
Mentőexpedíció 2015


Mark Watney asztronauta a marsi expedíció közben egy felszíni vihar közepén megsérül, és mivel társai halottnak hiszik, hátrahagyják. De Watney életben marad, és egyedül találja magát sebesülten egy ellenséges bolygón. Elképesztő élniakarásról és találékonyságról tanúságot téve megteremti magának az életfeltételeket a zord környezetben, és a módot, hogy hazaüzenjen. A Földön az egész világ összefog, hogy megmentse a Marson ragadt embert, s a NASA egy igazán eszement, csaknem lehetetlen mentőakciót dolgoz ki a hazajuttatására.


3 félnótás

3 félnótás 2009


Farhan, Rádzsu és Rancsó mérnökhallgatók az egyetemen. Farhan csak az apja kedvéért jár ide, Rádzsu szegény családjának akarna segíteni, Rancsó pedig kitűnő tanuló, aki imád mindenféle gépezetet. Hárman jó barátokká válnak és elfogadják Rancsó hitvallását, miszerint a tökéletességre kell törekedni, nem a sikerre. Ám diplomaosztójuk napján Rancsó köddé válik, és barátai éveken át hiába próbálnak nyomára lelni.


Szelek szárnyán

Szelek szárnyán 1999


A film főhőse Behzad, az nyüzsgő tévés szerkesztő, akit főnökei egy eldugott faluba küldenek forgatni, egy nagyon idős asszony temetését akarják megörökítni. Ebben a faluban ugyanis különös, ősi szertartással búcsúztatják a halottakat, azt kellene a tévéseknek filmre venni. Behzad idegenül botladozik a kis faluban, a helyi dialektust sem nagyon érti. Itt a hegyeket homok és kő borítja, a völgyekben szélfutta homoksivatagok. Őszi színek, zöldek, barnák és csontszínű agyagházak, feketébe öltözött asszonyok, férfiak. Farmerkékjében kirí ebből a környezetből a tv-riporter, aki mobiltelefonjával a térerő után rohangál, ám lassan megismerkedik a faluval és lakóival, a kútásóval, a tanítóval, az öreg falusi körorvossal, aki a földeken át döcög vele a rozzant robogóján...



Aporia 2023


Sophie képtelen feldolgozni férje elvesztését. Egyedülálló anyaként lánya nevelése is egyre nagyobb nehézségek elé állítja, a munkahelyi problémák pedig egyre nagyobb mértéket öltenek. Sophie azonban rövidesen felfedezi, hogy képes az időben utazni, ez pedig nemcsak lehetőségekkel kecsegtet, hanem komoly döntés elé is állítja.


Az ismeretlen: Kozmikus időgép

Az ismeretlen: Kozmikus időgép 2023


Egy mérnökökből és tudósokból álló csapat ambiciózus küldetésének célja a James Webb űrteleszkóp elindítása és a következő óriási ugrás megtétele az univerzum megértésében.


A rendkívüli John DeLorean

A rendkívüli John DeLorean 2019


A dokumentumfilmben John DeLorean hatalomról, gyors autókról és drogokról szóló hagyatéka elevenedik meg autóipari felemelkedésétől a bukásáig.


Mars 2020 - A Perseverance rover

Mars 2020 - A Perseverance rover 2021


A NASA 2020 nyarán kezdődött "Mars 2020" missziójának ambiciózus célja van: a vörös bolygó felszínére juttatni a Perseverance nevű rovert, mely _ kőzet- és talajmintákat gyűjtve _ az élet egykori jelenlétének bizonyítékai után fog kutatni a Jezero-kráterben. Hogyan zajlottak a küldetés előkészületei, és mitől különleges a Percy-ként is becézett marsjáró? A film különleges engedélyek birtokában a NASA Sugárhajtási Laboratóriumának kulisszái mögé látogat.


Abandoned Engineering

Abandoned Engineering 2017


These are some of the most spectacular examples of abandoned engineering the world has ever known. The series explores how and why they were built, consider the financial and social costs of their failure and examine the environmental and ecological impacts. The series also explores how experts came up with plans to make something beautiful or useful from the ruins.



MythBusters 2003


MythBusters is a science entertainment television program created and produced by Australia's Beyond Television Productions for the Discovery Channel. The show's hosts, special effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, use elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie scenes, adages, Internet videos, and news stories.


Scrapheap Challenge

Scrapheap Challenge 1998


Scrapheap Challenge is an engineering game show produced by RDF Media and broadcast on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. In the show, teams of contestants had 10 hours in which to build a working machine that could do a specific task, using materials available in a scrapheap. The format was exported to the United States, where it was known as Junkyard Wars. The US show was also produced by RDF Media, and was originally shown on The Learning Channel. Repeats have aired on another Discovery network, the Science Channel.


