Harry Potter i Red feniksa

Harry Potter i Red feniksa 2007


Lord Voldemort se vratio, ali rijetki žele vjerovati u to. zapravo, Ministarstvo magije radi sve kako čarobnjački svijet ne bi saznao istinu – što uključuje imenovanje nove učiteljice Obrane od mračnih sila u Hogwartsu.


12 gnjevnih ljudi

12 gnjevnih ljudi 1957


Drama o porotnicima koji se ne mogu dogovoriti oko krivnje mladog Portorikanca optuženog za ubojstvo oca. Mladi je Portorikanac optužen za ubojstvo svog oca. 12 porotnika se nakon završenog sudskog saslušanja povlači u sobu kako bi donijeli zajedničku odluku o njegovoj krivici. 11 porotnika smatra da je kriv, ali porotnik br. 8 hrabro se suprotstavlja i dozvoljava mogućnost da je mladić ipak nevin. Nakon mukotrpnih sati u kojima porotnici iznose svoje argumente omjer se mijenja u nevjerojatnih 11 naprema 1 u korist nevinosti optuženog.


Pčelin Film

Pčelin Film 2007


Barry B. Benson sasvim je jedna obična pčela. S diplomom u džepu, Barryju je budućnost u biznisu meda gotovo osigurana, no on smatra da ima sposobnosti koje nadilaze proizvodnju slatkog nektara. Nakon što napusti svoju košnicu, Barry se zaputi u New York gdje upozna cvjećaricu Vanessu Bloome te otkrije da ljudski rod konzumira med u velikim količinama. Šokiran otkrićem, Barry je bijesan što ljudi kradu med od njegovih kolega, koji se toliko trude da ga proizvedu.


Egzorcizam Emily Rose

Egzorcizam Emily Rose 2005


Odvjetnica preuzima slučaj ubojstva mlade studentice nad kojom je svećenik proveo egzorcizam. Odlukom koju dotad nije donijela gotovo nikada, Katolička crkva službeno je priznala demonsku opsjednutost Emily Rose, devetnaestogodišnje brucošice u Minnesoti. Egzorcizam je izveden i snimljen, a snimka je odigrala ključnu ulogu u događajima koji su slijedili. Ispripovijedana u fragmentarnim slikama, priča o egzorcizmu Emily Rose prati suđenje svećeniku optuženu za nemar koji je završio smrću mlade djevojke, za koju se vjerovalo da je opsjednuta. U filmu inspiriranu stvarnim događajima glumi Laura Linney kao ogorčena i frustrirana odvjetnica koja preuzima obranu oca Moorea (Tom Wilkinson), koji je obavio kontroverzniegzorcizam.


Čuvaj me s leđa

Čuvaj me s leđa 2017


Vrhunski svjetski tjelohranitelj dobio je novog klijenta, ubojicu koji mora svjedočiti na Međunarodnom sudu pravde. Moraju svoje razlike ostaviti po strani i zajedno raditi kako bi na vrijeme stigli na suđenje.


Vrijeme ubijanja

Vrijeme ubijanja 1996


Mladi odvjetnik brani crnca optuženog za ubojstvo dvojice bijelaca koji su silovali njegovu 10-godišnju kćer, potaknuvši ponovno rođenje KKK-a.



Spotlight 2015


Drama prema istinitom događaju o tome kako su bostonske novine razotkrile rašireno i dugotrajno seksualno zlostavljanje djece u kojem su sudjelovali katolički svećenici, a nadbiskupija je to godinama zataškavala. Kad se priča 2002. pojavila u novinama, buknuo je veliki skandal koji je izazvao potres u crkvenim krugovima.


U mreži prijevare

U mreži prijevare 2002


Nakon još jedne dobijene sudske parnice, mladoj se odvjetnici Claire Kubik čini da je cijeli svijet njen. Udata je za zgodnog i požrtvovnog Toma, karijera joj uspješno napreduje, a nedavno je saznala i da očekuju dijete. Međutim, nakon što jedne noći Tom u njihovoj kući iznenadi dvojicu napadača, nekoliko ga dana poslije na ulici hvataju agenti FBI-ja. Iznenađenoj se Claire dotad idealan život u trenu ruši. Sazna da je Tomovo pravo ime Ron Chapman i da je kao pripadnik američkih vojnih jedinica 1988. u Salvadoru sudjelovao u tajnoj osvetničkoj vojnoj akciji prilikom koje je u jednom selu okrutno pobijeno devetero nedužnih civila. Suborci, među kojima je najbučniji James Hernandez, za taj zločin optužuju upravo Toma, muškarca koga Claire, čini se, zapravo i ne poznaje. Ona odluči supruga braniti u skorom procesu pred vojnim sudom i u pomoć zove nekada uspješnog vojnog advokata Charlieja Grimesa.


Velika igra

Velika igra 2017


Istinita priča o poker princezi, Molly Bloom, koja je vodila najekskluzivnije ilegalne igre cijelo jedno desetljeće. Molly je bila skijašica koja je postala konobarica nakon neuspješne kvalifikacije za Olimpijske igre. Nezadovoljna običnim poslom pokrenula je ilegalnu kockarnicu na tjednoj bazi koju su posjećivali slavni glumci i velike face s Wall Streeta. Njezini igrači su bili filmske zvijezde, poznati sportaši, poslovnjaci i ruska mafija. Molly je uspješno vodila posao sve dok joj usred noći na vrata nisu upali FBI agenti.


