Terence Rigby A holnap markában Anyone for Denis Szép remények Essex Boys The Homecoming Mona Lisa mosolya No Man's Land The Strange Case of Delfina Potocka Doktor zsiványok Gesztenye, a honalapító The Sign of Four Lace 2 Who Bombed Birmingham? Girl on the M1 The Student Prince Egy lövés a fejbe, öt a testbe Öld meg Cartert! Accident High Tide England, My England Botrány Flick Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War Funny Bones Kubrick menet Testimony The Muscle Market Simon Magus The Mayor's Charity The Falklands Factor Kisvárosi gyilkosságok Crossroads Heartbeat Rumpole of the Bailey Az Angyal Callan The Beiderbecke Connection Lovejoy The Beiderbecke Affair Edward and Mrs Simpson Van der Valk The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes No Hiding Place Airline Anyone for Denis? Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy The Hound of the Baskervilles Softly Softly: Task Force Dixon of Dock Green Softly Softly: Task Force Public Eye Our Friends in the North Lace Dixon of Dock Green Armchair Thriller Play for Today Common As Muck Armchair Theatre Play for Today Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years