Shawnna Thibodeau Aquarians One Last Thing... Madame Web Sinister Hide and Seek Osvetnici: Rat beskonačnosti Birdman Pravednik 2 Premium Rush Good Burger 2 Rabbit Hole Vjeruj u ljubav 200 Cigarettes Duh Božića Hokus-pokus 2 The Missing Kao grom iz vedra neba Resurrection Ne gledaj gore Nečastiva Love, Weddings & Other Disasters Spenser Confidential Where'd You Go, Bernadette X-Men: Dark Phoenix Holly Star Ben Is Back Grey Lady Spider-Man: Povratak kući Midnighters Zakon noći Skrivena ljepota Pročišćenje: Izborna godina Sisters Tulum prije Božića Pripravnik Tumbledown Annie The Forger Snimka seksa Deliver Us from Evil Jack Ryan: Poziv iz sjene The Bag Man Majstori iluzije Won't Back Down Crvena zora Bourneovo naslijeđe Man on a Ledge Savršena formula Ludi blizanci The Rum Diary New Year's Eve Mlađa punoljetnica Štrumpfovi Murjaci s klupe Salt The Sorcerer's Apprentice Wall Street: Novac nikad ne spava Motherhood The International The Clique Enchanted Ja sam legenda One Last Thing... New York Minute Trespassing Marci X Prince of Central Park Liberty Heights Rat svjetova Ledena žetva Freedomland Beer League Griffin & Phoenix Bourneov ultimatum Margot at the Wedding The Game Plan In the Valley of Elah Dan in Real Life Madame Web The Instigators Tajne Salema Čudesni Spider Man 2 Tajni život Waltera Mittyja Čudesni Spider-Man Madso's War Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus Strip Search Oceanovih 8 Vuk s Wall Streeta Vitez tame: Povratak Priznaj, Fletch Switch Up Professor Marston and the Wonder Women I Feel Pretty Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen The Stepford Wives Grace My Super Ex-Girlfriend She's Out of My League Rock-n-roll škola Confessions of a Shopaholic Požuda Sve moje bivše Ljudi u crnom 3 Surogati John Wick Invazija Bride Wars Spider-Man 3 Pokojni Jumanji: Iduća razina Spotlight Taksi Prevoditeljica Hancock Hancock The Stepford Wives Ella McCay