Bosco Hogan Zardoz Foxglove Mirage Stailc 1913 Screamtime Isaac A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Tara Road VIVA Count Dracula Taffin - Piszkos munka Miss Morison's Ghosts Az utolsó párbaj Arthur király The Rockingham Shoot Apám nevében August Saturday Exposure Jack B. Yeats: Associated Memories 1871-1957 The Treaty We Have Always Lived in the Castle Race for Survival Citizen Lane The Outsider Anne Devlin Őt is anya szülte Samuel Beckett: As the Story Was Told The Legion Fugitive Cúl an Tí Evelyn Recoil Ballykissangel Vikingek Tudorok Act of Betrayal Count Dracula Borgiák Scarlet kisasszony és a Herceg Vikingek: Valhalla Waking the Dead Sense and Sensibility Tudorok No Tears A Taste for Death Meghökkentő mesék Meghökkentő mesék