Tommy Duggan Ómen Happy Ever After Ne nous fâchons pas The Belles of St. Trinian's Dead Man's Evidence Diadalmas szerelem Senza ragione Gorgo The Adding Machine Lady Godiva Rides Again A szentév The Eyes Don't Bother to Knock A nagy zsákmány Superman 2. Coplan prend des risques Dangerous Moonlight There Was a Young Lady Thunder Rock And the Same to You Les Séducteurs Superman II.: A Richard Donner-változat Tarzan the Magnificent Time Flies Ómen III.: Végső leszámolás A Lady és az útonálló Doctor Who: The Mind of Evil Good-Time Girl Fury at Smugglers' Bay The Fur Collar Father Ted Az Angyal Dixon of Dock Green The Buccaneers Interpol Calling The Adventures of Sir Lancelot Lillie Schlitz Playhouse of Stars The Adventures of William Tell International Detective Colonel March of Scotland Yard The Third Man Ki vagy, doki? Az Angyal