
Aladdin 2019


Talentirani redatelj Guy Ritchie donosi nam romantičnu i glazbenu avanturu smještenu u fiktivni lučki grad Agrabah. U glavnim ulogama nalaze se duh koji se pojavljuje iz čarobne svjetiljke, šarmantna bitanga Aladin te Jasmina, skromna i odlučna princeza slobodnog duha. Njihovoj pustolovini pridružuju se i magični čarobnjak Jafar, Sultan koji je zabrinut za dobrobit i budućnost svoje kćeri Jasmine, Jasminina najbolja prijateljica Dalia, zgodni i arogantni udvarač Princ Anders i Haskim kao Jafarov prvi pomoćnik i kapetan straže.


Kraljev govor

Kraljev govor 2010


"Kraljev govor" veliki je filmski hit, višestruki osvajač prestižnih nagrada spomenimo samo četiri Oscara 2010. godine - za najbolji film, režiju, glavnu mušku ulogu i originalni scenarij. Film se temelji na isitnitoj priči o govornim problemima britanskog vojvode od Yorka što je, iako dugo vremena čuvana tajna, ubrzo počelo prodirati u javnost te mu donijelo velike probleme, čak dovelo u pitanje i izbora za kralja. U ovoj se zahtjevnoj ulozi odlično snašao poznati britanski glumac Colin Firth (Djevojka s bisernom naušnicom, Dnevnik Bridget Jones). Uz njega, izvrsni su glumci Helena Bonham Carter, Derek Jacobi, Geoffrey Rush i ostali.


Asterix i Obelix: Misija Kleopatra

Asterix i Obelix: Misija Kleopatra 2002


Egipatska kraljica Kleopatra, kako bi dokazala Cezaru veličinu svog naroda, izaziva ga okladom: sagradit će veličanstvenu palaču u Aleksandriji u samo tri mjeseca. Arhitekt Numerobis zadužen je za taj nemogući zadatak. U strahu od Cezarove osvete ako ne uspije, Numerobis se obraća za pomoć svojim starim prijateljima, Asterixu i Obelixu, te njihovom čarobnom napitku. Gali kreću na put u Egipat, gdje se suočavaju s nizom komičnih i opasnih prepreka, uključujući Numerobisovog ljubomornog suparnika Artifisa, koji čini sve da sabotira gradnju. Dok Asterix i Obelix koriste svoju snagu i lukavost kako bi pomogli u izgradnji palače, Kleopatra i Cezar vode vlastite političke igre, a sve to rezultira urnebesnim zapletima i vizualno spektakularnim scenama.


Čovjek sa željeznom maskom

Čovjek sa željeznom maskom 1998


Godine 1638. mladi kralj Luj XIV. (L. DiCaprio) živi na svom dvoru u luksuzu i dekadenciji, dok istodobno građani Francuske umiru od gladi. Od četvorice mušketira, koji su vjerno služili njegovome ocu, jedino je D'Artagnan (G. Byrne) ostao u kraljevoj službi. On je sada kapetan kraljevske garde i čuva mladoga vladara po cijenu vlastita života. Ostala trojica - Aramis (J. Irons), Athos (J. Malkovich) i Porthos (G. Depardieu) - žive mirnim civilnim životom. Aramis je vođa jezuitskoga reda, Porthos posve predan svjetovnim užicima, a Athos ponosni otac mladoga Raoula (P. Sarsgaard). Raoul je zaručen za lijepu i čednu Christine, no onoga trenutka kada na nju oko baci razvratni Luj, njegovoj sreći je kraj. Očajni Athos, ali ni ostali mušketiri, više ne mogu podnositi takovo ponašanje mladoga kralja i odluče se za nevjerojatan plan kojim će okrutnoga vladara zauvijek smijeniti.


Dragulj s Nila

Dragulj s Nila 1985


Joan Wilder (K. Turner) i Jack Colton (M. Douglas) uživaju na svojoj jahti nakon pustolovine sa zelenim dijamantom. Joan pokušava napisati pustolovni roman, ali je u spisateljskoj krizi. Egipatski vlastodržac Omar tad joj ponudi da napiše njegovu biografiju, kako bi pobila negativne napise američkih medija. Joan pristane, a Jack time nije nimalo zadovoljan. Kad se nađe u Egiptu, Joan shvati da su sve glasine o državnikovoj okrutnosti bile istinite i da je postala njegova zatočenica. Jack i Ralph (D. DeVito) pohrle joj u pomoć.


Prokletstvo krizantema

Prokletstvo krizantema 2006


Kina, 10. stoljeće, vladavina dinastije Tang. Vrijeme je Chong yang festivala i predvorje carske palače ispunjeno je nepreglednim mnoštvom žutih cvjetova. Boležljiva carica Feniks pokušava se intimizirati sa svojim posinkom i nekadašnjim ljubavnikom, krunskim princem Wanom, no on je odbija, jer potajno ljubuje s mladom Chan, kćeri carskog liječnika, s kojom želi i pobjeći. Neočekivano, na dvor se vraća car Ping s mlađim sinom, princom Jaijem, navodno kako bi praznike proslavio s obitelji. Jai je također emotivno blizak s caricom i jako zabrinut zbog njezinog zdravstvenog stanja te opsjednutosti zlatnim krizantemama. Tu je i najmlađi carev sin Yu, koji se osjeća zanemarenim u velikoj sjeni starije braće. Car je vrlo sumnjičav, i doista - sprema se urota i pobuna protiv njega.