Judge Judy

Judge Judy 1996


Judge Judy is an American arbitration-based reality court show presided over by retired Manhattan Family Court Judge Judith Sheindlin. The show features Sheindlin adjudicating real-life small claims disputes within a simulated courtroom set. All parties involved must sign contracts, agreeing to arbitration under Sheindlin. The series is in first-run syndication and distributed by CBS Television Distribution. Judge Judy, which premiered on September 16, 1996, reportedly revitalized the court show genre. Only two other arbitration-based reality court shows preceded it, The People's Court and Jones and Jury. Sheindlin has been credited with introducing the "tough" adjudicating approach into the judicial genre, which has led to several imitators. The two court shows that outnumber Judge Judy's seasons, The People's Court and Divorce Court, have both lasted via multiple lives of production and shifting arbiters, making Sheindlin's span as a television arbiter the longest.


Café Meineid

Café Meineid 1990


Café Meineid is a German courtroom comedy television series based on actual cases. The series aired 147 episodes from 1990 to 2003 and ended with the death of lead actor Erich Hallhuber.


Judy Justice

Judy Justice 2021


The Honorable Judy Sheindlin, retired Judge of the Manhattan family Court, brings her signature blend of sharp wit and wisdom, hilarious candor and unwavering honesty that has made her America’s favorite judge for over 25 years, as she presides over real cases, arbitrates binding decisions and delivers what only she can: “Judy Justice.”


The People's Court

The People's Court 1970


The People's Court is an American arbitration-based reality court show currently presided over by retired Florida State Circuit Court Judge Marilyn Milian. Milian, the show's longest-reigning arbiter, handles small claims disputes in a simulated courtroom set. The People's Court is the first court show to use binding arbitration, introducing the format into the genre in 1981. The system has been duplicated by most of the show's successors in the judicial genre. Moreover, The People's Court is the first popular, long-running reality in the judicial genre. It was preceded only by a few short-lived realities in the genre; these short-lived predecessors were only loosely related to judicial proceedings, except for one: Parole took footage from real-life courtrooms holding legal proceedings. Prior to The People's Court, the vast majority of TV courtroom shows used actors, and recreated or fictional cases. Among examples of these types of court shows include Famous Jury Trials and Your Witness. The People's Court has had two contrasting lives. The show's first life was presided over solely by former Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Joseph Wapner. His tenure lasted from the show's debut on September 14, 1981, until May 21, 1993, when the show was cancelled due to low ratings. This left the show with a total of 2,484 ½-hour episodes and 12 seasons. The show was taped in Los Angeles during its first life. After being cancelled, reruns aired until September 9, 1994.


Ace Attorney

Ace Attorney 2016


A rookie lawyer Ryuuichi Naruhodou stands up to save his defendants by proving their innocence from unusual cases! Is the defendant guilty or innocent...? Believing his client's innocence Naruhodou stands in court and battles his rival judges. With the word of "OBJECTION!" and limited evidence, Naruhodou makes a comeback when all odds are against him and seems like there is nothing more he can do. Don't miss out on the comical episodes between him and his mentor Chihiro Ayasato, assistant Mayoi Ayasato, rival prosecutor Reiji Mitsurugi, and numerous unique characters! The anime also depicts the childhood relationship between Naruhodou and his friends. With the skills inherited from his mentor Naruho reveals the truth!


Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 2022


With a genius-level IQ, Woo Young-woo learns to embrace her extraordinary self while forming a tight-knit community of friends and allies.


Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Justice 2022


A tough judge balances her aversion to minor offenders with firm beliefs on justice and punishment as she tackles complex cases inside a juvenile court.


Legal High

Legal High 2012


A lawyer with a big personality works with an straightlaced recent law graduate on various law cases in Japan.


Close to Home

Close to Home 2005


Close to Home is an American crime drama television series co-produced by Warner Bros. Television and Jerry Bruckheimer Television for CBS.


Justice with Judge Mablean

Justice with Judge Mablean 2014


Judge Mablean Ephriam, who presided over "Divorce Court" from 1999-2006 as the first star of the revived version of the show, returns to the courtroom genre with his half-hour series that deals with life and the law. The former Los Angeles-based prosecutor takes on the typical cases that are found on TV court shows. The arbitrator says that her show "will be life because everything we do, it involves the law."


The Devil Judge

The Devil Judge 2021


The court system is corrupted and old-fashioned. People desire a new system that can satisfy the crowds. However, are the crowds always correct? The drama shows how judges discover the truth about people in court. It centers around a chief judge who doesn’t believe in justice, but only makes judgements that the crowds will be satisfied with. An assistant judge starts to question his motives and tries to find the truth.


Our Lawyer is a Handful

Our Lawyer is a Handful 2023


Ben Kuramae, a middle aged and recently unemployed celebrity manager, begins to work as a paralegal for the brilliant but socially inept young attorney An Amano


May It Please the Court

May It Please the Court 2022


Noh Chak-hee, the ace lawyer of the big law firm, Jangsan, becomes a public defender overnight and must defend the criminal who killed her loved one.



Antihero 2024


Japan has a conviction rate of 99.9% for criminal cases that go to trial. A lawyer (Hiroki Hasegawa) is able to defeat those odds and obtain an acquittal for his client, even though there's conclusive evidence that says otherwise. Sometimes, due to minor things, good and evil can switch sides and good people can become bad people.


Beschlossen und verkündet

Beschlossen und verkündet 1975


Beschlossen und verkündet is a German crime television series. 13 episodes were aired in 1975.


Relative Justice

Relative Justice 2021


Under the watchful eye of Judge Rhonda Wills, the show pulls back the curtain on family disputes, moving the drama from the dining room to the courtroom.


Everyday Justice

Everyday Justice 2022


Three lawyers with strong and unique characters settle disputes that fall under the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Court. In addition to hearing the cases, the champions of justice give us privileged access to the debates leading up to the verdict. Who will win the case? How much will be paid as compensation? It will be up to the three lawyers to decide... and the production to pay the damages!