Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja

Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja 2003


Kako Sauron započinje posljednju fazu pokoravanja Međuzemlja, čarobnjak Gandalf i Kralj Theoden od Rohana udružuju snage kako bi zaštitili glavni grad Gondora, Minas Tirith od ove prijetnje. Aragorn konačno mora preuzeti kraljevski tron Gondora pa okuplja vojsku duhova kako bi porazio Saurona. Na kraju, iako pod punom spremom, shvaćaju da ne mogu pobijediti; sve spada na hobite Froda i Sama koji se sami moraju suočiti s težinom Prstena i Gollumovom izdajom, kako bi uništili Prsten u Mordoru.


Jurski svijet: Pad kraljevstva

Jurski svijet: Pad kraljevstva 2018


Četiri godine nakon uništenja tematskog parka Jurski svijet, radnja filma prati povratak Owena Gradyja i Claire Dearing na otok Isla Nublar. Kada se neaktivni otočni vulkan počne vraćati u život, Owen i Claire organiziraju akciju spašavanja preostalih dinosaura od konačnog istrebljenja kojim im ova prirodna katastrofa prijeti. U svojoj misiji uskoro se suočavaju s užasavajućim novim vrstama gigantskih dinosaura i dolaze do spoznaje o zavjeri koja prijeti čitavom planetu.


Ratovi zvijezda: Epizoda III - Osveta Sitha

Ratovi zvijezda: Epizoda III - Osveta Sitha 2005


Tri godine nakon bitke Geonosisa ratovi klonova se konačno privode kraju. Obi-Wan Kenobi sada ima zaduženje za uništenje ostalih separatista Count Dooku i Grievousa. Palpatine je postao korumpiran, proglašavajući se carem, a zajedno s Anakinom Skywalkerom započinje stvaranje svog novog galaktičkog kraljevstva. Budući da se Anakin naposljetku pretvara u zlog Dartha Vadera, Padme se odlučuje skriti sve do kraja rata kada će na vidjelo izaći novi sukob.


Madagaskar 2: Bijeg u Afriku

Madagaskar 2: Bijeg u Afriku 2008


Lav Alex, zebra Marty, žirafa Melman, nilski konj Gloria, pingvini… sve njih možete vidjeti u filmu Madagaskar 2. Nakon što su pingvini popravili stari avion, ekipa odlučuje poletjeti. Ipak, avion nije baš najbolje popravljen i u zraku uspjeva izdržati vrlo kratko vrijeme. Sruši se i ekipa pada u samo srce Afrike gdje upoznaju svoje daljnje rođake. Dok otkrivaju svoje korijene, shvaćaju da afrička džungla nije ista kao i ona na asfaltu New Yorka. Afrika se uistinu čini kao fantastično mjesto. No, je li uistinu bolja od zoološkog vrta u New Yorku?


Putovanje u središte Zemlje

Putovanje u središte Zemlje 2008


U obiteljskoj pustolovini „Putovanje u središte Zemlje“, troje istraživača uranja duboko u neobično novo područje ispod površine Zemlje odakle kreću na čudesno putovanje i pronalaze izvanredna mjesta, izlažući se strašnoj opasnosti.


Samo dvaput se živi

Samo dvaput se živi 1967


Tajanstvena svemirska letjelica snima ruske i američke svemirske kapsule i dovodi dvije supersile na rub rata. James Bond istražuje slučaj u Japanu i suočava se sa svojim neprijateljem Blofeldom.


Danteov vrh

Danteov vrh 1997


Vulkanolog Harry Dalton dolazi u mirni grad Danteov vrh kako bi istražio nedavne tremore uspavanog vulkana po kojem je grad dobio ime. Ubrzo se ostvare njegovi najgori strahovi kad se dogodi masivna erupcija i tad se Harry, gradonačelnica i građani nađu u borbi za život usred katastrofalne noćne more.


Smrt pod morem

Smrt pod morem 1998


John Finnegan (T. Williams) je vlasnik brzoga glisera koji unajmljuje skupina muškaraca da ih preveze na označenu poziciju usred pučine Južnokineskoga mora. Uskoro se pokazuje da je riječ o pljačkašima dragulja kojima je cilj dokopati se blaga spremljenoga u trezorima divovskoga luksuznog broda. Dokopavši se cilja, moderni gusari otkrivaju da je brod netko već napao poubijavši sve putnike. Stanje posmrtnih ostataka pokazuje da napadač nije ljudskoga podrijetla već čudovište izašlo iz morskih dubina. Jedini preživjeli, pohlepni vlasnik broda Simon Canton (A. Heald) i lijepa kriminalka Famke Jansen (T. St. James) koja se na palubi našla s jednako nečasnim pobudama, našli su se prisilno na istoj strani s prevarenim kapetanom glisera i njegovim kriminalnim putnicima u borbi za vlastite živote...


Putovanje u središte Zemlje

Putovanje u središte Zemlje 1959


Film prema romanu Julesa Vernea, priča o profesoru iz Edinburga koji istražuje ugašeni vulkan na Islandu.






