
Úriemberek 2020


Amikor híre megy, hogy Mickey Pearson túl akar adni londoni birodalmán, az egész alvilág felbolydul. Rengeteg pénz forog kockán, nem csoda, hogy kirobban a harc. Mindenféle kétes alak bukkan fel a meggazdagodás reményében. Egyre több hulla és fegyver kerül elő, ám azt mégis nehéz lenne megjósolni, hogy végül kié lesz a csinos drogüzlet.


Anyád napja

Anyád napja 2005


Charlotte végre megtalálta álmai férfiját. Vele együtt viszont megkapta rémálmai anyósát, Violát is, aki a televízió primadonnája volt míg a közelmúlban ki nem rúgták. Viola most attól retteg, hogy hamarosan elveszti a fiát, ahogy elvesztette imádott munkáját is. Elhatározza hát, hogy a világ legrosszabb anyósává alakulva örökre elijeszti Kevin újdonsült menyasszonyát. Charlie nem esik kétségbe, és úgy dönt, felveszi az elé vetett kesztyűt. Megkezdődik a harc, amelynek nem kisebb a tétje, mint hogy melyikük legyen a család Első Asszonya.



Sabrina 1995


A szerelem fura dolog. Linus Larrabee, az elfoglalt pénzmágnás határidőnaplójában nincs idő a szerelemre. De amikor aranyifjú öccse, David és a sofőr lánya, Sabrina között kialakuló kis románc veszélyeztetni látszik Linus egyik gondosan kimódolt üzleti tervét, szakít magának némi időt egy kis ármánykodásra. Csapni kezdi a szelet Sabrinának, azzal a szándékkal, hogy majd ejti a lányt, ha az üzlet megköttetett. De ember tervez, Ámor végez...



Sárkányszív 1996


Bowen, az Ősi Törvény lovagja kardforgatásra okítja Einon herceget. Amikor a herceg apját, a gonosz királyt megölik, a csatában Einon is halálos sebet kap. A királynő a Sárkány barlangjába viteti a fiát, ahol Draco, a sárkány felajánlja fél szívét a hercegnek, aki megesküszik, hogy igaz és jó király lesz. Csakhogy Einon még apjánál is gonoszabb és az elkeseredett Bowen ezt a sárkányszívnek tulajdonítja. Megfogadja, hogy addig nem nyugszik, amíg meg nem találja és el nem pusztítja a sárkányt. Ám a viadal váratlan fordulatot vesz, a két ádáz ellenfél barátságot köt egymással.


Amit nem akarsz tudni a szüleidről

Amit nem akarsz tudni a szüleidről 2019


Frank és Nancy akár mintaszülők is maradhattak volna, ha nem adósodnak el a végletekig. Hogy ne bukjanak le imádott lányuk, a kíváncsi szomszédság, a gyanakvó rokonság és a könyörtelen behajtók előtt, nincs más dolguk, mint pénzt keríteni – mindenáron.


Svihákok (A nyúl viszi a puskát)

Svihákok (A nyúl viszi a puskát) 2002


Dave, Jeff és Sam, a három főiskolás egész évben együtt lóg, bulizik és csajozik. A vizsgákra való felkészülés náluk a kérdőívek és megoldókulcsok simlis megszerzésére szorítkozik. Így volt ez sikeresen minden évben. Az utolsó és legfontosabb negyedikben azonban Dave végzetes hibát követ el. Egyik akciójuk közben flörtölni kezd szomszédjával, Angelával, akinek telefonszámát is megadja. Egy dolog elkerüli a figyelmét. A lánynak van egy titkos és kiszámíthatatlan rajongója, Ethan, aki rájön a csalásra és megzsarolja a fiúkat. Hallgatásáért a Dave-nek sem közömbös Angela megszerzését kéri cserébe.


Bilko főtörzs

Bilko főtörzs 1996


Újonc érkezett Bilko főtörzs szakaszába. A fegyelemhez és komolysághoz szokott katona döbbenten tapasztalja, hogy társai, parancsnokukkal az élen, a legkisebb szúnyogra is fogadást kötnek, s a körlet Las Vegas legextrémebb kaszinójával vetekszik. Egy nap azonban veszélybe kerül gondtalan életük, a Pentagon ellenőröket küld a bázisra, méghozzá Thorn őrnagy személyében, aki jó okkal, Bilko halálos ellensége. De Bilkónak nem ez a legnagyobb problémája, barátnője harminc napos ultimátumot adott: ha egy hónap elteltével nem kerül ujjára az aranygyűrű, Bilko ki van rúgva. A leleményes főtörzs azonnal akcióba lép.


Kincs ez a nő

Kincs ez a nő 1975


Freddie Biggars egyszer nagy vagyont fog örökölni, ezért nem véletlen, hogy széptevők egész hada ostromolja. Freddie-t azonban csak a jóképű Nicky Stumpo érdekli, akinek ugyan van már egy felesége, mégis megszökteti a lányt. Az akcióhoz szüksége van egy társra és egy kis zsarolás sem áll tőle távol: így eléri, hogy a nőtlen Oscar Sullivan feleségül vegye Freddie-t. A trió Kaliforniába utazik, ahol arra várnak, hogy érvénytelenítsék Nicky házasságát. Várakozás közben azonban a lány ráébred, hogy a két férfinak nem is annyira ő kell, mint inkább a pénze.


The Story of Ming Lan

The Story of Ming Lan 2018


The Story of Ming Lan, based on the novel written by Guan Xin Ze Luan, follows our heroine through her youth, into her adulthood, and well into her marriage life as well. She’s the 6th child of the Sheng household. Though she is an intelligent and beautiful child, she was not loved by her family (her dad, her sisters, her mom dies early.) She has to hide her intelligence and suffers through the years, hoping to avenge for her mom. During this process she will meet many friends and foes, one of which is our male lead, Gu’s second son, Gu Ting Ye. He has helped and mistreated her before, but also the one to witness her sharp wits and lonely soul. After they get married, they will work together as a power couple, managing the new King’s regime as well as harvesting a world of happiness on their own.



Minder 1979


This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.


Six Flying Dragons

Six Flying Dragons 2015


The ambitious success stories of 6 people surrounding Prince Lee Bang Won, and the ideological and political conflict between Prince Lee Bang Won and Jung Do Jeon, the man instrumental in helping King Taejo establish the fledgling Joseon nation.



Koreana 2010


Koreana or Jenna is a Filipino drama television series produced by GMA Network. It stars Kris Bernal, Saab Magalona, Steven Silva and Rocco Nacino. This series is directed by Gil Tejada, Jr. and premiered October 11, 2010 on GMA Haponalo block. The show also broadcast internationally through GMA Pinoy TV and premiered three days later, October 14, 2010, from the original airdate. The show concluded on February 25, 2011, comprising a total of one hundred episodes. On May 29, 2013 GMA Life TV airs its English-dubbed version worldwide.


Joy of Life

Joy of Life 2019


Zhang Qing, a present-day college student in culture and history major wants to study in professor Ye's postgraduate class, so he decides to write a historical fiction to elaborate his perspective of analyzing ancient literature history with modern concept. In the fiction, Zhang himself acts as a young man Fan Xian with mysterious life who lives in a remote seaside town of Kingdom Qing in his childhood, under the help of a mysterious mentor and a blindfolded watchman. Fan goes to the capital when he grows up, where he experiences plenty of ordeal and temper. Fan persists in adhering the rule of justice and goodness and lives his own glorious life.


Love Game in Eastern Fantasy

Love Game in Eastern Fantasy 2024


Pulled into the pages of a fantasy novel, a woman is shocked to find herself stuck in the role of a villain. Now, she must battle to rewrite her destiny.


Good Bye My Princess

Good Bye My Princess 2019


A love story revolves around the 9th Princess of Western Liang as she journeys to the Central Plains to fulfill a marriage alliance with the Crown Prince. Having received overwhelming love and admiration as the 9th Princess, Xiao Feng is forced to leave the life that she has known in order to become the Crown Princess. Her husband, the black-bellied Crown Prince, holds the highest position second only to one, the Emperor. However, the Eastern Palace is the most dangerous place to be. For political reasons, the Prince has no choice but to marry the Princess from a foreign land. He has his own favored concubine while she has her own life. Two parallel lines begin to intersect in a place fraught with danger and deadly power play and buried somewhere deep inside are memories that have yet to resurface.


Doctor Prisoner

Doctor Prisoner 2019


An ace doctor in a university hospital is wrongfully accused of a medical malpractice incident and gets ousted from the hospital. He then applies to work at a prison, where he plans to make personal connections with all the big shots in prison with the ultimate goal of getting revenge against the hospital that kicked him out.


The Glamorous Imperial Concubine

The Glamorous Imperial Concubine 2011


Ma Fuya is a princess of the Chu state in 10th-century imperial China during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. In this time of warring kingdoms and political upheaval, Fuya's uncle usurps the throne and brutally kills her father. Ma Fuya is left an orphan, and she escapes with the help of a eunuch. She also falls in love with Meng Qiyou, the Prince of Later Shu. He instead uses her as a political tool, and he brings her back into his kingdom. Many of his brothers are attracted to her, such as Meng Qixing and Meng Qiyun. Due to her resemblance as Meng Qiyun's mother, the Emperor also falls in love with her. Ma Fuya is forced to marry the Emperor, but the procession is interrupted by Liu Liancheng.


The Dark Lord

The Dark Lord 2018


Ye Xiao Tian is working as a prison guard at the Ministry of Justice of the Ming dynasty. Upon receiving a testament, he leaves the capital and travels to Huguang province. Due to a freak combination of factors, he ends up pretending to be a government official, but takes his “position” seriously and fights for justice, gaining the love of the people.


Doctor Stranger

Doctor Stranger 2014


As a child, Park Hoon and his dad were kidnapped and taken to North Korea. He grew up there, learning to be a doctor just like his father. When Park Hoon escapes back to South Korea and begins work at a prestigious hospital, he makes it his goal to earn enough money to go back to North Korea to rescue his true love. He'll do anything to find her, but then he meets and falls for a mysterious woman who looks exactly like her.


Bad Guys: Vile City

Bad Guys: Vile City 2017


Ordered to take down a villainous business leader who controls the city, a prosecutor gathers a team of men who may not be so clean themselves.


Jun Jiu Ling

Jun Jiu Ling 2021


On her wedding day, Chu Jiuling discovers her uncle, the Emperor, killed her father. Betrayed and nearly assassinated by her husband, she is rescued by a physician and takes on a new identity as Jun Jiuling. Using her medical skills and wit, she aids a noble family, infiltrates the capital, and uncovers political corruption while winning the people’s trust.


Secret Boutique

Secret Boutique 2019


Jenny Jang is poor and works at bathhouse in Gangnam, Seoul. She starts a new job as a housemaid for a conglomerate family. She becomes successful and then runs J Boutique. She also begins work as a lobbyist. Jenny Jang gets involved in an international city development project.


Felix the Cat

Felix the Cat 1958


Felix the Cat follows the offbeat adventures of that curious feline, Felix. Although he was quickly overshadowed by Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse, America's favorite cat still remains a classic.


Sword Snow Stride

Sword Snow Stride 2021


In a time of turmoil, Xu Xiao rises as King of Northern Liang, defeating threats from steppe kingdoms and southern uprisings. His heir, Xu Fengnian, a free-spirited warrior, has spent years mastering his skills while forming alliances, including with the skilled swordswoman Nangong Pushe. Among the royal household is Jiang Ni, a princess from a rival kingdom who may harbor hidden motives. As Xu Fengnian ascends the throne, doubts arise about his ability to uphold his father’s legacy. When a critical campaign looms, the fate of the realm hangs in the balance.


Princess at Large

Princess at Large 2018


Doctor Ji Xianyun is reborn as a princess in ancient times but has retained her knowledge from the modern world. She relies on her medical knowledge to survive. When she meets the pregnant prince Qi Lingxiao, a sweet and funny love story ensues.


Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar

Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar 2024


In 1940s British India, archnemeses Mallikajaan and Fareedan are locked in a battle of succession of Heeramandi, an elite house of courtesans, while seeds of rebellion take root in the world around them.


Heart of Loyalty

Heart of Loyalty 2021


Mo Yan is a quick-thinking, sharp-witted young aspiring thief, who wants to become the top robber in the field. But when a senior male associate is caught and imprisoned at a powerful court in Kaifeng, where Prince Ning Jin reigns. She decides to infiltrate the court to rescue the associate. But the Kaifeng court’s guardians are a formidable force, and their most outstanding star is the man known as the “Royal Cat” – Zhan Zhao. With impeccable chivalry and outstanding fighting skills, his reputation is second to none.


The Promise of Chang’an

The Promise of Chang’an 2020


Helan Mingyu, a bright young woman, forms a deep bond with the 9th Prince, Xiao Chengxu. Though they develop mutual feelings, fate intervenes—news of Chengxu’s death on the battlefield forces Mingyu to marry his older brother, King Xiao Chengrui. As Chengxu achieves military victories that strengthen the kingdom, Chengrui grows increasingly jealous. When the truth about Chengxu's mother's death emerges, Chengxu sets out to claim the throne and seek justice.