John Cromwell Három nő Ann Vickers Esküvő Top Secret Affair Street of Chance Abe Lincoln in Illinois The Mighty The Dummy The Goddess Gyanúba keveredve Algiers A kis lord The Racket In Name Only The Company She Keeps Caged Since You Went Away Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin Blake Anna and the King of Siam The Enchanted Cottage Ann Vickers Abe Lincoln in Illinois The Prisoner of Zenda Örök szolgaság Spitfire Holtomiglan, holtodiglan The Scavengers Jalna The Silver Cord The Dance of Life Village Tale Banjo on My Knee Scandal Sheet Tom Sawyer Night Song Double Harness Sweepings This Man Is Mine The Vice Squad For the Defense Unfaithful So Ends Our Night I Dream Too Much The Fountain Street of Chance Close Harmony To Mary - with Love Victory Night Song Guest in the House The Texan The World and the Flesh The Mighty A Matter of Morals Watchtower Over Tomorrow Rich Man's Folly Studio One Studio One