Korgi kraljevski pas velikog srca

Korgi kraljevski pas velikog srca 2019


Rex je mali nevaljalac ali ipak najomiljeniji pas britanske kraljice. Jednog se dana izgubi u Londonu i nađe u društvu različitih vrsta pasa koji se međusobno svađaju i sukobljavaju. Tijekom svog epskog putovanja u kojem traži put za povratak svojoj voljenoj vlasnici, Rex se uspijeva zaljubiti i otkriti svoj pravi identitet.


Asterix i Kleopatra

Asterix i Kleopatra 1968


Rimljani su 50 godina prije Krista okupirali Galiju. Asterix i njegov vjerni pratilac Obelix putuju u drevni Egipat ne bi li pomogli Kleopatri da izgradi novi ljetnikovac. Pala je i oklada između Kleopatre i Julija Cezara u kojoj Cezar tvrdi da takav projekt ne može biti gotovo za nekoliko tjedana. No Asterix s čarobnim napitkom dolazi u pomoć kraljici Nila, dok im Cezar i ljutiti arhitekt nastoje poremetiti planove te tako im odmoći u gradnji ljetnikovca lijepe Kleopatre.


Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace

Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace 2018


The road to becoming an empress is paved with treachery. Ruyi is a consort who quickly learns to navigate the treacherous politics of the the royal court and move up the ranks. After becoming Empress, Ruyi still must survive the many conspiracies against her. Her relationship with Emperor Qianlong becomes eroded even when Ruyi is able to overcome the challenges. Can Ruyi maintain her role as Empress under such difficult circumstances?


Magnificent Century

Magnificent Century 2011


At the age of 26, when his reign began, Sultan Süleyman sought to build an empire more powerful than Alexander the Great and to render the Ottomans invincible. Throughout his 46-year reign, his fame as the greatest warrior and ruler of his age spreads both to the East and West. With his companion Pargalı İbrahim, Süleyman achieves great victories, and makes his name known in the Muslim World. Süleyman called İbrahim his brother, friend and advisor. The television series shows Süleyman's consolidation of his power: Pargalı İbrahim being grand minister of state, reinforcing the rule of law throughout the empire, meeting foreign diplomats, and preparing for military campaigns, all set against the backdrop of the tension between Christian Europe and the Ottoman Empire.


Twilight of a Nation

Twilight of a Nation 1988


Twilight of a Nation is a Hong Kong television series based on the events of the Taiping Rebellion and the rise and fall of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom during the late Qing Dynasty. The 45 episodes long series was produced by Siu Sang and was first aired on TVB Jade in Hong Kong in November 1988. It was broadcast again on TVB in 1996. The theme songs and insert songs in the series were performed by Roman Tam.



Dynasty 1980


During the later years of the Kangxi Emperor's rule, his many sons were vying for the throne. The fourth prince, aided by Lusi, Nian Gengyao, and Han Chong, while the fourteenth prince had the support of martial arts master Zeng Jing. The competition between the two became intense. Lusi developed a romantic relationship with the fourth prince while Zeng Jing also had feelings for her, making their situation more complicated. Later, the fourth prince killed Kangxi and altered the imperial edict, successfully usurping the throne and naming himself Emperor Yongzheng. From then on, Yongzheng ruthlessly eliminated dissidents and even betrayed those who helped him, causing Lusi to regret her involvement. Ultimately, the fourteenth prince plotted to assassinate Yongzheng with the help of Zeng Jing and Lusi, igniting a fierce battle.


Payitaht: Abdülhamid

Payitaht: Abdülhamid 2017


The fight of Abdülhamid II to keep the Ottoman Empire and Caliphate alive.


Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After 1999


Happy Ever After is a 1999 Hong Kong grand-production television period drama. A TVB production, the drama was produced by Chong Wai-kin, written by Chan Ching-yee and Choi Ting-ting, and stars an ensemble cast. The drama is set during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor of Late Imperial China's Qing dynasty. The drama tells of a story regarding the struggles of a poor chef and his best friend earning an opportunity to serve the Qianlong Emperor, also befriending the emperor along the way. The drama also places an emphasis on Chinese cuisine with documentations concerning the Manchu Han Imperial Feast. Happy Ever After acclaimed positive reviews from critics and was TVB's third highest-rating drama of 1999, peaking to 40 points. Happy Ever After was re-broadcast on the same channel in 2007 between January and March.


