
Elementi 2023


Radnja filma smještena je u svijet u kojem četiri osnovna elementa vatra, zemlja, voda i zrak žive i koegzistiraju. Unatoč njihovim očitim i temeljnim razlikama oni će shvatiti da su mnogo sličniji nego što su mislili i da je ono što se nalazi iznutra puno važnije od onoga što je izvana.



Dama 2024


Udaja za šarmantna princa pretvori se u žestoku borbu za preživljavanje kad djevojku ponude kao žrtvu zmaju koji riga vatru.


Predbožićna noćna mora

Predbožićna noćna mora 1993


Kralj Bundeva iz Grada Noći Vještica oteo je Djeda Božićnjaka i preuzeo Božić! Što djeca mogu očekivati kad im darove počnu donositi duhovi i demoni? Smješten u svijet u kojem svaki praznik ima svoju posebnu zemlju, film „Predbožićna mora“ prati neumjesnu strast Jacka Skellingtona, voljenoga Kralja Bundeva iz Grada Noći Vještica koji nadzire stvaranje svih demonskih radosti, strahova i iznenađenja, koje njegov praznik tradicionalno izvozi u „stvarni svijet“. Jacku je dosadila ista rutina svake godine i nalazi novu svrhu u životu kad slučajno nabasa na ulaz u Božićni Grad gdje ga odmah oduševe sjajne boje, igračke, ukrasi i topli duh koje ondje otkriva. Vraća se kući i postaje opsjednut idejom da preuzme Božić pod svoju kontrolu. Angažira odane sugrađane da mu pomognu da postane zamjenski Djed Božićnjak i stvori „novu i poboljšanu“ verziju toga blagdana. Ali Jack uskoro otkriva da i najbolji planovi miševa i kostura mogu ozbiljno zastraniti. Izvor: www.tvprofil.com


Fantastična četvorka

Fantastična četvorka 2005


Četiri astronauta stječe supermoći nakon izlaganja kozmičkim zrakama tijekom znanstvene misije u svemiru u novoj eksperimentalnoj letjelici te ih moraju koristiti kako bi spriječili planove svoga neprijatelja, doktora Victora Von Dooma.


Ledeno doba 5 - Veliki udar

Ledeno doba 5 - Veliki udar 2016


Scratchova potraga za odbjeglim žirom ovoga puta će ga katapultirati u svemir, gdje će se dogoditi niz kozmičkih događaja koji prijete uništenju cijelog svijeta. Kako bi se spasili od katastrofe koja im prijeti, Manny, Sid i Diego, morat će napustiti svoj dom i krenuti u nove avanture te putovanje u nove, egzotične zemlje gdje će upoznati mnoštvo novih likova.


Portret djevojke u plamenu

Portret djevojke u plamenu 2019


Dirljiva povijesna drama Portret djevojke u plamenu radnjom je smještena u Bretanju, u Francusku 1760. godine, gdje slikarica Marianne dobiva zadatak naslikati vjenčani portret Héloïse, mlade žene koja je upravo napustila samostan i koja se protivi prisilnom braku. Marianne mora izvršiti zadatak bez Héloïseina znanja promatrajući je danju i tajno slikajući noću. Između njih se razvija duboka veza, prepuna intimnosti i privlačnosti, dok zajedno provode Héloïseine posljednje trenutke slobode. Portret djevojke u plamenu je priča o zabranjenoj ljubavi, razmišljanju o umjetnosti, slobodi i ograničenjima postavljenim ženama u to doba.


Fantastična četvorka: Dolazak srebrnog letača

Fantastična četvorka: Dolazak srebrnog letača 2007


Tajanstveni izvanzemaljski glasnik Srebrni Letač dolazi na Zemlju kako bi je pripremio za uništenje. Dok juri svijetom izazivajući pustoš, Fantastična četvorka mora razotkriti tajnu Srebrnog Letača prije nego što izgube nadu.



Neboder 2018


U akcijskom trileru talačke tematike smještenom u Kini, Dwayne Johnson je Will Ford, američki ratni veteran u ulozi voditelja FBI-ovog spasilačkog tima, koji se bavi procjenjivanjem sigurnosti zgrada i novogradnje. Na zadatku u Hong Kongu, Ford proučava neboder koji ujedno slovi za najvišu i najsigurniju građevinu na svijetu. Tijekom njegova posjeta, ostakljenu višekatnicu iznenada zahvaća požar, a on biva okrivljen za to. U bijegu pred tjeralicom, Will mora pronaći odgovorne za podmetnutu tragediju kako bi očistio ljagu sa svog imena i spasio svoju obitelj koja je zarobljena u plamtećem neboderu… na katu iznad razine vatrene linije.


