
Zlica 2024


Elphaba, izopćena, ali prkosna djevojka rođena sa zelenom kožom, i Galinda, privilegirana aristokratkinja rođena popularna, postaju vrlo nevjerojatne prijateljice u čarobnoj zemlji Oz. Dok se dvije djevojke bore sa svojim suprotnim osobnostima, njihovo je prijateljstvo na kušnji jer obje počinju ispunjavati svoje sudbine kao Glinda Dobra i Zla vještica od Zapada.


22 Jump Street

22 Jump Street 2014


Morton Schmidt i Greg Jenko misija ih vodi na fakultet gdje će pokušati stati na kraj tajanstvenom narko bossu.


Priča o igračkama 3

Priča o igračkama 3 2010


Priča o igračkama 3 vraća Woodyja (glas Krešimira Mikića), Buzza (glas Ranka Zidarića) i njihovu družinu na velike ekrane. Andy se priprema za odlazak na koledž i njegove se igračke odjednom nađu… u vrtiću!


Dani slave

Dani slave 2003


Trojica tridesetogodišnjaka odluče ponovno proživjeti zabavu svojih studentskih godina.



Odrastanje 2014


Nakon razvoda majka i otac i dalje zajednički vode svog mladog sina kroz mladost i adolescenciju do odrasle dobi.


Vrisak 2

Vrisak 2 1997


Prošle su dvije godine od tragičnih događaja u Woodsborou. Sidney Prescott i Randy Meeks pokušavaju nastaviti sa svojim životima, a trenutačno su oboje studenti na koledžu Windsor. Cotton Weary izašao je iz zatvora i pokušava unovčiti svoje nesretno robijanje. Gale Weathers napisala je bestseler „Ubojstva u Woodsborou“, koji je adaptiran u film „Ubod“ u kojem Sidney glumi Tori Spelling. Kako se datum premijere filma primiče, ciklus smrti ponovno počinje. Dewey Riley odmah dohrli iz Woodsboroa da pokuša zaštititi Sidney, svoju „surogat-sestru“. No u ovom nastavku horor-filma iz 1997. broj osumnjičenika samo opada dok broj trupala polako raste!


Terrifier 3

Terrifier 3 2024


Dječak se budi usred snježne noći, ustaje iz kreveta sa svojim medvjedićem u ruci, razmišljajući tko bi mogao ispuštati čudne zvukove koji dopiru iz dnevne sobe. Kada konačno stigne dolje, očekuje Djeda Božićnjaka, ali ga tamo čeka Klaun Art, odjeven kao Djed Božićnjak, samo sa sjekirom u ruci.


Na putu do zvijezda

Na putu do zvijezda 2012


Mlada buntovnica Beca dolaskom na fakultet pridružuje se ženskoj vokalnoj skupini The Bellas. Pomalo uštogljene i staromodne pjevačice potpuno će promijeniti svoj stil i uspeti se na ljestvici fakultetskih zvijezda. Čeka ih velika borba s muškim zborom koji je sve samo ne konvencionalan. Kako će se Becca i cure snaći ne propustite pogledati.


Pčelin Film

Pčelin Film 2007


Barry B. Benson sasvim je jedna obična pčela. S diplomom u džepu, Barryju je budućnost u biznisu meda gotovo osigurana, no on smatra da ima sposobnosti koje nadilaze proizvodnju slatkog nektara. Nakon što napusti svoju košnicu, Barry se zaputi u New York gdje upozna cvjećaricu Vanessu Bloome te otkrije da ljudski rod konzumira med u velikim količinama. Šokiran otkrićem, Barry je bijesan što ljudi kradu med od njegovih kolega, koji se toliko trude da ga proizvedu.



Zvjerinjak 1978


Korumpirani dekan planira zauvijek osloboditi sveučilišni kampus od nestašnog bratstva iz kuće Delta, ali bratstvo ima druge planove za njega.



21 2008


Ben Campbell je sramežljiv, no briljantan student M.I.T.-a koji, u manjku novca za školarinu, odgovor za svoje probleme pronalazi u kartanju. Pozivaju ga da se pridruži grupi najtalentiranijih studenata koji svaki vikend putuju u Las Vegas, naoružani lažnim ispravama i znanjem kako okrenuti šanse na kartaškim stolovima u svoju korist. Pod vodstvom neobičnog profesora matematike i genija za statistiku Mickyja Rosa, oni su uspjeli razviti savršeni sistem za pobjedu


Sretan dan smrti

Sretan dan smrti 2017


Samodopadna studentica Tree (Jessica Rothe) mora stalno proživljavati svoj rođendan, koji završava njezinim ubojstvom, koje počini maskirani napadač. Tree uskoro zaključuje da bi se taj smrtonosni ciklus mogao zaustaviti samo ako unutar jednog dana na vrijeme otkrije identitet svojeg ubojice - ne uspije li u tome, zauvijek će ostati "zaglavljena" u noćnoj mori koja je njezin rođendan pretvorila u dan smrti.


