Ant-Man i Wasp

Ant-Man i Wasp 2018


Dok Scott Lang balansira između uloge superheroja i uzornog oca, Hope van Dyne i dr. Hank Pym trebaju njegovu pomoć u novoj hitnoj misiji u kojoj zajedno s Wasp otkriva tajne njihove prošlosti.



Paranoja 2007


Mladić u kućnom pritvoru špijunirajući susjede posumnja kako je tajanstveni susjed ubojica


Dark Summer

Dark Summer 2015


Daniel je problematični sedamnaestogodišnjak koji je stavljen u kućni pritvor dok je njegova majka na poslovnom putu. Nakon nekog vremena Daniel primi tajanstveni paket od kojega se počinje osjećati čudno, a to je tek uvod u ono što ga čeka...



SCAMS 2019


Hit hard by the Lehman shock, a well-meaning young man joins a phone scam operation and gets increasingly embroiled in the underworld.



Idiotsitter 2016


When wild child Gene is put under house arrest in her family's mansion, her parents hire buttoned-up nanny Billie to look after her. Trapped in each other’s company, the two strike up an unlikely friendship and cause all sorts of trouble. It's an odd-couple story that reaches new depths of depravity.


House Arrest

House Arrest 2018


The current mayor of the city of Sineozyorsk, Arkadiy Anikeyev, is caught taking a bribe on an especially large scale, after which, by a court decision, he is placed under house arrest and must stay for a long time at his place of residence in a communal apartment. Arkadiy is abandoned by his wife, to whom all the property was recorded. Once in a communal apartment, Anikeyev runs into Ivan Samsonov, with whom they were neighbors in a communal apartment in childhood. Leaving aside disagreements, Anikeyev decides to help Samsonov become the new mayor of Sineozyorsk, so that he will help to remove all charges from him.