Love Mechanics

Love Mechanics 2022


When a junior woos Vee's friend, Vee, swearing to love only one in life, has to cut ties with Mark. But God plays a joke on them and something happened between Vee and Mark. Mark chooses to tuck away and draws an end to it. However, Vee doesn't want an end with Mark. Mark himself loves Vee although he knows Vee has a beloved girlfriend. Will the love between them make it? When will the awkwardness break out? What will Vee do?


Kota Factory

Kota Factory 2019


In a city of coaching centers known to train India’s finest collegiate minds, an earnest but unexceptional student and his friends navigate campus life.


Shannons Club TV

Shannons Club TV 2013


This series presents a number of unique vehicles that helped to shape Australia's automotive history. We briefly look at some of the most iconic cars to hit the Australian highways ( goat tracks ) and why we loved or hated them and how they faired on our roads and race tracks. Some of these cars are unique to Australia, while other cars will be instantly recognised in other parts of the world. Some international models were renamed and rebadged for the Australian market, but you may still recognise them just the same. We've asked automotive journalists Mark Oastler, John Wright & Joe Kenwright to present their exclusive articles for the Shannons Club in a television format.


Impossible Engineering

Impossible Engineering 2015


Behind every seemingly impossible marvel of modern engineering is a cast of historic trailblazers who designed new building techniques, took risks on untested materials and revolutionised their field. Each episode details how giant structures, record-beating buildings, war ships and spacecraft are built and work. As the show revels in these modern day creations, it also leaps back in time to recount the stories of the exceptional engineers whose technological advances made it all possible.


How the Victorians Built Britain

How the Victorians Built Britain 2018


This series travels the length and breadth of Britain to find out how the Victorians built Britain. It uncovers the incredible and surprising stories behind iconic landmarks; discovers the hidden heroes behind the epic constructions; and finds out how the incredible advances made by the Victorians forged the world we live in today.


The Secret Life of Machines

The Secret Life of Machines 1988


The Secret Life of Machines is an educational television series presented by Tim Hunkin and Rex Garrod, in which the two explain the inner workings and history of common household and office machinery. According to Hunkin, the show's creator, the programme was developed from his comic strip The Rudiments of Wisdom, which he researched and drew for the Observer newspaper over a period of 14 years. Three separate groupings of the broadcast were produced and originally shown between 1988 and 1993 on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom, with the production subsequently airing on The Learning Channel and the Discovery Channel.



Veritasium 2010


An element of truth | Science and engineering videos Veritasium is a channel of science and engineering videos featuring experiments, expert interviews, cool demos, and discussions with the public about everything science.


Shannons Legends of Motorsport

Shannons Legends of Motorsport 2014


Relive the biggest events of Australian Motorsport history in 'Shannons Legends of Motorsport', hosted by Neil Crompton. In an entertaining 12 part series, Neil Crompton, Australia's premier motoring commentator, brings to life the history of Australian Motorsport with rarely seen historical footage from Seven's extensive archives dating from the '60's to the '90'. In the he second 12 part series, hosted by Bill Woods and Aaron Noonan, they interview many of our Australian motorsport legends and reveal even more historical footage taken from the Network Seven archives. The third 15 part series includes a number of short clips outlining some of the most iconic people, cars and race events in our Australian automotive history.


James May's Things You Need To Know

James May's Things You Need To Know 2011


James May gives a straightforward guide to some of science's big ideas, explaining everything from evolution and Einstein to engineering and chemistry.


Richard Hammond's Big

Richard Hammond's Big 2020


Richard Hammond embarks on a global adventure to explore the world’s biggest structures and machines and discover how engineers build, maintain and use them.


The Search for Solutions

The Search for Solutions 1980


A nine part television series, produced by J.C. Crimmins for PBS. Music composed, arranged and performed by Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays. The stated purpose of “The Search for Solutions” is to stimulate interest in science and technology, primarily among the young. The film comprises nine 18-minute sections touching on various aspects of scientific inquiry that its makers say can be shown as a whole, as it is in this engagement, or in any combination of its parts.


Air Warriors

Air Warriors 2014


They are the high-flying pride of the U.S. military, one-of-a-kind warriors that, over the decades, collectively revolutionized aerial warfare. Through rare, archival footage and compelling testimonies, meet the men and women who fly and maintain these Air Warriors and see how they've overcome incredible obstacles to rule the sky.


Engineering Catastrophes

Engineering Catastrophes 2018


From the hilarious to the mind-boggling, from the deadly to the bank-busting, witness some of the most outrageous structural disasters and the genius resolutions to get things back on track.


How Britain Worked

How Britain Worked 2012


Guy Martin celebrates the workers of the Industrial Revolution by getting stuck into six of the country's biggest restoration projects, bringing some of the 19th century's most impressive engineering achievements back to life.


Engineering Repurposed

Engineering Repurposed 2024


Extraordinary structures, buildings and machines around the world have been transformed from their original function into something completely different. Experts reveal how.