Fiona Weir Harry Potter i Red feniksa Harry Potter i plameni pehar Harry Potter i Princ miješane krvi Elizabeth: The Golden Age Čudesne zvijeri: Dumbledorove tajne The Golden Compass Invictus Harry Potter i Darovi smrti 1. dio Harry Potter i Darovi smrti 2. dio Venus Buntovnica u internatu The Boat That Rocked The Girl in the Café J. Edgar Pravi trenutak La chimera Sixty Six Young Woman and the Sea The Last Letter from Your Lover The Shape of Things Gospodar i ratnik: Druga strana svijeta Bank of Dave Frank Brooklyn Blackbird Boy A Salmon Fishing in the Yemen Bad Apples Osma stranica Carnage Soba Suffragette Škola dobra i zla Dileri boli Čudesne zvijeri i gdje ih naći Emily Dama Bernard i Doris The Mother The Ghost Writer Radiator My Cousin Rachel Život poslije života 7 dana straha Vrijeme je za ljubav Everest Pride Zatvoreni krug The Duke Is Anybody There? Love at First Sight Zapravo ljubav Judy Prošlog Božića Beyond the Sea Ammonite Enduring Love Thunderbirds The Last Disturbance of Madeline Hynde