Hal C. Kern Cavalcade of the Academy Awards The Young in Heart A Star Is Born The Dove Abraham Lincoln The Eagle Her Sister from Paris The Five Pennies Tarzan Triumphs The Toll of the Sea Strange Bedfellows The Adventures of Daredevil Jack The Locked Door The Garden of Allah Rebecca Zameo ih vjetar Within the Law The Bat Whispers The Lady The Prisoner of Zenda Reaching for the Moon Kiki The Beloved Rogue The Woman Disputed The Facts of Life Slučaj Paradine Little Lord Fauntleroy Made for Each Other New York Nights A Star Is Born The Court Jester Houseboat The Duchess of Buffalo Stage Door Canteen Night Flight The Bat Intermezzo: A Love Story Alibi Corsair That Certain Feeling Li'l Abner Brass Duel in the Sun