Der Bergdoktor 2008
A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.
A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.
Herzflimmern – Die Klinik am See is a German television series.
Glass Home is a Bulgarian drama series created by bTV. It's a family drama and the executive producers are Dimityr Mitovski and Dimityr Gochev from "Camera OOD". It airs in bTV's primetime. Some of Bulgaria's most famous actors star in the series, which is directed by Viktor Bojinov and Petar Rusev.
Survivor BG is the Bulgarian version of the reality show Survivor, broadcast and produced by bTV.
The series transports the viewers and online users of bTV Media Group to the colorful world of one of the most visited and commented Bulgarian tourist destinations in Europe. The high-quality production raises the curtain on the secrets of the hotel business, broken through the personal stories of the characters. The series features young stars of Bulgarian television cinema, who became favorites of the audience with the first original series of bTV.
"Dads" traces the daily lives of four fathers and the challenges they face in dealing with their children. The characters have different professions, characters and social status, but are united by a common desire - to be good parents
The Voice of Bulgaria is a Bulgarian reality singing competition and local version of The Voice of Holland. Its first season was held in the summer of 2011 on bTV.
Can the best thief steal a woman’s heart? Xiao Shi Yi Lang is a happy-go-lucky thief who steals from the rich to give to the poor. While on the hunt for a legendary saber known as the Deer Carver, he meets the beautiful Shen Bi Jun, a great martial artist.
Комиците е българско седмично комедийно телевизионно шоу. Предаването се излъчва от 27 януари 2007, всеки петък от 21:00 часа, като се снима в зала 11 на НДК предварително и записите се провеждат във вторник от 18:00 и от 20:00 часа. Точните дати се обявяват допълнително. На 24 юни 2011 година е излъчено 200-тото предаване. Предаването е едно от най-гледаните в българския телевизионен ефир. Според класациите на ТОП 50 ТВ предавания за определен месец, то винаги е измежду първите 5 най-гледани ТВ програми като привлича средно от около 1 милион до 1,5 милиона души пред екрана. От 12 октомври 2012 се излъчва в 16:9 HD качество на картината.
Dancing Stars is the Bulgarian adaptation of the BBC Worldwide format Dancing With The Stars. The first season of the show started on 22 September 2008 and was aired on bTV. The first season of the show was hosted by Radost Draganova and Todor Kolev. It aired from Monday to Thursday with two live shows, on Monday and Thursday and two background episodes on Tuesday and Wednesday. Dancing stars 1 was produced by Old School Productions and proved to be a huge success reaching an average audience share of over 40%, beating Nova Television's Big Brother 4. It is also called Dancing Stars on Austrian television and draws a comparable audience. The show shared the format and professionals with the Vietnamese version.
Follows the path of twenty six ladies to the heart of a single man who at the end of the journey has the opportunity to find the woman of his dreams and make her his wife. The show is is broadcast on Bulgarian TV channel bTV.