
Prisutnost 2025


Obitelj se useljava u novu kuću, a zatim primjećuje jezivu prisutnost u domu.



Prizivanja 2013


Cijenjeni paranormalni istražitelji Ed i Lorraine Warren pozvani su da pomognu obitelji koju terorizira mračna prisutnost u njihovoj ladanjskoj kući. U najgorem slučaju u njihovim životima Warreni su prisiljeni suočiti se s moćnim demonom.


Bubimir Bubimir

Bubimir Bubimir 2024


Nakon obiteljske tragedije, tri generacije obitelji Deetz vraćaju se kući u Winter River. Još uvijek proganjana Beetlejuiceom, Lydijin život se okreće naglavačke kada njezina kći tinejdžerica Astrid slučajno otvori portal u zagrobni život.


Paranenormalna aktivnost 2

Paranenormalna aktivnost 2 2014


Nakon što je egzorcizmom istjerao vraga iz svoje bivše supruge, Malcolm započinje s novim životom, s novom djevojkom i njezino dvoje djece. Mladi zaljubljeni par seli se u novu kuću iz snova, i sve je baš kako treba kada Malcolma počinju mučiti nova paranormalana zbivanja.


Mrak mrak film

Mrak mrak film 2001


Ovoga puta braća Wayans započinju priču satiričnom parodijom The Exorcista, u kojoj glumi Jamesa Woodsa u ulozi nekonvencionalnog svećenika, oca McFellyja, zaokupljenog spašavanjem Natasha Lyonne od izvanzemaljskog duha. Zatim su, bratajući priču tamo gdje su stali, braća Wayans komično se ponovno ujedinila s heroinom Cindy Campbell, koja je sada dobra studentica. Ludi profesor regrutira nju i njezinu skupinu kolega iz kolege, željan avanture i novih iskustava, za izlazak na vikend pod izgovorom provođenja znanstvenog eksperimenta. Kako se vikend aktivnosti odvijaju, kontinuirana iznenađenja održavaju zabavu.



Bubimir 1988


Tek preminuli par iz Nove Engleske traži pomoć od poremećenog egzorcista demona kako bi prestrašio imućnu njujoršku obitelj iz svog doma.



Uljezi 2001


Film o misteriji i sumnji koji govori o Grace (Nicole Kidman), koja sama u izoliranoj viktorijanskoj kući odgaja svoju djecu u skladu sa strogim vjerskim pravilima. Djeca pate od čudne bolesti: ne mogu izravno primiti svjetlo dana. Tri nova sluge koja se pridružuju obiteljskom životu moraju naučiti jedno vitalno pravilo: kuća će uvijek biti u tami; nikada se neće otvoriti vrata osim ako su prethodna zatvorena. Strogi poredak koji je Grace do tada nametnula bit će osporavan. Grace, djeca i oni oko njih učinit će neočekivani i konačni korak.


Mrak film 4

Mrak film 4 2006


Mrak filma vraća se s najsmješnijim nastavkom dosad! Mrak film 4 okupirat će vaše male ekrane parodijom hitova poput "Rata svjetova", "The Grudge," "The Village," "Saw" and "Saw II," "Million Dollar Baby" i mnogih drugih. Legendarni redatelj komedija David Zucker ("Airplane!," "Goli pištolj", "Mark film 3," i "Ruthless People") i producent Bob Weiss udružili su se ujedinjujući elemente posljednjih hitova, glazbe, nedavnih događaja, pop kulture i i poznatih zvijezda. Anna Faris i Regina Hall vraćaju se kao ljupka i tupava Cindy Campbell i njezina samoživa i pohotna prijateljica Brenda – udružene ovoga puta s Craigom Bierkom ("Cinderella Man") kao slatkim, ali bedastim Tomom Ryanom. Zajedno se bore da spase svijet od nemilosrdne najezde svemiraca.


Čudovišta u kući

Čudovišta u kući 2006


Tri prijatelja otkrivaju istinu o strašnoj napuštenoj kući u njihovom susjedstvu koja ima vlastitu osobnost i naizgled jede ljude.


