Amerikai irodalom

Amerikai irodalom 2023


Az Amerikai irodalom Percival Everett Erasure című regényén alapszik, mely egy elkeseredett afroamerikai íróról, Monkról (Jeffrey Wright) szól, aki annak ellenére, hogy kritikailag többnyire pozitív visszajelzéseket kap, anyagilag sokkal kevésbé sikeresek a könyvei. Az viszont tény, hogy részéről hiányzik is az igyekezet, ugyanis már teljesen elege van abból, hogy minden második (afro)amerikai bestseller a feketék identitását vizsgálja történelmi vagy szubkulturális szempontból. Egy nap azonban úgy dönt, hogy meghackeli a rendszert: álnéven, egy menekült bűnöző identitását magára öltve ír egy olyan "önéletrajzi" regényt, mely minden előbb említett konvenciónak megfelel. Meglepetésére (?) a regényt felkapja a média, sőt még arra az irodalmi díjra is esélyes, ahol Monk a zsűri tagja.


Egy év múlva az oltár előtt

Egy év múlva az oltár előtt 2015


Trista karrierista tehetségkutató ügynök, Viviane sikeres újságíró, Amaya pedig küszködő színésznő, Miután részt vesznek a barátnőjük esküvőjén, megállapodnak, hogy egy éven belül mindhárman férjhez mennek. Ám a barátnőknek több kihívással is szembe kell nézniük: Trista nem tette túl magát az exén, Viviane titokban szerelmes a gyermeke apjába, Amaya pedig szakítani akar a barátjával, mert boldogtalan vele, és a házasságuk is az lenne. Minden nő nagy álmokat dédelget, de eljutnak-e az oltárig?


Fatal Attraction

Fatal Attraction 2013


Each pulse-pounding hour-long episode centers around an incredible and dangerous romance. Shocking crime, kidnapping or even murder is only half of the story! In the end, the “true love” that draws these couples together isn’t the kind that celebrates silver anniversaries – instead it leads to cross-country manhunts, bizarre cover-ups and dramatic trials. Driven by powerful, real-life stories, Fatal Attraction weaves together intimate, first-person interviews, exclusive interrogation footage and rare archival material. Along the way, it gives you a glimpse into the dark heart of a dangerous romance. Listen as the key players, family of the survivors and those that investigated the horrific crimes reveal the secrets to each sordid tale. Fatal Attraction… because love doesn’t just hurt, it can kill!


Beyond the Gates

Beyond the Gates 2025


In a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington D.C. is one the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here, you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home. At the center are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family, the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those that live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work and play. Those who have 'made it' and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life... and some with more grace than others


For My Man

For My Man 2015


A true crime series featuring the salacious and shocking stories of women who have been arrested for a crime they did in the name of love. From a killing spree across the mid-west to being an inside informant at the DEA and from murdering an unsupportive mother to robbing fifteen banks in under a year, these women have no limits as to how far they’ll go for their men.



Boarders 2024


Brace yourselves - the new kids are here. Five talented black scholarship students, and an elite private school with a reputation problem. One of them will have to change...


Celebrity Crime Files

Celebrity Crime Files 2012


Diving deep into the heart of black entertainment's most perplexing mysteries, this investigative series exposes the hidden truths and untold stories behind the controversies that have rocked the African-American celebrity world.



Payback 2022


Whether it's a cheating ex, a double-crossing co-worker, or the best friend who stabbed you in the back, it's human instinct to want to get even. Though most people don't act on this impulse, there are those who are consumed with getting even. For them, what starts as a nagging bitterness evolves into obsession and results in murder. This true crime documentary series profiles those stories of revenge, told through gripping interviews with the family members, community members, and law enforcement who experienced the events firsthand.


Number One on the Call Sheet

Number One on the Call Sheet 2025


Some of Hollywood's biggest stars reveal their journeys to game-changing leading roles. In candid interviews, they shine a light on the highs and lows of their craft, breakthrough moments, blueprints for success, and the next generation's huge potential.



English 1970


"The Montice Harmon Show" appears to be an endeavor that seeks to explore the complex issues of today's society, politics, and Black culture, while also highlighting the importance of complying with the laws of love and unity.