Posljednji gospodar zraka

Posljednji gospodar zraka 2010


Priča prati avanture Aanga, mladog nasljednika dugog niza Avatara, koji mora ostaviti po strani svoje djetinjstvo i spriječiti Vatrenu Naciju da porobi nacije Vode, Zemlje i Zraka.


Pogled na ubojstvo

Pogled na ubojstvo 1985


Novorazvijeni mikročip koji je Zorin Industries dizajnirao za britansku vladu i koji može preživjeti elektromagnetsko zračenje izazvano nuklearnom eksplozijom sletio je u ruke KGB-a. James Bond mora otkriti kako i zašto. Njegove sumnje uskoro ga vode do velikog čelnika industrije Maxa Zorina.


Bande New Yorka

Bande New Yorka 2002


Povijesni kriminalistički film o krvavim borbama bandi za prevlast u New Yorku u doba američkog Građanskog rata. Područje New Yorka, šezdesete godine 19. stoljeća. Amsterdam Vallon, mladić irskog podrijetla, dolazi u zloglasnu četvrt Five Points ne bi li osvetio svog oca Priesta Vallona koji je bio vođa bande irskih doseljenika, a ubijen je prije šesnaest godina. Amsterdamova je meta Bill "The Butcher", nemilosrdni vođa bande "domorodaca", osobito netrpeljiv prema imigrantima. Da bi mu se što više približio, Vallon pristupa Butcherovoj bandi, zadobiva njegovo povjerenje, zaljubi se u njegovu štićenicu Jenny, i čeka svoju priliku...


Strava u Ulici brijestova 2: Freddyjeva osveta

Strava u Ulici brijestova 2: Freddyjeva osveta 1985


Sedamnaestogodišnji Jesse Walsh (Mark Patton) i njegova obitelj upravo su se uselili u kuću u kojoj je nekoć živjela Nancy Thompson. Odmah pri dolasku Jesse počinje doživljavati noćne more u kojima glavnu ulogu igra muškarac sa noževima na prstima desne ruke. Jesseva susjeda, Lisa (Kim Myers), otkrit će mu istinu o Freddy Kruegeru, serijskom ubojici koji vreba iz snova. Freddy, naime, namjerava iskoristiti Jessevo tijelo kako bi neometano nastavio sa ubojstvima.



1408 2007


U ovom trileru Stephena Kinga pisac koji raskrinkava paranormalne pojave odlučan je objasniti razlog navodnih pojava duhova u sobi 1408 u hotelu Dolphin.



Poseidon 2006


Silvestarska večer na luksuznom brodu pretvori se borbu za opstanak kada brod počne tonuti.


Nova noćna mora Wesa Cravena

Nova noćna mora Wesa Cravena 1994


Heather Langekamp je glumica koja ima sve u životu, sretno je udana i uživa u druženju sa svojim malim sinom, Dylanom. No njen se život naglo promijeni, suprug joj pogine u tajanstvenoj automobilskoj nesreći a Dylan počinje patiti od nesanice i katatoničkih epizoda tijekom kojih priča glasom Freddyja Kruegera, ubojice iz filma u kojem je Heather glumila.


The Magical Chef of Ice and Fire

The Magical Chef of Ice and Fire 2021


Nian Bing is the son of a fire mage and an ice mage. After both of his parents were killed by the Ice Lord, Nian Bing received both of his parents' magic gems. When Nian Bing was trying to escape from the Ice Lord's followers, he managed to cast both fire and ice magic at the same time. An impossible feat for a mage. He fell from the cliff, unconscious, and was saved by an oldman. After he woke up, the oldman gave him a food so delicious he never tasted before. It turned out that the oldman was a genius chef, once called a spirit chef. And he wants Nian Bing to be his disciple no matter what! Is Nian Bing able to seek vengeance while aiming to become the greatest chef?