Jezive priče iz mraka

Jezive priče iz mraka 2019


Obitelj Bellows ostavila je neizbrisiv trag na gradić Mill Valley, jer upravo u njihovoj velebnom domu mlada Sarah Bellows svu je bol i tugu svog nesretnog života prebacila u zbirku zastarašujući kratkih priča. Te će priče za grupu tinejdžera postati stvarnost kada odluče istražiti tajne koje skriva napušteni dom Bellowsovih.



1408 2007


U ovom trileru Stephena Kinga pisac koji raskrinkava paranormalne pojave odlučan je objasniti razlog navodnih pojava duhova u sobi 1408 u hotelu Dolphin.



Poltergeist 2015


Nakon bezazlenih pomicanja predmeta i čudne buke, događaji u domu Bowenovih poprimit će potpuno novu dimenziju, i to u doslovnom smislu, kada im neželjeni sustanari otmu najmlađu kćer. Zajedničkim snagama, ali i uz pomoć stručnjaka za paranormalno obitelj će morati učiniti sve što je moguće prije nego što malena zauvijek nestane.


Dvorac straha

Dvorac straha 2023


U ovoj misterioznoj obiteljskoj avanturi temeljenoj na klasičnoj Disneyevoj atrakciji iz tematskih parkova, liječnica i njezin 9-godišnji sin, koji žele započeti novi život, useljavaju se u neobično pristupačnu vilu u New Orleansu. Ubrzo otkrivaju da je to mjesto puno više nego što su očekivali. Očajnički tražeći pomoć oni angažiraju šaroliku ekipu takozvanih duhovnih stručnjaka kako bi im pomogli osloboditi dom od nadnaravnih skvotera.


Podvodna kuća

Podvodna kuća 2021


Mladi i moderan par odlazi u Francusku da istraže podvodnu kuću i svoja otkrića podijele na društvenim mrežama, ali dolazi do pormjene plana kada uđu u unutrašnjost čudne kuće koja se nalazi na dnu mora, i svojim prisustvom probude duha koji opsjeda kuću.


Paranenormalna aktivnost

Paranenormalna aktivnost 2013


Malcolm i Keisha uselili su u svoju kuću iz snova, ali vrlo brzo su otkrili da nisu sami, te da u kući živi demon. Vrlo brzo Keisha postane opsjednuta, a Malcolm traži pomoć kako demon ne bi ugrozio njihov seksualni život. Tako se Malcolm obrati svećeniku, psihijatru i timu istjerivača duhova za pomoć.



Mama 2013


Nakon što im umre majka, dvije djevojčice pronađu utočište u ujakovu domu. Međutim, ubrzo se otkrije da onamo nisu stigle same.



Ghosts 2021


Samantha and Jay throw caution to the wind when they convert their recently inherited country estate into a bed-and-breakfast. Call it mislaid plans. Not only is the place falling apart, but it’s also inhabited by spirits of previous residents -- whom only Samantha can see and hear.


American Horror Story

American Horror Story 2011


An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house with a murderous past, an asylum, a witch coven, a freak show, a hotel, a farmhouse in Roanoke, a cult, the apocalypse and a summer camp.


Celebrity Ghost Stories

Celebrity Ghost Stories 2009


Compelling, surprising and downright spooky — celebrities share their real-life personal encounters with the paranormal in each one-hour special. From encounters with ghosts and angry spirits to haunted homes, unexplainable spells and magic, these descriptive, first person narratives from our favorite stars delivers a brand new way of experiencing the thrills and chills of the addictive world of the paranormal.



Ghosts 2019


A cash-strapped young couple inherits a grand country house, only to find it is both falling apart and teeming with the ghosts of former inhabitants.


The Addams Family

The Addams Family 1964


A satirical inversion of the ideal of the perfect American nuclear family, they are an eccentric wealthy family who delight in everything grotesque and macabre, and are never really aware that people find them bizarre or frightening. In fact, they themselves are often terrified by "normal" people.


Tic Tac

Tic Tac 1997


After a seance ghost of a young high-class call Maximiliano Ossa, who died in very strange circumstances, returns from 1925 to 1997 to recover the love of his beloved Pola Santa Maria


Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! 1969


Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and the talking dog, Scooby-Doo, travel on the Mystery Machine van, in search of weird mysteries to solve.


