izuzetne obitelji.



Troja 2004


Kroz stoljeća muškarci su ratovali. Neki za moć, neki za slavu ili čast, a neki za ljubav. U staroj Grčkoj, strast dvojice naj legendarnijih ljubavnika u povijesti, Pariza, trojanskog princa (Orlando Bloom) i Helene (Diane Kruger), kraljica Sparte, pokrenula je rat koji će uništiti civilizaciju. Otmica Helene od Pariza, odvajanje njenog supruga, kralja Menelausa (Bren-dan Gleeson), uvreda je kojom Family Pride utvrđuje da je bahatost Menelaus-a žrtva njenog brata Agamemnona (Brian Cox), moćnog kralja Mycenae, koja ubrzo ponovno ujedini sva velika grčka plemena kako bi se Helena oporavila od Trojanaca i obranila čast svog brata. Istina je da je borba za čast Agamemnona pokvarena njegovom nekontroliranom pohlepom jer treba osvojiti Troju kako bi preuzeo kontrolu nad Egejskim morem.


Smrt joj dobro pristaje

Smrt joj dobro pristaje 1992


Kada glumica na zalasku karijere sazna za tretman besmrtnosti, ona i njezina dugogodišnja protivnica bore se za tajnu vječne ljepote.


Preboljeti Sarah Marshall

Preboljeti Sarah Marshall 2008


Peter je mladi glazbenik koji šest godina uzdiže na pijedestal svoju djevojku, televizijsku zvijezdu Sarah Marshall. On je onaj tip koji joj pridržava torbicu dok je slikaju i kojeg slučajno izostavlja iz zahvala dok prima nagrade. Bez obzira na to, kad ga ona ostavi, cijeli se Peterov svijet odjednom poljulja. Nakon neuspješnih pokušaja da nađe utjehu u drugim ženama i nakon živčanoga sloma, uvjeren je da će ga uništiti to što Sarah više nema u njegovom životu. Peter odlazi na put u Oahu i tamo ga dočeka najgora noćna mora: bivša djevojka sa svojim popularnim novim dečkom, britanskom rock-zvijezdom Aldousom Snowom. No, dok se pokušava nositi s činjenicom da Sarah ima nov život, utjehu nalazi u flertu s Rachel, lijepom djelatnicom odmarališta čiji ga opušteni pristup životu navodi da se vrati u svijet živih. Utjehu nalazi i u nekoliko stotina voćnih koktela...



Nakaze 1932


Hans, patuljak koji je dio predstave sa nakazama, obožava prelijepu umjetnicu na trapezu, Cleopatru. Frieda, Hansova zaručnica, koja je također patuljak, upozorava ga da Cleopatra samo želi njegov novac. Kako bi se uvukla u uski krug koji čine nakaze, Cleopatra počne vezu sa Herculesom, iznimno snažnim muškarcem. Naime, ona planira zavesti Hansa i preoteti njegovo bogatstvo, ali kada nakaze vide njeno pravo lice posljedice mogu biti samo tragične.


Sex and the City

Sex and the City 1998


Based on the bestselling book by Candace Bushnell, Sex and the City tells the story of four best friends, all single and in their late thirties, as they pursue their careers and talk about their sex lives, all while trying to survive the New York social scene. 


True Beauty

True Beauty 2020


Lim Ju-kyung is a high school student. Since she was little, she has had a complex about her appearance. To hide her bare face, Ju-kyung always wears make-up. Her excellent make-up skills make her pretty and she hides her bare face in front of others. She gets involved with 2 men; Lee Su-ho and Han Seo-jun.



Botched 2014


In the multi-billion dollar world of plastic surgery, beauty is in the eye of the beholder... or is it? For some patients, their quest for ultimate perfection ends in disastrous results. World renowned doctors Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow — the best of the best and leaders in their field — will be tasked with some of the most difficult operations of their careers when they try to reverse the effects of horrendous plastic surgeries.  


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.


How Do I Look?

How Do I Look? 2004


How Do I Look? is a makeover show airing on the Style Network. The show was originally hosted by English soap opera veteran Finola Hughes; the current season is hosted by celebrity stylist Jeannie Mai. The show features "fashion victims," purportedly turned in by their friends, coworkers, and family members. Although there are variations in each episode tailored to the individual contestant, every episode follows the same basic pattern.


True Beauty

True Beauty 2024


Once bullied for her looks, Jugyeong transforms herself using the art of makeup. When she joins a new school with a True Beauty goddess competition, offering winners the chance of recruitment by entertainment agencies, she instantly becomes a top candidate! But her new identity is at stake when heartthrob Suho Lee accidentally sees her bare face. Will her elite status be short-lived?


Beauty and the Baller

Beauty and the Baller 2017


Beauty and the Baller is a single-camera TV comedy series about a pro athlete, his hot wife and what their life is like off of the court. Despite their fame and fortune, at the end of the day John and Deena Castle are just like any other couple when it comes to resolving problems, managing family and friends, and making sure the love that brought them together keeps them together.


Song Ji Hyo's Beautiful Life

Song Ji Hyo's Beautiful Life 2018


Song Ji Hyo, popular actress and reality show star, hosts “Song Ji Hyo’s Beautiful Life,” a beauty program that has her going out and completing missions. The show will differ from other traditional beauty shows that focus on makeup tips and products and provide a fun take on beauty and healthy lifestyles.


Beauty Bible 2016 S/S

Beauty Bible 2016 S/S 2016


It's time for 'Beauty Bible'! Greeting this year's S/S season, 'Beauty Bible' is back with two hottest hosts, MC Jessica and RAINBOW Jaekyung. They will be sharing their own beauty tips! If you want to stay pretty, don't miss out 'Beauty Bible'!


Nikita Unfiltered

Nikita Unfiltered 2020


This up close and personal docuseries follows transgender beauty mogul Nikita Dragun as she reveals a vulnerable new side to herself that her millions of fans have never seen before.


Being British East Asian: Sex, Beauty & Bodies

Being British East Asian: Sex, Beauty & Bodies 2020


Exploring body image, sex, and beauty, Elaine Chong challenges all she learned from movies, TV, and even family while growing up British East Asian and explores why the desire to fit in to a foreign culture while meeting the standards demanded by Asian family can leave some in an almost impossible situation.


The World of Jeffree Star

The World of Jeffree Star 2019


Shane Dawson explores the life of the controversial figure Jeffree Star and the creation of their make-up collaboration The Conspiracy Collection.


Are You Hot? The Search For America's Sexiest People

Are You Hot? The Search For America's Sexiest People 2003


From coast to coast, thousands of hopefuls gather to get the chance to compete for the crown of the sexiest man or woman in America. Talent, personality and strategy were not required, just physical beauty and innate sexiness. They'll be judged by a celebrity panel and, at the end of each episode, viewers are invited to vote for their favorite male and female hotties until one breathtaking man and one stunning woman are crowned "The Sexiest People in America."


Lethally Blonde

Lethally Blonde 2024


Host Holly Madison reveals the stories of everyday young women who use sex appeal as an avenue to power, which leads them into a risqué world of jealousy and obsession that quickly becomes darker and more dangerous than they can possibly imagine.


American Beauty Star

American Beauty Star 2017


12 competitors from all facets of the beauty industry are challenged to become the next American Beauty Star. Challenges include creating high-end magazine editorial looks and red carpet styles for a Hollywood premiere.


Pretty Single

Pretty Single 2020


Six single women trying to be picture-perfect ditch their glamorous hair and make-up.