Fantomasov povratak

Fantomasov povratak 1965


Kad poznati znanstvenik profesor Marchand misteriozno nestane, komesar Juve odmah posumnja u Fantomasa...


La Palma

La Palma 2024


A Norwegian family vacationing on La Palma faces disaster when a young researcher discovers alarming signs of an imminent volcanic eruption.



Katla 2021


A year after a subglacial volcano erupts, mysterious elements from prehistoric times emerge from the melting ice, bringing unforeseen consequences.


Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost 1991


Land of the Lost is a half-hour Saturday-morning children's series that debuted on ABC in the fall of 1991. Re-runs were later picked up by Nickelodeon. Tiger Toys received the license to produce a toyline based on the series, which included regular and "talking" action figures, several dinosaurs and playsets, an electronic Crystal Sword, as well as an electronic LCD game and a board game. The Porter family, Tom, Kevin, and Annie get sucked into a prehistoric alternative world while taking a family vacation. The Porters build a tree house, hook up with a few locals, Tasha - orphaned, an extra smart dinosaur, Stink - a monkey man, and Christa - another human who has lived in the Land of the Lost since she was a little girl. The Porters must deal with living with dinosaurs and avoiding the evil advanced Sleestaks.


Ring of Fire

Ring of Fire 2012


When an oil rig causes an eruption in a small town, it's just the first in a series that could affect the dangerous Ring of Fire that contains most of the world's volcanoes. If these cataclysmic eruptions cannot be stopped, the Earth could be headed for an extinction level event.


The Boy from Andromeda

The Boy from Andromeda 1991


On a holiday to Mt Tarawera, teenager Jenny finds an odd shard of metal. In this third episode of the kids sci-fi series she meets its owner: 'Drom' — a survivor of an alien mission to deactivate a planet-annihilating space gun (aka Tarawera itself). They find themselves under siege from a Predator-like 'Guardian' of the gun. If Drom and Jenny and local kids Tessa and Lloyd can't defeat the mechanoid, catastrophe is imminent! The South Pacific Pictures series found international sales and cult repute.


The Last Days of Pompeii

The Last Days of Pompeii 1984


This seven-hour British-Italian adaptation of Edward Bulwer-Lytton's 1834 epic, set against the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. and previously filmed in 1935, and in 1960 was a vehicle for muscleman Steve Reeves, was trashed by the critics as the campiest of sword and sandal sagas to emerge in years. This despite its reported $19-million price tag, the nobility of its cast that includes Laurence Olivier, Siobhan McKenna and Anthony Quayle, and its rather unspectacular special effects. The central figures are Nicholas Clay as Glaucus, the noble Athenian; Olivia Hussey as the high-born Ione, his love, who is seduced by the Egyptian, Arbaces (Franco Nero), a religious fanatic; Duncan Regehr as Lydon, the champion gladiator; and Linda Purl as the blind slave Nydia, who is torn between Glaucus and Lydon.


The Great Rift: Africa's Wild Heart

The Great Rift: Africa's Wild Heart 2010


A BBC/Animal Planet co-production, the three-part series focuses on the landscape and wildlife of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa.


Lost Land of the Volcano

Lost Land of the Volcano 2009


An international team of scientists, cavers and wildlife filmmakers venture deep into the heart of the remote tropical island of New Guinea.


New Zealand from Above

New Zealand from Above 2012


An aerial journey from the deep south of the South Island to the northern tip of the North Island. We discover the landscapes and meet New Zealanders who talk about their work, interests and culture.


How The Earth Works

How The Earth Works 2013


Biologist Liz Bonnin and geologist Martin Pepper set out on a global expedition to answer the most thought-provoking questions in earth science today. Throughout history, such geologic events as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, tectonic plate motion, earthquakes, and asteroid impacts have continually reshaped Earth's surface, spreading chaos across the planet. By performing experiments, making observations in the field, and consulting expert scientists, the eight-part series works to uncover Earth's immeasurable capacity to create and destroy.


Earth: The Power of the Planet

Earth: The Power of the Planet 2007


In each episode, geologist Dr. Iain Stewart explains the effects and importance of a specific force of nature, such as wind or volcanism. He also examines the various ways in which it shapes planet earth itself and influences life on it, often in conjunction with other natural forces, and sometimes with lifeforms, as in the 'apocalyptically' grave case of global warming.


Journeys into the Ring of Fire

Journeys into the Ring of Fire 2006


Touring the perilous and spectacular landscape of the Pacific Rim to discover how the rocks beneath our feet have shaped human history.


Volcano Live

Volcano Live 2012


Find out about the awesome power of volcanoes in some of the most geologically active places on Earth.


Kate Humble: Into the Volcano

Kate Humble: Into the Volcano 2015


Kate Humble joins a team of geologists at the Vanuatu archipelago to investigate some of the most active volcanoes in the world - and to predict if another major eruption might be imminent.


Living With Volcanoes

Living With Volcanoes 2019


A fascinating and colorful look at the ways more than 500 million people adjust to life in the shadow of essential, yet potentially deadly, volcanoes.