Investiture of the Gods

Investiture of the Gods 2019


This movie can make you drop all what you have to do a whole day to watch it.... It is intriguing and fantastics.... Every episode leaves you wanting more... Watch it and prove me wrong


Princess Cheung Ping

Princess Cheung Ping 1981


During the Chongzhen reign of the Ming Dynasty, eunuch Cao Huachun colludes with the Qing dynasty to seize the throne. Princess Changping and her sister Zhaoren seek the help of Zhou Shixian and Yuan Ruofei to eliminate Cao. Li Zicheng's rebels invade the capital and are rescued by the East Sea Fairy, who teaches them martial arts. The Qing then conquer the Central Plains, and Ping and Shixian pretend to submit to the Qing to save Ruofei. However, they have their own hidden agenda.


Perish in the Name of Love

Perish in the Name of Love 2003


The story sets at the end of Ming Dynasty, when the country is facing many problems, including lots of wars against the enemies who wants to take over the dynasty. There are two major parts to the main story, one involves with how the Emperor Song Jing facing the problems within the country, and the struggles around him. The other is the love story of Princess Cheung Ping and Chow Sai Hin, they went through lots of difficulties together, they also separated apart and reunited six different times. -- TVB Square


Jang Ok Jung, Living in Love

Jang Ok Jung, Living in Love 2013


Haute couture meets the high court in this drama based on Lady Jang Hui Bin, or Jang Ok Jung, one of the most celebrated royal concubines of the Joseon Dynasty. Lady Jang establishes herself as a coveted fashion designer who quickly finds herself sought after not only by fashionable noblewomen, but by the king himself. Political drama and the catwalk collide in this tale of fashioning dreams into reality!


Scarlet Heart: Ryeo

Scarlet Heart: Ryeo 2016


A story of a 25-year-old Go Hajin who is transported back in time to the Goryeo Dynasty. She then wakes up in the body of Lady Hae Soo and finds herself amongst the ruling princes of the Wang Family.


The Duke of Mount Deer

The Duke of Mount Deer 1998


Wai Siu Bo is the son of a prostitute who works in a brothel in Yangzhou. After joining the Heaven and Earth society, he heads to the Capital and gets enrolled into the service of the Grand Eunuchs. There he becomes friends with the young emperor Hong Hei (Wai mistakes the emperor as another young eunuch) and falls in love with the emperor's younger sister, Princess Kin Ning. His adventures in the Forbidden City leads him into discovering the empress dowager as an impostor; finding several volumes of the prized 42 Chapters which contains the location of a treasure cave; helps the emperor kill the baddie courtier, Lord Obai; and see his position rise from humble eunuch to a grand courtier and confidante of the emperor.


Gilded Chopsticks

Gilded Chopsticks 2014


Ko Tin Bo had been an experienced eater since youth, he knows everything about food and the taste as soon as it goes into his mouth. Unfortunately due to a family crisis he and his loyal follower Lee Wai were forced to wander the streets and made a living off selling buns. Because of food, Tin Bo met a female street entertainer Gei Mo Suet, the Capital's most beautiful woman Lin Yeuk Bik and female chef Mai Siu Yue. It is also because of fate that he encountered the Fourth Royal Prince Yan Chan who discovered his talent and recommended him to the palace to work as a palace chef. In the palace, Tin Bo meets his old enemy Choi Hok Ting and set off a series of battles in the kitchen. Tin Bo also didn't know he was getting himself involved in the Eighth Royal Prince Yan Yik's evil plot.


Court Lady

Court Lady 2021


Cheng Chumo, once a shiftless young man, transforms his life after falling for Fu Rou, a diligent merchant's daughter. To win her heart, Chumo dedicates himself to studying and eventually decides to serve his country by leading a campaign against coastal pirates. Meanwhile, Fu Rou becomes a court-weaving official through a series of events, complicating their secret meetings. As she uncovers dark secrets and a dangerous plot, Fu Rou and Chumo must use their wits and skills to overcome their challenges together.


The Legend of the Unknowns

The Legend of the Unknowns 1982


The Legend of the Unknowns is a TVB television series, premiered in 1983. Starring: Cecilia Wong, Kent Tong, Sharon Yeung, Barbara Yung, Simon Yam. Theme song "Heroine" composition and arrangement by Joseph Koo, lyricist by Wong Jim, sung by Frances Yip.


The Imperial Age

The Imperial Age 2022


In the early Ming dynasty, Zhu Di, the fourth son of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang started military training in his early days to navigate court and palace intrigues. Zhu Di evolves into a formidable political and military leader, ultimately ushering in the prosperous Yongle era, a period famed for its accomplishments and splendor.


Dreaming Back to the Qing Dynasty

Dreaming Back to the Qing Dynasty 2019


A story that follows office worker Xiao Wei who gets lost in the Forbidden City and finds that she has been transported to the Qing Dynasty. Xiao Wei is an ordinary girl from the 21st century. After time traveling to the Qing Dynasty, she meets the warm-hearted 13th prince, the 14th prince, the 4th prince, the stately Emperor Kang Xi and becomes embroiled in the political turmoils within the palace. Which path to choose becomes a difficult choice that she must make over and over again.