Gleipnir 2020


Shuichi Kagaya is an ordinary high school kid in a boring little town. But when a beautiful classmate is caught in a warehouse fire, he discovers a mysterious power: he can transform into a furry dog with an oversized revolver and a zipper down his back. He saves the girl’s life, sharing his secret with her. But she’s searching for the sister who killed her family, and she doesn’t care how degrading it gets: she will use Shuichi to accomplish her mission…


Cromañón: The Night of the Fire

Cromañón: The Night of the Fire 2024


It's 2008. A news story connects Malena, 22, with her traumatic past. In 2004, she attended a rock concert at the República de Cromañón venue, where a fire broke out, and 194 young people died. Now, four years later, a new event will link her to past loves and friendships, helping her overcome the guilt she feels for being alive.


Kingdoms of Fire

Kingdoms of Fire 2019


A historical look on the last days of the Mamluk Sultanate before its fall to the Ottoman conquest in the 16th century and how Egypt and the Sham were incorporated into the Ottoman empire.



Mudtown 2024


Local Newport Magistrate Claire takes the law into her own hands when a warehouse rave goes up in flames, and her past comes asking for favours.


Parallel Tokyo

Parallel Tokyo 2019


An earthquake directly beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area is said to occur with a 70% probability within 30 years. Staged in a news center of a TV station where a huge amount of damage information and images are gathered.


Firestarter: Rekindled

Firestarter: Rekindled 2002


A young woman who has the ability to start fires with her mind, must now face the trauma of her childhood by battling with a group of very talented children and their cruel leader, John Rainbird. Firestarter: Rekindled is a 2002 television miniseries and the sequel to the film adaptation of the Stephen King novel Firestarter. It stars Marguerite Moreau as now-grownup Charlie McGee, Danny Nucci, Dennis Hopper, and Malcolm McDowell as Charlie's old nemesis from the original story, John Rainbird. It debuted as a Sci Fi Pictures two-night miniseries on the Sci Fi Channel.


The Great Fire

The Great Fire 2014


Inspired by the historical events of 1666 and with the decadent backdrop of King Charles II’s court, The Great Fire focuses on the circumstances which led to the catastrophic fire, Thomas Farriner’s family life at the bakery in Pudding Lane, the playboy King’s extravagant lifestyle, and Farriner’s complex relationship with his fictional sister in law, Sarah.


The World Ends With You: The Animation

The World Ends With You: The Animation 2021


Neku awakens in the middle of Shibuya's bustling Scramble Crossing with no memory of how he got there. Little does he know, he's been transported to an alternate plane of existence known as the Underground. Now an unwilling participant in the mysterious "Reapers' Game," Neku must partner up with a girl named Shiki in order to survive...


Origins: The Journey of Humankind

Origins: The Journey of Humankind 2017


Hosted by Jason Silva, Origins: The Journey of Humankind rewinds all the way back to the beginning and traces the innovations that made us modern.


Trial by Fire

Trial by Fire 2023


After the deadly Uphaar cinema fire, two grief-stricken parents navigate the loss of their kids and a dogged fight for justice.



Stardust 2006


'Stardust' is a 2006 miniseries produced for RTÉ by Brackside Merlin Films. The first episode surrounds the night a fire broke out at the Stardust Disco in North Dublin on 13 February 1981, in which 48 people died. The second episode depicts the search for answers and justice by families and survivors. It was screened over two nights on the 25th anniversary of the fire in 2006.


Bushfires: Inside the Inferno

Bushfires: Inside the Inferno 2014


Nowhere else in the world is so regularly ravaged by infernos of the intensity, scale and destructive force of the Australian bushfire. As our population grows and spreads and as the effects of climate change are felt, the danger to loss of life and property escalates. What do we know about bushfires and how can we prevent their devastating consequences? Not surprisingly, Australia is a world leader in fire research and the complex and technologically sophisticated job of fire fighting and prevention. Inside The Inferno takes us into the terrifying heart of major fire events, unfolding the research that explains how fires start, grow and change; and how we predict them, prevent them, fight them and hopefully survive these violent natural disasters. Inside The Inferno explores not only the devastating mega fires such as Black Saturday in Victoria 2009 and the Canberra fires of 2003, but also major fire-fronts that received little attention.


Scandinavian Star

Scandinavian Star 2020


The story of the tragedy on board the Scandinavian Star in 1990, is still the biggest unsolved murder mystery in Scandinavia in recent times. 30 years after the disaster, a new Danish documentary series tells the entire story.



Stardust 2024


Docu-series telling the full and unvarnished story of the Stardust nightclub fire and the 43-year search for justice undertaken by the families of those killed in the fire.