New Life

New Life 2020


Three forty-year-olds friends, hockey player and football players, decide to end their sports careers at the same time. All three find themselves at the beginning of a new life and must choose the path they will take.


Nákupné maniačky

Nákupné maniačky 2013


Nákupné maniačky is Slovak competition TV show fomerly broadcast by TV WAU, since 2014 by TV JOJ.


Kutyil Ltd.

Kutyil Ltd. 2008


Kutyil Ltd. is a continuation of the series Neighbours. But heroes are no longer Laszlo and Ildikó, but Lajos (Andy Kraus) and Tunde (Viki Ráková) Gyönörű. In addition, viewers will get to know not only them but also their daughter, Emese (Michaela Szoczová). Lajos works as a handyman and his repairs are always funny. There is also a magyarized slovak which often makes funny phrases.