Thelma Connell Paul and Michelle Geordie The Belles of St. Trinian's A domb I See a Dark Stranger The Night We Got the Bird Gyilkos fehérben Ébresztő a halottnak The Buttercup Chain Imbarco a mezzanotte Tale of Three Women A Dandy in Aspic Captain Boycott In Which We Serve London Belongs to Me Vakrémület Ring of Spies The Mudlark Island of Terror Dr. Terror's House of Horrors The Amorous Prawn Alfie - Szívtelen szívtipró Végtelen éjszaka Csak kétszer élsz Folly to Be Wise Operation: Daybreak Maria Marusjka The Rake's Progress The Appointment Lady Godiva Rides Again The Pure Hell of St. Trinian's A vadon szava Only Two Can Play