Hívatlanok 2. - Éjjeli préda

Hívatlanok 2. - Éjjeli préda 2018


Egy négytagú család pár nap nyugodt kikapcsolódást remélve kibérel egy faházat egy elhagyatott kempingben. Meglepődve látják, hogy rajtuk kívül senki sincs ott. Amikor az éjszaka közepén valaki bekopogtat az ajtajukon, vérfagyasztó események veszik kezdetét. A családnak minden testi- és lelkierejét be kell vetnie, hogy túléljék a rejtélyes szadista idegenek támadásait, akiknek egyetlen céljuk, hogy kiirtsák a megfélemlített famíliát.


Mystery Music Show: King of Mask Singer

Mystery Music Show: King of Mask Singer 2015


Competitors are given elaborate masks to wear in order to conceal their identity, thus removing factors such as popularity, career and age that could lead to prejudiced voting. In the first round, a pair of competitors sing the same song, while in the second and third rounds they each sing a solo song. After the First Generation, the winner of the Third Round goes on to challenge the Mask King, and is either eliminated or replaces the previous Mask King through live voting. The identities of the singers are not revealed unless they have been eliminated.


The Masked Singer Azerbaijan

The Masked Singer Azerbaijan 2023


The first edition of the Azerbaijani version of the internationally licensed show "Mask", which is broadcast in more than 50 countries, was shown on Public Television. There are 12 masks in the program and behind each of them some Azerbaijani celebrity is hidden: "Participants come together on the principle of confrontation. Voting determines who stays in the show and who unmasks. The masks are so secret that even the family members do not know about their participation in this show."