David Clarke A nagy St. Louis-i bankrablás A placebo Hajszál híján Ádám bordája Abandoned Stopposok Saint Tropez-ben Edge of the City The House on Telegraph Hill A coloradói férfi The Boy with Green Hair The Long Night The Set-Up Intruder in the Dust Foreign Agent A Gentleman After Dark Red Canyon A jónevű senki, avagy a stróman Odds Against Tomorrow Raw Deal Aszfaltdzsungel Skag Thieves' Highway Woman in Hiding A pisztolyhős The Red Badge of Courage Iwo Jima fövenye Wake of the Red Witch The Deadly Game The Blonde Bandit Killer McCoy Illegal Entry Too Late for Tears Kivégzős A Lady Without Passport Reunion in France The Doolins of Oklahoma The Outriders Route 66 Naked City Wonder Woman The Waltons Robert Montgomery Presents Tallahassee 7000