A sport megváltoztatói

A sport megváltoztatói 2019


Tudósokkal és elit sportolókkal beszélve egy ketrecharcos szembesül a húsfogyasztással és az erővel kapcsolatos tévhitekkel, megismerve a növényi alapú étrend előnyeit.



Ultraviola 2006


Valamikor a nem is olyan távoli jövőben polgárháború dúl a kormány és a mutánsok között. A kegyetlen küzdelemben egyik harcoló fél sem kér és ad könyörületet. A mutánsok csoportja egy járvány következményeként alakult ki, ezek az emberek különféle szuperképességekre tettek szert. Közéjük tartozik Violet is, a csinos fiatal nő. Egyik nap megmenti egy halálra ítélt fiú életét, amikor egymaga száll szembe a túlerőben lévő kormánykatonákkal. Ettől kezdve Violet és Six élete állandó küzdelem és menekülés. Az összecsapások sorozatában csak magukra számíthatnak.



Sámson 2018


A SAMSON az Isten által Izrael megszabadítására kiválasztott bajnok erőteljes, bibliai eposzán alapszik. Természetfeletti ereje és impulzív döntései gyorsan legyőzik az elnyomó filiszteus birodalmat. Miután egy gonosz herceg és egy gyönyörű csábító elárulja, Sámsont ellenségei fogságba ejtik és megvakítják. Sámson ismételten kérleli Istenét a természetfeletti erő iránt, és a bebörtönzést és vakságot végső győzelemmé változtatja.



Farkaszsaru 2014


Lou, az italt igencsak kedvelő seriffhelyettes a háta közepére kívánja főnöke utasítását, miszerint vizsgálja ki, hogy miféle alakok mászkálnak a kisváros melletti erdőben éjszaka. A férfi kimegy a helyszínre, ám egy okkultista csoport fogságába esik, ahol egy szertartás keretében farkasemberré változtatják. Lou eleinte nem sokra emlékszik, később azonban arra jut, hogy bár szőrösebb az átlagnál, de mégis csak zsaru, így hát egy haverjával átalakítja a járőrkocsiját, és WolfCop néven ered a bűn nyomába. Hamarosan az is kiderül, mi volt az okkultisták szándéka a helyettes "átalakításával"


Fort Boyard

Fort Boyard 1990


A game show set and filmed on the real Fort Boyard in France. The contestants have to complete in physical and endurance challenges to win prize money.


American Ninja Warrior

American Ninja Warrior 2009


Follow competitors as they tackle a series of challenging obstacle courses in both city qualifying and city finals rounds across the country. Those that successfully complete the finals course in their designated region move on to the national finals round in Las Vegas, where they face a stunning four-stage course modeled after the famed Mt. Midoriyama course in Japan. The winner will take home a grand prize of $1 million.


American Gladiators

American Gladiators 1988


American Gladiators is an American competition television program that aired weekly in syndication from September 1989 to May 1996. The series matched a cast of amateur athletes against each other, as well as against the show's own gladiators, in contests of strength and agility. The concept was created by Dan Carr and John C. Ferraro, who held the original competition at Erie Tech High School in Erie, Pennsylvania. They sold the show to The Samuel Goldwyn Company where the concept was enhanced and became American Gladiators. An effort in 2004 to launch a live American Gladiators show on the Las Vegas Strip became mired in a securities fraud prosecution. However, the television series was restarted in 2008. Episodes from the original series were played on ESPN Classic from 2007 to 2009. Several episodes are available for download on Apple's iTunes Service.


Baki the Grappler

Baki the Grappler 2001


Baki Hanma is a young fighter who yearns to follow in the footsteps of his father, Yujiro, and become the strongest fighter in the world. Through that he trains tirelessly and fights constantly to hone his skills and develop his body to achieve these goals. Many intense battles lay ahead of Baki as he goes about his quest to be the best and ultimately take the title of "King" from his father.


Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge

Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge 2014


Hall of Fame professional wrestler Steve Austin invites eight elite athletes to his ranch each week to compete in head-to-head battles until only one is left standing. That man or woman then takes on Steve's personal obstacle course, the Skullbuster, for a chance to win $10,000.



Gladiators 2008


Contenders enter the arena to demonstrate their strength, skill, speed and stamina throughout a host of challenges against the formidable Gladiators.


The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk 1982


The Incredible Hulk is an animated television series based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. The series ran for 13 episodes on NBC in 1982, part of a combined hour with Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends. Unlike the previous live-action The Incredible Hulk television series from Universal in the 1970s, this series was based upon the Hulk comic-books and was able to portray the more fantastical elements of the comics as sticking to his true name and origin as well as featuring the return of the original characters in his life all of which the live-action series refused to show. It featured stories faithful to the source material from Marvel, In addition, new recurring characters were created for the series including the Hispanic family of father Rio and his youthful daughter Rita.


American Gladiators

American Gladiators 2008


American Gladiators is an American competition TV show that aired on NBC and Citytv in Canada. Hosted by Hulk Hogan and Laila Ali, the show matches amateur athletes against each other and the show's own "gladiators" in contests of strength, agility, and endurance. It is a remake of the original series of the same name which ran from 1989–1996, with elements of the UK version of the 1990s. The show is refereed by Al Kaplon, a former American League umpire, who can also be seen as the referee in Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story. Play-by-play narration is handled by Van Earl Wright. Season 1 was taped at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California. Beginning with Season 2, the show moved to the Los Angeles Sports Arena. It is produced by Reveille Productions and MGM Television. American Gladiators premiered on Sunday, January 6, 2008; an average of 12 million people watched the two-hour premiere. All other Season 1 episodes aired Mondays at 8:00 ET/PT, except for the finale, which aired Sunday February 17, 2008 at 7:00 ET/PT. Season 2 premiered May 12, 2008, on NBC, with a two-hour episode. The two-hour Season 2 finale aired on August 4, 2008 at 8:00 ET/PT. While the final two-hour episode of Season 1 was devoted entirely to the finals, the Season 2 finale consisted of the third semifinal round followed by the finals.


Bras de fer

Bras de fer 2017


Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu is home to 15 proud arm wrestlers who have united to form an elite team: DAWT (Destroyer Arm Wrestling Team). They train like crazy to prepare for competitions in Quebec, Ontario and the U.S. These guys are not fighting for money, nor for glory. They are fighting for honour.



Strong 2016


Strong features 20 contestants, which include 10 male trainers and 10 female trainees. The trainers work on helping their trainees improve their physical fitness, not only through losing weight but also through achieving a balance between mind and body, and getting into shape both physically and mentally. After a series of challenges, two teams will face each other in a physical competition in the Elimination Tower, with the losing team being eliminated from the series. The winning team will receive a cash prize of up to $500,000, depending on their overall performance in the show.