
Kleopatra 1963


Priča prati osamnaest burnih godina koje su dovele do pada rimskog carstva. Kleopatra se sureće sa Julijem Cezarom i planira ga namamiti u svoj budoar kako bi inscenirala sjedinjenje sa Rimljanima i tako uspjela zadržaiti svoju poziciju u Egiptu. Kada Cezara smrtno rane u rimskom senatu, Kleopatra ostaje bez saveznika i Egipat je nezaštićen. Rimski general Marko Antonije priskoči joj u pomoć, a ona ga zavodi nadajući se da će tada on biti njen novi zaštitnik. Ali, zbog Kleopatrinog šarma, jedan izvanredan i dominantan general pretvara se u svoju suprotnost. Tijekom bitke kod Aktijuma, rimske trupe koje je predvodio Marko Antonije su poražene pa Kleopatra povlači svoje trupe, proklinjući Antonija i njegovu vojsku. S obzirom na to da je Egipat izložen opasnosti, Antonije i Kleopatra, nesretni ljubavnici, sureću se posljednji put dok neprijateljske trupe naviru.


Crvena tjeralica

Crvena tjeralica 2021


FBI-ev profiler koji lovi najtraženijeg svjetskog kradljivca umjetnina nevoljko mu se pridruži u zločinu kako bi uhvatio zločinku koja je uvijek korak ispred.


Asterix i Kleopatra

Asterix i Kleopatra 1968


Rimljani su 50 godina prije Krista okupirali Galiju. Asterix i njegov vjerni pratilac Obelix putuju u drevni Egipat ne bi li pomogli Kleopatri da izgradi novi ljetnikovac. Pala je i oklada između Kleopatre i Julija Cezara u kojoj Cezar tvrdi da takav projekt ne može biti gotovo za nekoliko tjedana. No Asterix s čarobnim napitkom dolazi u pomoć kraljici Nila, dok im Cezar i ljutiti arhitekt nastoje poremetiti planove te tako im odmoći u gradnji ljetnikovca lijepe Kleopatre.


Queen Cleopatra

Queen Cleopatra 2023


As Egypt's last pharaoh, Cleopatra fights to protect her throne, family and legacy in this docuseries featuring reenactments and expert interviews.



Cleopatra 1999


Cleopatra, the famed Egyptian Queen born in 69 B.C., is shown to have been brought by Roman ruler Julius Caesar at age 18. Caesar becomes sexually obsessed by the 18 year old queen, beds her, and eventually has a son by her. However, his Roman followers and his wife are not pleased by the union. In fact, as Caesar has only a daughter by his wife, he had picked Octavian as his successor.


Ancient Egypt: Chronicles of an Empire

Ancient Egypt: Chronicles of an Empire 2022


Around 5000 years ago, one of the largest and most powerful empires in history emerged on the Nile – Ancient Egypt. This mysterious era continues to fascinate us. In eight episodes, this series shows the unique achievements of the ancient Egyptians in government, culture, and society. International scientists and researchers decode the facets of this advanced civilisation. The first territorial state in history was founded more than 3000 years ago – making it older than any nation in existence today. Crises keep dividing the region and causing chaos, and it is these phases that the people on the Nile fear the most. They know that only order and stability can lead to prosperity. Egyptians are given a sense of identity and unity by their diverse cultures.


Augustus: The First Emperor

Augustus: The First Emperor 2003


Old and ill, Augustus, the man who changed the fortunes and destiny of an empire by completing Julius Caesar's project, recounts the two most important phases of his life: his rise to power and his fight against the pressure of his family.