Allan Arbus A Las Vegas-i lovas Coffy W.C. Fields and Me Önkéntesek Marha nagy kalamajka The Young Nurses Útkereszteződések Hey, Let's Twist! The Lie Gangster Wars In Dark Places Scream, Pretty Peggy Lieberman in Love The Law Young Lust The Last Married Couple in America Greaser's Palace Putney Swope When He's Not a Stranger Daniel and the Towers Americathon Law and Disorder Judgment: The Trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Ómen II.: Damien Chief Zabu A Fighting Choice The Christian Licorice Store From the Hip M*A*S*H: 30th Anniversary Reunion Támadás Entebbe-nél Don Camillo Law and Order Cinderella Liberty Cisco Pike Stalk the Wild Child Megőrülök érted Esküdt ellenségek M*A*S*H L.A. Law Starsky és Hutch The Odd Couple Amy-nek ítélve Matlock Hawaii Five-O Quincy, M.E. The Mod Squad Cagney & Lacey Wonder Woman Félig üres Hunter Here's Boomer Here Come the Brides The Gangster Chronicles The Tony Randall Show Brooklyn Bridge Working Stiffs The Four Seasons Archer Rockford nyomoz Stat M*A*S*H M*A*S*H New York rendőrei The Odd Couple