Laurie Johnson Dr. Strangelove, avagy rájöttem, hogy nem kell félni a bombától, meg is lehet szeretni I'm the Girl He Wants to Kill Death in Deep Water Az utolsó valcer Mr. Jerico Mr. Jerico Tvingad att leva Kockán nyert szerelem The Next Scream You Hear Screamer A kegyetlen nő The Colour of Blood Possession The Eyes Have It Spell of Evil Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are One Deadly Owner K is for Killing Ring Once for Death In the Steps of a Dead Man A Coffin for the Bride Sign it Death Death to Sister Mary The Next Voice You See A Killer With Two Faces Where the Action Is Good Salary, Prospects, Free Coffin A Killer in Every Corner The Crazy Kill Murder Motel A Midsummer Nightmare Streets of Legend Hedda The Maids The Beauty Jungle Operation Bullshine Girls at Sea East of Sudan Once the Killing Starts Emberek a holdban No Trees in the Street Sleepwalker Tigris-öböl Szívek párbaja Kannibál bébik szigete Dial a Deadly Number ...és hamarosan a sötétség Night is the Time For Killing Won't Write Home, Mom–I'm Dead The Firechasers Krónosz kapitány, a vámpírvadász An Echo of Theresa Kill Two Birds You Must Be Joking Hot Millions Only a Scream Away Diagnosis: Murder Someone at the Top of the Stairs Titok Monte Carlóban Titok Monte Carlóban A Lady és az útonálló Szívek párbaja The Moonraker It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet