Arthur Lange Ez Hollywood (Hollywoodi rejtelmek) The Americans Come The Mad Magician Woman on the Run Belle of the Yukon 99 River Street Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Japanese War Bride Lady of Burlesque És akkor jött Jones The Great Victor Herbert The Warrior's Husband My Weakness Texas, Brooklyn & Heaven Wife, Doctor and Nurse Cry Danger Bermuda Mystery The Magnificent Brute Támaszpont Call Her Savage Lost in Alaska Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm A nagy Ziegfeld Nő az ablak mögött Millie They Came to Blow Up America A Woman Commands This Is the Night This Is My Affair The Steel Lady Hello, Sister! A máltai sólyom Belle of the Yukon It's Everybody's War The Lottery Lover Stand Up and Cheer! Marie Galante Broadway Bad Délnyugati átjáró Freighters of Destiny Felvonulás / Kavalkád On the Avenue Suicide Fleet Rackety Rax A Woman of Experience Quiet Please, Murder Casanova Brown The Tip-Off Now I'll Tell It's A Small World The Big Gamble The Mysterious Island Manhattan Serenade The Death Kiss Ring of Fear The Lady Says No Éjszaka az úton The Golden West Let Freedom Ring Lady with a Past Our Modern Maidens State Fair The Gang's All Here Ez Hollywood (Hollywoodi rejtelmek) Prima Donna