(500) dana ljubavi

(500) dana ljubavi 2009


Tom, mladić, usprkos ciničnom modernom svijetu koji ga okružuje, vjeruje u kozmički predodređenu, sudbonosnu, fatalnu ljubav. Summer, djevojka, ne vjeruje. Nimalo. Ali to neće spriječiti Toma da ju krene osvajati, iznova i iznova, poput modernog Don Quixota. No, odjednom, Tom više nije zaljubljen samo u krasnu, duhovitu i inteligentnu ženu, već i u ideju koju Summer predstavlja – ideju ljubavi koja oduzima dah i zaustavlja svijet.


Zvončica i tajna krila

Zvončica i tajna krila 2012


Vilama iz Vilinske doline strogo je zabranjen odlazak u Zimsku šumu. Ali kada tajanstvena sila odvuče Zvončicu preko granice u ovaj nepoznat svijet, ona otkrije tajnu koja će joj zauvijek promijeniti život. Susreće vilu mraza zvanu Zimčica, jedinu koja joj može pomoći otključati tajnu krila. Uz zabavu i smijeh, sklopit će čarobno prijateljstvo i doći do zapanjujućeg otkrića… one nisu samo prijateljice nego su i sestre!


Hokus-pokus 2

Hokus-pokus 2 2022


Prošlo je 29 godina otkako je upaljena svijeća Crnog plamena i uskrsnule osvetoljubive sestre iz sedamnaestog stoljeća u današnji Salem. Sada samo tri srednjoškolke mogu spriječiti proždrljive vještice prije nego što naprave pustoš u svijetu.


Odvedi me kući večeras

Odvedi me kući večeras 2011


Inteligentan, ali pomalo izgubljen diplomant MIT-a pokušava osvojiti djevojku iz snova na zabavi za Praznik rada uz pomoć svoje sestre blizanke i najboljeg prijatelja.


U zmajevom gnijezdu

U zmajevom gnijezdu 1973


Leeja, (Bruce Lee) člana hrama Shaolina, majstora fizičkih i duhovnih disciplina borilačkih vještina, posjeti britanski agent Braithwaite (Geoffrey Weeks) kako bi ga nagovorio da se prijavi na ekskluzivni turnir u borilačkim vještinama na otoku koji je u vlasništvu tajanstvenog Hana (Kien Shih). Han je milijarder, bivši član Shaolina, ali je krenuo putem kriminala pa Braithwaite vjeruje kako je turnir samo paravan za ilegalne poslove krijumčarenja droge i prostitucije. Lee baš i nije siguran želi li prihvatiti zadatak, ali kada sazna kako je upravo Han odgovoran za smrt njegove sestre, na čijem se grobu zakleo u osvetu, spremno odlazi na turnir.


Kralj škorpiona 5: Knjiga duša

Kralj škorpiona 5: Knjiga duša 2018


Kralj škorpiona udružuje se s ratnicom po imenu Tala, koja je sestra Nubijskog kralja. Zajedno traže legendarnu relikviju poznatu kao Knjiga duša, koja će im omogućiti da okončaju zlog vojskovođu.


Male žene

Male žene 1994


Dok im se otac bori u Američkom građanskom ratu, sestre Jo, Meg, Amy i Beth kod kuće su sa svojom majkom, vrlo odvažnom ženom za svoje vrijeme. Priča govori o tome kako sestre odrastaju, pronalaze ljubav i svoje mjesto u svijetu.


Snježna sestra

Snježna sestra 2024


Dječak čija je obitelj u žalosti zaboravila na Božić uspostavi neočekivano i iscjeljujuće prijateljstvo s veselom djevojčicom punom blagdanskog duha.


Noć vještica H20: 20 godina kasnije

Noć vještica H20: 20 godina kasnije 1998


Novine pišu o ubojstvima koja je prije 20 godina počinio Michael Myers (Chris Durand). U jednom od članaka piše da je Myersova sestra Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) poginula u prometnoj nesreći. Ona je zapravo lažirala vlastitu smrt i promijenila ime kako bi se sakrila od Michaela. Sad je ravnateljica internata u južnoj Kaliforniji. U tom je internatu i njezin sin John (Josh Hartnett). Za Noć vještica većina je profesora i učenika otišla na izlet u Yosemite. John planira provesti večer sa svojom djevojkom Molly (Michelle Williams), te Charliejem (Adam Hann Byrd) i Sarom (Jody Lyn O'Keefe). Laurie ima spoj s pedagogom Willom (Adam Arkin). Otkrit će mu neke tajne iz svog prošlog života. A maskirani će Michael uspjeti neopaženo proći pokraj čuvara Ronnyja (LL Cool J) i tako opet počinju strahote.


Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather 1989


Birds of a Feather is a British sitcom that was broadcast on BBC One from 1989 until 1998 and on ITV from 2013. Starring Pauline Quirke, Linda Robson and Lesley Joseph, it was created by Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran, who also wrote some of the episodes along with many other writers. The first episode sees sisters Tracey Stubbs and Sharon Theodopolopodos brought together when their husbands are sent to prison for armed robbery. Sharon, who lived in an Edmonton council flat, moves into Tracey's expensive house in Chigwell, Essex. Their next-door neighbour, and later friend, Dorien Green is a middle-aged married woman who is constantly having affairs with younger men. In the later series the location is changed to Hainault. The series ended on Christmas Eve 1998 after a 9-year-run.


Not Going Out

Not Going Out 2006


Lee is a childish northerner who lives in a fancy penthouse apartment in London who goes through a variety of jobs such as a janitor and ice cream man, as well as attempting relationships with female flatmates. His best mate, Daily Mail reading, middle-class citizen Tim is always there to stop Lee from getting in trouble, or not? Mayhem is never far away with cleaner Barbara who has never done an honest day's work in her life.



Soap 1977


The antics of a wealthy family, the Tates, and a working-class family, the Campbells, in the fictional town of Dunn's River, Connecticut.



iCarly 2007


Watch Carly, Sam, and Freddie, as they try to balance their everyday 8th grade lives with their newfound fame managing and starring in the most awesome show on the web.


On the Buses

On the Buses 1969


On the Buses is a British comedy series created by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney, broadcast in the United Kingdom from 1969 to 1973. The writers' previous successes with The Rag Trade and Meet the Wife were for the BBC, but the corporation rejected On the Buses, not seeing much comedy potential in a bus depot as a setting. The comedy partnership turned to a friend, Frank Muir, Head of Entertainment at London Weekend Television, who loved the idea; the show was accepted and despite a poor critical reception became a hit with viewers.


The Road Trip

The Road Trip 2024


On an epic road trip to a wedding in Spain with her sister Deb, Addie nearly collides with a speeding Porsche. Forced to give her ex, Dylan, and his best friend, Marcus, a lift, the gang are stuck on the most awkward road trip imaginable.


Like the Sun

Like the Sun 2019


Noor is a lawyer whose brother is mysteriously murdered. When she starts looking for his murderer, clues point to some of the people closest to him.



Sykes 1972


Classic sitcom starring Eric Sykes and Hattie Jacques as brother and sister twins who have to tackle the trials and tribulations of suburban life.


Himouto! Umaru-chan

Himouto! Umaru-chan 2015


People are not always who they appear to be, as is the case with Umaru Doma, the perfect high school girl—that is, until she gets home! Once the front door closes, the real fun begins. When she dons her hamster hoodie, she transforms from a refined, over-achieving student into a lazy, junk food-eating otaku, leaving all the housework to her responsible older brother Taihei. Whether she's hanging out with her friends Nana Ebina and Kirie Motoba, or competing with her self-proclaimed "rival" Sylphinford Tachibana, Umaru knows how to kick back and have some fun! Himouto! Umaru-chan is a cute story that follows the daily adventures of Umaru and Taihei, as they take care of—and put up with—each other the best they can, as well as the unbreakable bonds between friends and siblings.



Sisters 2016


Orit, Natalie and Mor are three sisters, and they are unsuccessful at everything.


Three Sisters

Three Sisters 1967


The Story is about three daughters of a "Hatamoto" during the end of the Edo period and the Meiji Restoration.


Akbari Asghari

Akbari Asghari 2011


A romantic comedy about two sisters and their journey from a western to Oriental life.


Almost Family

Almost Family 2019


An only child finds her life turned upside down when her father reveals that, over the course of his prize-winning career as a pioneering fertility doctor, he used his own sperm to conceive upwards of a hundred children, including two new sisters.


Dominion Tank Police

Dominion Tank Police 1988


Leona Ozaki joins Newport City's infamous Tank Police division. With aid of Al and her newly built mini-tank, Bonaparte, she wages war on Buaku and his cohorts, the Puma Sisters.


A Sister's All You Need

A Sister's All You Need 2017


Itsuki Hashima is a light novelist obsessed with little sisters, strictly focusing on them when he writes his stories. Despite his personality, he's surrounded by a tight circle of friends, including a beautiful genius writer who loves him, a big-sisterly college classmate, a fellow male writer, a sadistic tax accountant, his editor, and Chihiro, his perfect younger step-brother who takes care of the housework and cooking. As the story progresses, the underlying conflicts of dreams and goals surface, as each character attempts to achieve their dreams, in their own way.



Asura 2025


In 1979 Tokyo, four distinct sisters uncover their aging father's affair, causing their happy facades and bottled-up emotions to slowly unravel.


This Way Up

This Way Up 2019


A young woman puts her life back together after suffering from a nervous breakdown.


The Family Pile

The Family Pile 2023


A comedic exploration of one of life's big milestones, four sisters who have lost their parents and are packing up the family home to sell. But even in grief their messy lives go on.