Kye Walstrom Rampage: President Down A-Team Step Up All In Red Riding Hood 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded The Stranger Game Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Phantom Racer Bezvremenska Adaline Max Havoc - Ring of Fire Godzilla Before I Fall Transformers: Uspon zvijeri Fractured Deadpool 2 Mystery 101: Deadly History Zvjezdane staze: S one strane Sumrak saga: Praskozorje - 1. dio Sumrak saga: Praskozorje 2. dio Mystery 101 G.I. Joe: Zmijske oči Moj lažni muž The Santa Class Betty's Bad Luck In Love Daughter of the Wolf Reality Bites: A Hannah Swensen Mystery R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour