
Örökség 2018


Miután Ellen, a Graham család nagymamája meghal, lánya egyre több megmagyarázhatatlan eseménnyel szembesül anyja múltjából. Minél többet fedeznek fel az elhunyt asszony életéből, annál baljósabb változások következnek be a család élő tagjainak életében.


The Miniaturist

The Miniaturist 2017


A woman moves to live with her new husband in 17th century Amsterdam, but soon discovers that not everything is what it seems. Based on the adaptation by Jessie Burton.


Best In Miniature

Best In Miniature 2022


Best in Miniature welcomes 11 highly skilled artists from across the world to compete in the ultimate challenge: building their dream home in miniature form. The competitors will create their houses, in painstaking detail, room by room by shrinking life-size objects to 1:12 scale. While the objects may be small in stature, the stakes could not be higher.


The Great Big Tiny Design Challenge

The Great Big Tiny Design Challenge 2022


Sandi Toksvig presents a brand-new competition series that puts the miniature making skills of 10 amateur crafters from across Britain to the test. Over eight episodes, the crafters must transform a derelict mini mansion into the ultimate fantasy house.