Hilary Thomson Hold Fast Maudie Hebron Relocation Little Man Crown and Anchor Crown and Anchor Bounce Poster Child Danny Dead Wife Club Dead Wife Club Riverhead Flankers Touch A Fish Story Fishbowl Fishbowl Black Conflux Black Conflux Bez publike Spin Incredible Violence Incredible Violence Incredible Violence Hell or Clean Water Infanticide! Imaginary Heroine Inuuvunga: I Am Inuk, I Am Alive It Could Be You New Woman Long Term Care Body & Bones Crocuses Snowstorm Roulette Snowstorm Roulette Snowstorm Roulette Matchstick Matchstick Matchstick Nalujuk Night Braven The Uncanny Valley Malignant Melody Casey Ida Here and There Hunting Pignut Askin' For It Askin' For It The Righteous Sadie Always Going Never Gone The Uncanny Valley Talus and Scree Winners Skip Me2 Waste It Hangashore Bedlamer Sons The Passenger 73 Seconds 73 Seconds 73 Seconds Ballad of North Whale Ballad of North Whale Proximity C Sharp and D Suspended C Sharp and D Suspended A Life in the Days of Mary Hard Light Grown in Darkness Grown in Darkness