The Sex Lives of College Girls

The Sex Lives of College Girls 2021


Follow four college roommates as they arrive at New England’s prestigious Essex College. A bundle of contradictions and hormones, these girls are equal parts lovable and infuriating as they live out their new, free lives on campus.



grown-ish 2018


Zoey Johnson heads to college and begins her hilarious journey to adulthood but quickly discovers that not everything goes her way once she leaves the nest.


Blue Mountain State

Blue Mountain State 2010


Three incoming freshman in a big-time, Midwestern college football program have to juggle football, girls, class and nonstop hazing.


The Magicians

The Magicians 2015


Brakebills University is a secret institution specializing in magic. There, amidst an unorthodox education of spellcasting, a group of twenty-something friends soon discover that a magical fantasy world they read about as children is all too real— and poses grave danger to humanity.


Dear White People

Dear White People 2017


At a predominantly white Ivy League college, a diverse group of students navigate various forms of racial and other types of discrimination.


Merlí. Sapere Aude

Merlí. Sapere Aude 2019


In this drama set at a university, a wayward philosophy student navigate life on campus while seeking guidance from an intriguing new professor.


Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo 2016


A competitive swimmer crosses paths with his childhood friend, a rising weight lifting star, and realizes that she has a secret crush on his cousin.



Sneakerheads 2020


Family man Devin falls back into his sneaker obsession after his pal Bobby talks him into a wheeling-dealing scheme to score a mythical pair of kicks.


Scream Queens

Scream Queens 2015


The super-charged comedy-horror series is a modern take on the classic whodunit with a killer cast. 


Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists

Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists 2019


In Beacon Heights, a seemingly perfect town, a group of three college friends struggle with the stress of being overachievers. In the aftermath of the town’s first murder, each Perfectionist hides behind a secret, a lie and an alibi.


Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat 2011


A group of six students about to embark on the most exciting period of their lives so far: university!



Greek 2007


Casey Cartwright is poised to become the most powerful girl in the Greek system. Rusty, her little brother, is new on campus and he's the geek. But he sees Cyprus-Rhodes University as an opportunity to create a whole new identity.



Hellcats 2010


Pre-law student Marti Perkins' world is flipped upside down when she loses her scholarship, and realizes the only way she can stay in school is by reigniting her dormant teen gymnastic skills to win a place on Lancer University's legendary cheerleading team.



Undeclared 2001


College freshman Steve Karp, his girlfriend and their fellow dorm-mates embark on one the greatest experiences of their lives...unfortunately for Steve, his lonely and recently divorced father is tagging along for the ride.


So Not Worth It

So Not Worth It 2021


New friends, new loves and new experiences mix together inside a colorful college dormitory in Korea that's home to students from around the world.



Felicity 1998


Felicity Porter, a sensitive and intelligent girl from the San Francisco Bay Area, decides to give up a slot at Stanford University's pre-med program to follow her long time crush to college in New York City. Things get even more complicated when she meets her dorm's resident advisor and they fall in love.


Cheese in the Trap

Cheese in the Trap 2016


Hong Seol and Yoo Jung attend the same college, but they couldn't be more different. Hong Seol is a poor, unpopular student with no money, while Yoo Jung is rich, well-liked, extremely smart, and popular. Hong Seol just wants to get through her college career quietly, but finds herself getting caught up in whatever Yoo Jung drags her into. Can Hong Seol break away, or will she continue to be the only person who sees Yoo Jung's true self?


Love Hina

Love Hina 2000


Keitaro and his childhood sweetheart make a promise to be accepted at and to meet each other at the prestigous Toudai University before she moved out of his life. About a decade later, Keitaro has become an artist and a daydreamer, having ranked 27th from the last in the national practice exam. When his grandmother leaves the all-girls dormitory, he becomes the residential manager and soon meets up with two Todai applicants who may have been that sweetheart, since he`s forgotten her name. Then there the other tenants like young Shinobu who was in despair until Keitaro helped her, Motoko the swordsmaster who sees men as evil distractions, Su Kaolo the genius child inventor and the sneaky Kitsune.


Charles in Charge

Charles in Charge 1984


Charles, a 19-year-old student at the fictional Copeland College in New Brunswick, New Jersey, works as a live-in babysitter in exchange for room and board.


A Different World

A Different World 1987


A Different World is a spin-off series from The Cosby Show and originally centered on Denise Huxtable and the life of students at Hillman College, a fictional mixed but historically black college in the state of Virginia. After Bonet's departure in the first season, the remainder of the series primarily focused more on Southern belle Whitley Gilbert and mathematics whiz Dwayne Wayne. The series frequently depicted members of the major historically black fraternities and sororities.