Victor Kilian Különös eset Dr. Cyclops Tom Sawyer kalandjai Shakedown Stars in My Crown Tűz és íj Dust Be My Destiny I Shot Jesse James Little Giant Tovarich Western Union Only Angels Have Wings Arat a vihar Belle of the Yukon A merénylet Hitler's Madman The Forgotten City of the Planet of the Apes Torrid Zone The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mob Town A Karib-tenger kalózai Riffraff Colorado földjén Convict's Code The Music Goes 'Round Gold Diggers in Paris Ramona Rimfire The League of Frightened Men It Happened in Hollywood Secrets of the Lone Wolf The Wyoming Bandit The Girl Friend The Public Menace Air Hawks Tugboat Annie Sails Again Out West with the Peppers Atlantic Adventure Little Old New York Face to Face The Bandit Queen Paris Honeymoon It's All Yours Prison Break Lady from Nowhere Bad Boy Chad Hanna Northwest Stampede The Road to Glory Banjo on My Knee Vér és homok One Too Many Yellow Sky Arsenic and Old Lace The Cheat After the Dance Before Morning Old Hickory King of the Lumberjacks Aranyváros Never Say Die The Return of the Cisco Kid Blackmail Uncertain Glory Meet Me in St. Louis Bomber's Moon The Showdown Miracle Money Minden és ráadásul az ég Young Tom Edison Abe Lincoln in Illinois Atlantic Convoy The Mark of Zorro Frank James visszatér Út Santa Fébe Fair Warning Sergeant York City for Conquest 'Til We Meet Again Florian They Knew What They Wanted Artistic Temper Gentlemen of the Press The Old Frontier Wrongorilla Boys Town Clues to Adventure Barbary Coast Gent The Story That Couldn't Be Printed A Date with the Falcon I Was a Prisoner on Devil's Island Seventh Heaven Unknown World A Notre Dame-i toronyőr The Fighting Guardsman Reign of Terror No Way Out Elbűvölve The Tall Target Bedside Manner Dangerous Passage Invisible Stripes Marie Antoinette Adventure in Manhattan Johnny Come Lately Párbaj a napon The Wiser Sex Planet of the Apes Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman The Brady Bunch All in the Family The Jeffersons Gunsmoke All in the Family