Jeff Morrow A Metaluna IV nem válaszol Kenyeres pajtások The Giant Claw A palást The Story of Ruth Kronos The Creature Walks Among Us Octaman Captain Lightfoot The First Texan Attila, a hunok királya Copper Sky Tanganyika The Siege at Red River Five Bold Women Flight to Tangier World in My Corner Blood Legacy Il giovane normale Harbor Lights Hour of Decision Fugitive Lovers Elvira's Movie Macabre: Legacy of Blood Cheyenne Alkonyzóna Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. Perry Mason Studio One General Electric Theater Hallmark Hall of Fame Alkonyzóna Union Pacific Daniel Boone Police Story The Millionaire The Virginian Search Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Climax! The 20th Century Fox Hour Judd for the Defense Matinee Theater You Are There The Philco Television Playhouse The Rifleman Cavalcade of America Crossroads Frontier Official Detective Letter to Loretta General Electric Theater Letter to Loretta Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Schlitz Playhouse of Stars The Chevy Mystery Show Daniel Boone The Name of the Game The Name of the Game Perry Mason Perry Mason Temperatures Rising