A Haunting

A Haunting 2005


These are the true stories of the innocent and the unimaginable. Based on true events, A Haunting dramatises some of the scariest stories, revealing a world in which tragedy, suicide and murder have left psychic impressions so powerful that innocent people become forced to deal with them decades later. Through mesmerizing first-person accounts, the mystery and origin of each haunting is powerfully revealed and leaves a lingering sense that life—and death—are much stronger then anyone could have possibly imagined.


The Haunted Hathaways

The Haunted Hathaways 2013


When Michelle Hathaway relocates to New Orleans to open a bakery with her daughters Taylor and Frankie, they quickly learn that life in the “Big Easy” is very different. Unbeknownst to them, their new home is already occupied by a ghost family comprised of jazz musician father Ray Preston and his sons Miles and Louie. After agreeing to live under one roof, they come to care about and rely on one another while driving each other crazy – just like any normal family would. Though leery at first, the Hathaways soon discover how much fun life can be when living with ghosts.


The Haunting of Hill House

The Haunting of Hill House 2018


The Crains, a fractured family, confront haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it.


The Haunting of Bly Manor

The Haunting of Bly Manor 2020


After an au pair’s tragic death, Henry Wingrave hires a young American nanny to care for his orphaned niece and nephew who reside at Bly Manor with the estate’s chef Owen, groundskeeper Jamie and housekeeper, Mrs. Grose. But all is not as it seems at the manor, and centuries of dark secrets of love and loss are waiting to be unearthed in this chilling tale.


House of Spirits

House of Spirits 2016


When Po Foon finds his father Po Luk dead while waiting for his grown children to come over for dinner, Foon makes a promise to fulfill his father's last wish of mending his bickering family together. As requested on Po Luk's will, all four of the Po siblings must live together in his rundown home for nine months before they can sell it. At first, none of Foon's siblings, Po Yan, Anthony Po, and Po Yi, agree to live together, but after discovering the property's worth in the market, they all move in without hesitation.


Hammer House of Horror

Hammer House of Horror 1980


Anthology series, in which each self-contained episode featured a different kind of horror. These varied from witches, werewolves, ghosts, devil worship and voodoo, but also included non-supernatural horror themes such as cannibalism, confinement and serial killers.


Rose Red

Rose Red 2002


Dr. Joyce Reardon, a psychology professor, commissions a team of psychics and a gifted autistic girl to find out the truth about an old, supposedly haunted mansion called Rose Red.



SurrealEstate 2021


Aided by his own remarkable abilities and an eclectic team of associates, real estate agent Luke Roman specializes in “metaphysically engaged properties,” aka haunted houses. Together they investigate, clear and close the houses nobody else can.



Topper 1953


Topper is an American fantasy sitcom based on the 1937 film of the same name. The series was broadcast on CBS from October 9, 1953 to July 15, 1955, and stars Leo G. Carroll in the title role.


The Funky Phantom

The Funky Phantom 1971


Three teenagers and their dog solve mysteries with the help of two ghosts from the 18th century.


Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel 1978


"Guardian Angel" is a hilarious and satirical comedy about ghosts. The story takes place in an old house where a couple lived until the wife's infidelity is revealed and the husband decides to murder her lover. In the process, they accidentally kill the construction worker Ah Kit, whose ghost haunts the place. The couple sells the house to newlyweds Tang and Ma who face a series of strange occurrences. As they settle in, they realize that the ghost is friendly and helpful, even assisting with household chores. The couple becomes friends with the ghost, and she helps them with everything she can. Eventually, the kind-hearted ghost must be reincarnated, leaving the couple heartbroken. The film's hilarious antics suggest that humans and ghosts can coexist in harmony, while humans living together may have issues among themselves.



Bedlam 2011


Welcome to Bedlam Heights. Converted from an imposing former lunatic asylum, this apartment building offers the ultimate in stylish 21st century urban living. But little do its new residents suspect that behind the luxury fittings lay unimaginable horrors.